Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 71 Becoming a Blacksmith

After confirming Lou Gao's character in the shortest possible time during the relationship, Ling Yi's action plan for picking up Lou Gao's wool had no routine, but was extremely simple and crude.

From the time they first met in May, Ling Yi only focused on one thing every day they got along: studying!

And Lou Gao also felt the ruthless torture from the God of Learning.

In the first month, Ling Yi spent a day practicing the "Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique" to a small degree.

Then from the next day, Ling Yi and Lou Gao, one sincerely asked for advice and the other with the idea of ​​​​seeing how much and how fast you can learn, started the prelude to teaching and learning.

No matter what kind of forging technique it is, whether it is difficult to learn, complicated and labor-intensive, bizarre... Lou Gao only needs to demonstrate and explain it once, and Ling Yi can use it on the spot.

The first time you feel a little unfamiliar, the second time you get a glimpse of the door, and the third time you can enter the house!

After that, with a little practice, the two levels of slight success and mastery can be achieved one by one visible to the naked eye.

By the way, Lou Gao has fully accepted Ling Yi's classification of skills into different levels, and feels that it is necessary to implement it among all blacksmith professionals across the continent.

In Ling Yi's words, although these levels are not as easy to judge as soul power when actually used, as long as we know it ourselves and have a clear understanding of it, we can have a relatively clear direction of progress when learning and practicing. Conducive to growth.

When people learn something, they are often not defeated by difficulties, but discouraged by the invisible way forward.

And Ling Yi, who could clearly see his own growth, took only one month to complete the forging, fire control, quenching, sharpening... and a series of skills tree branches that Lou Gao had learned in his more than 30 years as a blacksmith. Experience, skills, all copied!

Lou Gao, the master blacksmith, is looking for his own path to become a master blacksmith!

It can be said that in just one month, Ling Yi has grown into a reduced version of Lou Gao with inferior strength and insufficient mastery of various metal properties, but his blacksmith forging skills have reached the master level!

Starting from the second month, Ling Yi followed Lou Gao into the palace of metal properties and variables.

This time, because the database involved was large and extensive enough, Ling Yi studied for nearly two months before draining 90% of Lou Gao's inventory!

The remaining 10% is because Hanfeng Camp cannot provide high-end and precious metal minerals.

Because it is a knowledge-based study, excluding practical experience, Ling Yi has become one of the top few people on the Douluo Continent in the field of metal smelting!

I have to say that Lou Gao is a good person, a good person in every sense of the word.

Anyway, Ling Yi thinks so.

Not as high as the building, Ling Yi asked himself, even if there were all kinds of cheats, with his weak foundation, it would take at least two to three years to polish his own hardware to the point where he could perfectly use the blacksmith skills of Mr. King Kong. Level skills.

There is no way, Mr. King Kong is now nearly eighty years old and has been at the level of blacksmith for more than 40 years. He has not yet been able to break through the level of master blacksmith. Even though Ling Yi learned all the skills of the old man more than two years ago, those skills are only Only in the hands of the old man can one truly forge a blacksmith-level work.

It's just because the old man is a soul master, and the physique he has built up by wielding a forging hammer for more than seventy years is comparable to the normal physical fitness of a beast martial soul soul king at his peak!

Although the martial spirit "Iron Gauntlet" is not as good as the hammer-type martial spirit, fire-attribute martial spirit, power-attribute martial spirit and other martial soul types that can greatly benefit from forging, it is still a metal martial spirit of medium to above quality. Coupled with the choice of soul rings, the old man's three soul rings were endowed with three soul skills: first force and second fire. Such an increase was definitely not comparable to the healing "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit.

However, these problems are nothing in front of Lou Gao, who has the inheritance of the divine craftsman and has almost mastered it. He is already a master blacksmith himself!

Just like tailor-made, what kind of forging skills should be used when the strength is insufficient, what kind of metal alloy can be tempered at a specific temperature with less force, and can still achieve the texture and characteristics of the Thousand Forging Level...

In addition, there is a treasure-like collection of metal types in Douluo Continent, thousands of different metal matching ratios, and various metals and alloys that can be forged in various environments such as high temperature, low temperature, normal temperature, high pressure, etc. What kind of changes...

In half a year, with Ling Yi's diligent cultivation of "Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Fist Frame", Ling Yi now has a strength of nearly 700 kilograms. Although his soul power has only increased by more than one level, reaching level 16, But purely in terms of strength, ordinary soul masters with beast martial arts might not be able to achieve such power.

December of the year 2604 of the Douluo Calendar.

Ling Yi, who is thirteen years and ten months old, has a soul power level 16 of 21% and a strength of 688 kilograms.

Under the certification of Lou Gao, the direct disciple of the master craftsman Tie Futu and the young president of the Douluo Continent [Blacksmiths Association], he became a master blacksmith!

Work: "Thousand Scales"

Strength: Withstand a hundred attacks from three powerful attack soul masters without being damaged, a total of 60 normal attacks, 20 first soul skill attacks, 15 second soul skill attacks, and 5 third soul skill attacks—! ! !

Advantages: Full body coverage, no blind spots in defense, nearly two thousand Thousand Forged Grade alloy scales combined, joints can move freely without hindrance.

Disadvantages: Weighing one hundred and twenty-eight kilograms, those with non-strength or physical attributes such as Soul Master or above will have greatly limited sensitivity during combat and reduced continuous combat time.

Comment: A powerful weapon for attacking on the battlefield, it is not suitable for use in soul battles between soul masters.

Recommendation: Wear it for Soul Sect or above, for large-scale melees!

No matter what the advantages and disadvantages are, no matter what kind of battle scene the wearer Jiang Yuan, the captain of Hanfeng Camp, will use it in, with such a work in his hands, Ling Yi will become a well-deserved blacksmith!

Cold Wind Camp, Military Medical Battalion Three.

"Why did your boy choose armor as the first piece of work to become a blacksmith?"

Lou Gao was lying on a wooden deck chair, basking in the rare warm sunshine in winter, and asked Ling Yi, who was also basking in the sun next to him.

On the ground, Ling Yi opened his eyes and looked sideways, looking from top to bottom, staring at the height of his building. He closed his eyes again lazily and felt the sunlight turning into wisps of warm energy. It penetrated into the skin, melted into flesh and blood, and integrated into one's own body. He responded unhurriedly:

"I thought you, senior brother, could keep holding back and not ask -

Senior Brother Lou Gao, your Qi nourishing skills still need to be improved——"

"Depend on!"

When Lou Gao saw Ling Yi's appearance, he immediately swore. He had been hit hard in the past half year or so.

But the more he was hit, the more his love for Ling Yi became stronger.

I envy Ling Yi for his world-class learning ability; appreciate Ling Yi's diligent study and practice all year round; admire Ling Yi for never being depressed or depressed due to his martial arts talent, family background and other difficult factors, but instead he is indomitable and perseverant. I never know what giving up means, I am full of hope for the future, and I plan every step of my life clearly...

That's right, Ling Yi has never concealed in front of Lou Gao that after becoming a blacksmith master, he wants to unite all the blacksmiths in the entire [Shuimu Principality] to establish the [Blacksmith Association·Shuimu Principality Branch].

After all, in a small place like [Shuimu Principality], there is a person who has the ability, ideas, and willingness to do things. He wants to unite all the blacksmiths and gain a certain voice and convenience, whether it is for this dominant force. Or every blacksmith, it is a thing that has more advantages than disadvantages.

Therefore, after seeing Ling Yi's talent and growth rate, Lou Gao chose to contribute his own strength.

One thing is that Ling Yi's calm and calm temperament sometimes makes Lou Gao, who has a bit of an irritable temper, have a fight with that kid Jiang Yuan every now and then to vent the accumulated feelings in his heart. anger.

"Senior Brother Lou Gao, you're talking dirty again~" Ling Yi said unhurriedly with his eyes still closed.

"I...!" Lou Gao exerted force on his waist and wanted to sit up. Unfortunately, because his waist was too round and the recliner he was lying on was made of wood, it would be damaged. Lou Gao, who didn't have enough strength, was stunned. Didn't sit up.

Sensing Lou Gao's movements, Ling Yi took the lead to sit up, with an indescribably serious look on his face. He cupped his hands towards Lou Gao and said, "I understand, Senior Brother Lou Gao was worried about distracting me before, so he kept his doubts buried in In my heart, now that the "Thousand Scales Armor" is completed, senior brother naturally asked the questions that were pressing in his heart, and said it quickly——"

After a pause, Ling Yi continued: "I chose armor as the first blacksmith's work because..."

Thanks to the book friends [East Potato Silk, Danlao 935, Never Seen the Sea, Reader 1594232908908982272, Book Friends 20220308115457459, Book Friends 20230207111627062, Jiuyou Ghost Fox, Book Friends 20210310121010563] for their monthly votes, thank you book friends [Book Friends 201811271 60450419, book friends 20170112203949446, Yundao, Feng Qingxueyue K, Book Friends 20210112183119595, Qingqiu Xin] for the reward, thank you all book friends for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading, thank you all! ! ! (*^▽^*)

I didn't get home from the hospital until around one o'clock in the morning. I didn't have time to code the second chapter. I took the time to code during the day. It's hard to say the exact update time. I'll try to do it before one o'clock noon~

Go to bed, good night everyone~

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