Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 72 Blacksmith Positioning

"For more than 70% of the soul masters on Douluo Continent, a defensive instrument is always more popular than a weapon!"

When he said this, Ling Yi's eyebrows were filled with strong confidence.

When he heard Ling Yi's categorical judgment, Lou Gao couldn't help but turn serious. His round figure, which was originally a bit funny and couldn't get up, suddenly became lighter. He sat up and looked straight in the eyes. Looking at Ling Yi sitting on the ground in front of him.

Ling Yi had a smile on his face, his eyes became sharp as he stared at the old god, his eyes were unhurried and his tone was convincing and contagious:

"Senior Brother Lou Gao, you should know the status of a soul master in Douluo Continent.

Each of us, after awakening the martial spirit at the age of six, will have a martial spirit that is unique to us, either a beast martial spirit or a weapon martial spirit! "

"For the vast majority of soul masters, Wuhun is the best and most suitable weapon for them!"

"Although some weapon souls may not be as good as the hundred-forged weapons made by blacksmiths or even high-level blacksmiths at the beginning, as the strength of the soul master increases and the blessing of the soul ring, even the most ordinary wooden stick can be used with Fine iron and steel rods are as good as each other!"

"The martial spirit's ability to grow, self-repair, and be stored in the body, among other characteristics, are beyond the reach of weapons carefully forged by ordinary blacksmiths—"

After hearing Ling Yi's words, Lou Gao's face flickered, and a feeling of depression, resentment, and unwillingness brewed in his heart, for himself, for his master, and for the blacksmith industry.

You must know that his master Tiefutu, the only master craftsman in the world, still had to say some flattering words to a boy from the Tang family who did not yet know his name against his heart.

Outside "Gengxin City", in the "Star Luo Empire", and anywhere in the Douluo Continent, the courtesy that Lou Gao receives is not because he is a master blacksmith, nor because he is a direct disciple of the divine blacksmith Tie Futu. , just because he, Lou Gao, is a Soul King!

However, Lou Gao himself knew that if he really went into battle, his own soul king would only be able to defeat some ordinary soul sects. If he met other normal fighting soul kings, he might not be able to last for many rounds. Will be knocked down by the opponent.

Every time when Lou Gao shows off his strength, he only needs to reveal the luxurious soul ring configuration of two yellow, two purple and one black, and there will basically be no real action in the future.

After all, he is just a blacksmith who travels across the continent, looking for his own path to becoming a master craftsman, and he is not a combat soul master who goes around looking for people to learn how to fight.

Blacksmiths are really not valued very much in Douluo Continent.

At least, in front of the soul master, this is indeed the case!

Lou Gao has always understood this in his heart, so he really wants to improve the blacksmith's status and hope that the blacksmith will be recognized by the world.

He truly loves the profession of blacksmith, and also truly loves forging various tools. Watching the perfect works appear in his hands, the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment is the spirit of martial arts. Combat and soul power improvement cannot give him.

After spending more than half a year together, Lou Gao knew what kind of genius the young man in front of him, who was still more than two months away from turning fourteen, was.

He often looks at things sharply and can sum up a series of rules of things anytime and anywhere, and find routes and directions that are beneficial to him/herself.

It can be said that as long as Ling Yi is given a goal, a starting foundation and enough time, this young man will definitely be able to reach that goal!

And now, listening to Ling Yi's words, Lou Gao discovered that the young man in front of him seemed to be talking about the relationship between the blacksmith and the soul master, and the significance of the blacksmith to the soul master?

He Lou Gao was able to become a master blacksmith around the age of forty, and in the future he would be recognized by Contra Titans as the king of divine craftsmen. His round and funny-looking head was also filled with agile thinking and extraordinary wisdom beyond ordinary people. Okay~

"Are you saying that soul masters often use their own martial souls as weapons, and their demand for foreign objects such as weapons is often not very great, while defensive armors and other items will be more popular?"

Lou Gao said, his eyes gradually glowed with light.

Hearing this, Ling Yi smiled with a smile on his lips, nodded and continued: "Since I entered the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy] in Muzhi City at the age of seven, I have been under the master's tutelage and formally studied forging. Since then, I have Pay close attention to every soul master who comes to customize weapons and equipment, and ask my teachers and classmates in the academy, if they were allowed to choose, what kind of equipment they would like to have as a tool for using martial arts. Auxiliary aids——”

"Seven years old..." Lou Gao blinked and his expression became weird.

Not paying attention to the change in Lou Gao's expression, Ling Yi continued calmly: "When I was ten years old, I obtained my first soul ring. After successfully becoming a soul master, I applied to graduate early and found a master. I introduced Blacksmith Fu Shan, who was serving in the principality’s military, and then took Blacksmith Fu Shan’s letter of recommendation to come to the Cold Wind Camp and stayed there for three years…”

"In the past three years, I have observed more than 20,000 people in the Cold Wind Camp, from soldiers, corps commanders, chiefs... to captains, school lieutenants, and even the camp's managers, Marquis Cedar and General Song Yao!"

"There are more than 20,000 people. Overall, the ratio of beast souls and weapon souls is 4.5:5.5, and those with soul power are less than one-tenth.

Leaving aside those without soul power, among the nearly 2,000 people with soul power, the demand for weapons and weapons-type instruments by beast soul masters is relatively greater than that of weapon soul masters, but it is not too much.

Because their soul ring soul skills often require them to perform them themselves when possessed by their martial souls. They themselves are a powerful weapon! "

"This is even more obvious for soul masters with weapon souls. Their first choice of weapon in battle is definitely their own martial soul, not the weapons forged by our blacksmiths.

Just like Captain Jiang Yuan, even though he can now use a spear better than many great soul masters with spear-type martial arts, and is even not weaker than those spear-type martial soul soul masters, but in battle, he is still Use your own "Iron Gauntlet" martial spirit.

Only the "Iron-Made Gauntlet" martial spirit can bring out the strongest strength of Colonel Jiang Yuan! "


Hearing this, Lou Gao's round face showed a mix of joy and sadness, and he continued in a low voice: "So, for soul masters, our blacksmiths should be positioned as auxiliary, focusing on defensive equipment. , to make up for some shortcomings when the soul masters use martial souls?"

"That's right!" Ling Yi nodded and said seriously: "Blacksmith is not a fighting profession, and we are not suitable to compete with those soul masters who specialize in fighting to see who is better at fighting.

We can think of ourselves as an auxiliary soul master, just like a healing soul master or a food soul master, a defensive soul master who works behind the scenes without having to play, and a guest appearance as an attack enhancement amplification soul master... …”

Sorry for the delay.

I’ll take a nap first, finish my work in the afternoon, and continue working on tomorrow’s work in the evening~

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