Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 74 Find someone to speak for you

[Blacksmith Association] Is there anything that can attract a Titled Douluo-level being to be willing to serve in the association?


Ren Lougao was thinking a lot, but he couldn't think of any bargaining chip that his [Blacksmiths Association] could use to demote a titled Douluo Yuzun and become one of the third-rate forces in the Douluo Continent, even if Be the leader!

Lou Gao believes that if a titled Douluo is willing to sincerely join the [Blacksmith Association] and is willing to protect the members of the association, his master, the divine craftsman Tie Futu, will definitely be willing to give up his position as president!

Even if he, Lou Gao, becomes the president in the future, as long as there is an opportunity that can change the fate of the blacksmith profession, he is just the president, and he, Lou Gao, can let it go!


The cost of recruiting a titled Douluo cannot be paid by him, nor can the divine craftsman Tie Futu, nor the [Blacksmiths Association] can pay for it!

For a titled Douluo, unless there is some extremely heavy favor or deep friendship, there are almost no forces in the Douluo Continent that can make a titled Douluo sacrifice his life.

Even in the [Martial Spirit Hall], every Titled Douluo is given enough respect, and an Elder Hall is specially established, which is still above the Pope's Hall. As a place for Titled Douluo to stay, it can recruit a He became a free-born titled Douluo and became the elder of [Martial Spirit Hall].

[Martial Spirit Hall], the recognized number one force in the Douluo Continent, is even more powerful than the [Haotian Sect], which has the ninety-ninth level peerless Douluo Tang Chen and is known as the number one sect in the world!

Only such a force can be almost invincible when it comes to recruiting Titled Douluo-level experts.

Under this, neither the [Haotian Sect], nor the [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family], nor the two major empires can recruit a free titled Douluo!

If you were to ask who has the most experience in recruiting free spirit masters on the Douluo Continent, apart from the [Martial Spirit Hall], it is a sect called the [Seven Treasures Glazed Sect].

[Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect], the direct members of the sect are the Ning clan, and the martial soul is the auxiliary system of the "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda". In terms of the martial soul amplification effect alone, it is the top in the mainland!

Since all members of the direct lineage are auxiliary soul masters, the way to survive requires cooperation with combat soul masters. Therefore, since the ancestors of the Ning family founded the [Seven Treasures Glazed Sect] with their spouses, they have established their ancestral precepts, and all descendants of the Ning family have , the other half of the spouse must be a combat soul master with powerful force!

Just like Ning Mofan, the contemporary leader of the [Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect], his three wives are one assault-type war soul saint and two control-type war soul saints!

With the help of Ning Mofan, who is also a Soul Saint, the four of them can face the strongest Soul Douluo without falling behind. Ordinary Soul Douluo can even defeat them!

Not to mention, the previous generation's sect leader and sect leader's spouse are still alive. Although the Ning family has been unable to break through level 80 due to congenital defects in their martial arts and has been stuck at level 79 soul saint, their spouses can continue to practice. , becoming Contra is not a problem.

Therefore, even though the main lineage is an auxiliary lineage of soul masters, [Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect] is still one of the first-class forces on Douluo Continent, second only to [Martial Spirit Hall], [Haotian Sect], and [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family] ], as well as the top forces of the two empires, are as famous as the [White Armor Earth Dragon Sect], [Elephant Armor Sect] and other forces with Contra, and are even faintly stronger!

With his thoughts diverging here, Lou Gao had to admit that they [Blacksmith Association], on the one hand, did not have such a powerful auxiliary martial spirit as the "Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda", and on the other hand, they did not have the ability to marry or marry someone who had the potential to cultivate the soul. Douluo, and even the direct descendants of the titled Douluo Tianjiao Seed...


Lou Gao was excited, and suddenly looked at Ling Yi with glowing eyes, especially Ling Yi's extraordinary handsome face, looking up and down.

While looking at it, he made a "tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk" sound.

Ling Yi, who felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Lou Gao, shook his body awkwardly, took two steps back without leaving any trace, and sat on a recliner that had been vacant for a long time, showing an awkward yet polite smile.

After a pause, seeing that Lou Gao still had the same smile with a hint of arrogance, Ling Yi had no choice but to speak again: "Senior brother, although we can't recruit Titled Douluo now, we can make good friends with Titled Douluo. A little help from the other party's reputation can boost the self-confidence of all the blacksmiths——"

"Just like 'Haotian Douluo' Tang Chen, everyone knows that Haotian Mian's "Haotian Hammer" has unmatched divine power. The "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" is also famous in the mainland with his achievements. , who wouldn’t be in awe after hearing this——? ! "

"Your Majesty Haotian?" Lou Gao was brought back from his thoughts that were drifting further and further by Ling Yi's words. His expression became serious again, and he frowned and thought about the meaning of this name: "[Haotian Sect] The Tang family is not easy to get along with." And the forces, just like their martial spirit "Haotian Hammer", are all strong and domineering, and their arrogance is not inferior to the old top force [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family]! "

"If they find out that our [Blacksmiths Association] dares to borrow Haotian Mian's reputation, I'm afraid that within a few days, they will be able to go to 'Gengxin City' and directly demolish the [Blacksmiths Association General Headquarters] headquarters—" —!"

“It’s not a big problem~”

Although Lou Gao said something more serious, Ling Yi still looked calm and analyzed calmly: "I believe that with the dazzling light under the Haotian crown, those descendants of the Tang family in [Haotian Sect] will definitely practice diligently." "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique", and among these people there will definitely be those who are interested in forging——"

"And we don't need to tell the world about Haotian Mian, we just need to publicize one of the most powerful casting techniques of our blacksmith, the "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique".

When the descendant of the Tang family becomes famous on the mainland, if he is still interested in forging, he might as well give him the title of a master craftsman. Presumably, he will take advantage of his innate advantages of the Tang family's "Haotian Hammer" and the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique". "His attainments in metal tempering should not give him the reputation of a master craftsman and discredit the word master craftsman——"

"Uh-" Lou Gao blinked and looked at Ling Yi blankly. He thought of the letter Taitan sent to his master, and also thought of his master's reply there.

It turns out that the master had already thought of this?

At this moment, Lou Gao had great admiration for his master's far-sightedness, and he was even more convinced by the younger brother in front of him who could view the problem from the same perspective as his master craftsman and the president of the [Blacksmiths Association] stand up.

The Iron Buddha Tower, thousands of miles away, suddenly shuddered at this moment.

Not paying attention to Lou Gao's thoughts, Ling Yi continued his performance.

"But borrowing from others is not reliable enough after all. We still have to rely on ourselves~" Ling Yi said this with a serious expression and looked at Lou Gao with scary eyes: "Only the strong ones we have cultivated ourselves can truly be strong." Look at the problem from the perspective of a blacksmith and think for the benefit of the blacksmith——"

"It's just that the growth of strong people takes time, and what we should do now is to create a hotbed suitable for the birth of strong people, help those potential civilian soul masters, and provide them with a job that belongs to us on their way to growth. [Blacksmiths Association]'s assistance.

In this way, even if the other party does not reach a high level in the end, it is still a friendly relationship that is beneficial to the blacksmith and the [Blacksmith Association]...

Who can guarantee that the children of these civilian soul masters will not give birth to a genius with the qualifications to become a titled Douluo?

As the old saying goes, a golden phoenix can fly out of a mountain nest——! "

"When we [Blacksmith Association] have many Soul Saints and many Soul Douluo, our [Blacksmith Association] will be the first-class force on Douluo Continent!

When we have Titled Douluo, we can have dignity in front of those top forces! "

"Senior brother, the blacksmith forging should not delay the [Blacksmith Association]'s training of civilian soul masters who are friendly to us, let alone make friends with those strong single soul masters -"

Listening to Ling Yi's inspiring words, Lou Gao was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He quickly asked: "Then, junior brother, the second aspect you mentioned before, about further integration and closer contact, what should we do?"

Facing the anxious Lou Gao, Ling Yi smiled: "Senior brother, do you know...the Great Soul Fighting Arena?"

Lou Gao looked confused: "Ah——?"

Thanks to the book friends [We are all gray-headed in the snow early in the morning, Zhang Mufeng う, Just like the snow between the eyebrows, Lying drunk in the sky looking at the stars, Li Zhishu, Book Friends 20221017212831752, Death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves_ea, Book Friends 20230117002214680, Fusheng Fireworks, [Pencil Life]] voted for the monthly vote, thank you to the book friends [Haotian Jinque Miluo Tianxuan Qiong Gao God, book friends 20200207103406755, book friends 20200502044754050, eating cats, standing on the street reading, book friends 150613102006356, distant mountain king, one sword and three Sheng Lian, The Fish-loving Commander, The Black Sheep Ma, Yu Si, Book Friends 20190331194509587] for the reward, thank you all book friends for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading, thank you all! ! ! (*^▽^*)

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