Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 73 The Future of the Association

After hearing Ling Yi's positioning of the blacksmith, Lou Gao felt like he could see the sun from the clouds.

Before that, and even for the rest of his life in the original timeline, Lou Gao was thinking about how to make the blacksmith profession a group that was as respected and valued as soul masters.

But what Ling Yi said at this moment told him that we are respected soul masters.

Yes, Lou Gao suddenly realized that blacksmiths, especially blacksmiths above the intermediate level, are often held by soul masters.

He, Lou Gao, is now the Soul King, one step away from the Soul Emperor. His master, Tie Futu, is the only divine craftsman in the world, and is a soul saint-level being who stands in the eighth realm of soul masters!

[Shuimu Principality] The three major craftsmen, Master Jingang is the Soul Master, Blacksmith Li Qiang and Master Fu Shan are both Soul Masters!

And the monster-like thirteen-year-old blacksmith Ling Yi in front of him is now also a first-ring soul master!

Thirteen years old! When Lou Gao was twenty years old, he became a master blacksmith only after his master's careful instruction and his diligent practice day after day, forgetting sleep and food.

The cultivation of martial souls and soul power, the hunting of soul rings, the practice and mastery of soul skills, the learning of various forging techniques, the memory recitation and absorption of different metal properties...

Each of these items, which one does not require a lot of time?

After calming down his inner turmoil, Lou Gao asked: "Then... what should we do? Is it to change the blacksmiths' forging philosophy and focus on defensive instruments? But like this..."

"Of course not!" Ling Yi shook his head and interrupted without waiting for Lou Gao to finish: "This will only disrupt the stable lives of today's blacksmiths, but will not make them better -"

"Then..." Lou Gao looked at Ling Yi eagerly, waiting for his next words.

In response, Ling Yi spoke again and seriously raised a question to Lou Gao: "Brother, do you want to improve the respect and importance of the blacksmith profession, or do you want to improve the level of every blacksmith in this fight? What’s your status on Luo Continent?”


Lou Gao was stunned when he asked Ling Yi this question. He seemed to have never considered this question.

But now, under Ling Yi's gaze, Lou Gao began to think, asking himself in his heart what kind of goal he was pursuing.

After a moment, Lou Gao raised his head, looked into Ling Yi's black and white eyes, and replied in a deep voice: "I hope that the profession of blacksmith will be accepted by everyone on Douluo Continent, whether it is an ordinary person, a soul master, or a first-ring soul Master, Soul Saint, Soul Douluo, or even..."

Speaking of this, Lou Gao swallowed his throat that had become dry for some time, gritted his teeth, and continued: "Even Titled Douluo! When it comes to the profession of blacksmith, they will also pay a certain amount of attention, and they can be equal Treat us like—!!"

Hearing Lou Gao's words, Ling Yi smiled, not at ridicule, nor at Lou Gao's whims, but with a smile of encouragement and recognition. It was very sunny and heart-warming, and gave Lou Gao a way to continue talking. motivation.

"As for~"

Under Ling Yi's bright smile, Lou Gao continued: "As for every blacksmith, to be honest, even my master, the president of Douluo Continent [Blacksmith Association] and the only master craftsman in the world, can't If we do it, we don’t even dare to think about improving the status of every blacksmith——!”


When Ling Yi heard Lou Gao's heartfelt words, he clapped his hands at the right time. While clapping his hands, he smiled and said: "Senior brother Lou Gao, your realization really makes me feel sincere. Admiration and shame——"

After saying that, Ling Yi's face straightened, and he continued: "As for the improvement of the status of each blacksmith~"

"I have always believed that people must rely on themselves!"

When the words came out, Ling Yi looked solemn and serious:

"We can create an excellent external environment for them and give them a promising channel for advancement, but we cannot forcefully help everyone grow and become stronger!"

"Yes!" Lou Gao nodded in agreement: "I think so too. Everyone's talents are different, and the levels they can reach are naturally different. It is impossible for me to force a powerful soul master to fight against a powerful soul master. A blacksmith apprentice, a mid-level or low-level blacksmith, pays equal attention to a soul master of the same level..."

"So~" Lou Gao looked at Ling Yi expectantly and asked word by word: "Junior brother, do you have any plans for the blacksmith professional group?"

"Both aspects~"

Facing Lou Gao's longing eyes, Ling Yi leisurely raised his hand and made a fist, raised his index finger, made a 'one' gesture, and said lightly: "First, all blacksmiths need the spiritual sustenance of a leader. When communicating with others, this leader can be like a famous poster, one that people won’t dare to neglect once they hear it!”

"Leader... spiritual sustenance... famous post..." Lou Gao whispered softly, repeating several nouns in Ling Yi's words.

Without saying much, Lou Gao suppressed the curiosity in his heart and asked: "Then... what about the second one?"


Ling Yi changed his gestures, raised his middle and index fingers, and continued to face Lou Gao: "All blacksmiths need to be further integrated to form a relatively close relationship."

"Integration? Close relationship?" Lou Gao frowned slightly. He felt a little confused. He seemed to understand what Ling Yi was talking about, but he was still a little unsure. He always felt that he had not grasped some key points.

After thinking about it, Lou Gao felt that his mind was in turmoil at the moment, causing his brain to think a little slowly, so he no longer forced himself to think, and instead directly asked Ling Yi for advice: "Junior brother, please explain these two points to me in detail. , what does it mean, and what should we do-"

With that said, Lou Gao stood up from the recliner, stood a few steps in front of Ling Yi, and was about to bow.

Before Lou Gao could bend down, Ling Yi jumped up instantly, grabbed Lou Gao's arm, and held him firmly.

He released and then contracted the strength in his hands, and then led Lou Gao to sit on the recliner again. Ling Yi shook his head and said: "Brother, why do you have to do this? Since I have spoken, I will naturally tell you everything I want to say." …”

After finishing speaking, Ling Yi paused for a moment and spoke again: "Let's talk about the first aspect first~"

"The so-called leader and spiritual leader's words are intended to find a powerful being who can become a spokesperson and a famous poster for our blacksmith!

When we talk to other forces or some powerful soul masters, this spokesperson is a backer behind us, a being who cannot easily bully us! "

"Brother, think about it, if there is a titled Douluo in our [Blacksmiths Association], then no matter which force it is, they will be concerned about the existence of this titled Douluo, and then give our [Blacksmiths Association] a certain amount of respect and attention. !”

Hearing this, Lou Gao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, if there is a titled Douluo in their [Blacksmith Association], then even [Martial Spirit Hall] and [Haotian Sect], the two top forces in the Douluo Continent, will not arbitrarily interact with [Blacksmith] under normal circumstances. Association] What disputes and conflicts arise.

As for the two major empires and other relatively weaker forces, it is even less possible for them to shout around and boss around the [Blacksmiths Association] and his master, the divine craftsman Tiefutu, as they did before. Got it!


The light in Lou Gao's eyes only lasted for a short time, and then fell silent again, and said in a dumb voice: "How is this possible?"

Yes~how is that possible? That's a Titled Douluo~ In the entire Douluo Continent, apart from a few top forces such as [Martial Spirit Hall], [Haotian Sect], and [Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family], there are probably Titled Douluo who are wandering around. Not even counting on five fingers!

Even the [Tian Dou Empire] and the [Xing Luo Empire], the official officials of the two empires, do not have titled Douluo.

As far as Julou Gao knows, the [Xing Luo Empire] is only the royal family [White Tiger·Dai Family], and [Civet·Zhu Family], has a martial soul fusion skill that can erupt into Title Douluo level battles in a short period of time. Just strength.

Therefore, how can a mere [Blacksmith Association] have a titled Douluo-level existence as its backer?

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