Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 70 Life Planning

Even though he was hampered by his own strength, Lou Gao was still rated as the 'King of Divine Craftsmen' by the arrogant and headstrong Tai Tan.

It can be seen how profound Lou Gao's forging skills are.

In the original work, Lou Gao spent ten years and countless experiments to find eight kinds of rare metals and fuse them into a special malleable memory metal according to a special ratio. The "Eight Treasures Ruyi Soft Armor" made by this magical metal wire drawing is extremely elastic. Even if a beast spirit master's body doubles after using the martial spirit, it can be extended accordingly to achieve the same effect. Defense effect.

And the "Eight Treasures Ruyi Soft Armor" is so strong that it can withstand the sixth soul skill of an attack-type soul master!

This point can be represented by Qian Renxue, the daughter of two popes in the [Martial Soul Palace] and a new generation of angel god in the original timeline!

Such an existence, in the current Douluo Continent for thousands of years, is a well-deserved artifact!

The sixth soul skill, Soul Emperor! In this world where the Soul Lord can be granted the title of Baron and the Soul Lord as Viscount in the [Tian Dou Empire], what is the concept of Soul Emperor?

Being able to withstand the sixth soul skill of the attack-type soul master, with Qian Renxue's strength and martial soul quality characteristics, even though she was weakened layer by layer in the battle with Tang San, the full blow she used to kill Tang San was Ordinary level 60 strength?

The "Eight Treasures Ruyi Soft Armor" that can resist such a blow and leave the wearer Xiao Wu unscathed is one of the two finished products that Lou Gao spent ten years developing and creating.

To be honest, in the original work, if Lou Gao hadn't been deceived into building some kind of Tang Sect's supreme hidden weapon, he spent all his efforts, and even sacrificed his life, to activate the "Deep Sea Sunken Silver Mother" with his own blood, he would have become Tang San. The first mechanical hidden weapon in the world, the "Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle", during those five years, I worked hard to create the "Eight Treasures Ruyi Soft Armor", I am afraid I can even form a special attack team to kill the Titled Douluo!

I really don’t know that the "Buddha’s Angry Tang Lotus" could only be created with the help of Super Douluo Tang Xiao and the personal work of Soul Saint-level craftsman Lou Gao. How did Tang San create that previous life?

Ling Yi still remembered that Tang San was twenty-nine years old when he jumped off a cliff to express his ambition in his previous life.

Then, he worked hard for twenty years to complete the pinnacle of the Tang family's hidden weapons - "Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus"?


Putting aside the confusion about some places in the original work that people had to complain about, the moment Ling Yi met Lou Gao, he looked at the strange and unique figure and appearance, and after hearing the words "Geng Xincheng" and "Lou Gao" 'When these two terms were used, he made a decision: he was sure about this thigh!

Now in his forties, Lou Gao is already in the upper echelon of the Soul King, one step away from the Soul Emperor. In addition, he has the skills of a master blacksmith, the theoretical knowledge inherited from the divine blacksmith Tie Futu, and his headquarters in the Star Luo Empire. 】 "Gengxin City", but its influence radiates to the entire Douluo Continent. The identity of the young president of the [Blacksmith Association] has more or less influence on every blacksmith. For Ling Yi, who is now trapped in a corner, it is nothing more than An excellent passage leading to a higher level in Douluo Continent!

Although Ling Yi would not rashly go to the central stage of Douluo Continent where masters gather before his strength has reached a certain level and his own foundation has not been solidified to a certain extent. However, if he has a ticket and does not enter the venue, and stands outside the venue, there is no way to enter. They are two different things!

With this idea in mind, Ling Yi adopted a 200% learning attitude when learning the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique", mobilizing all mental power to activate the brain, focusing his mind, and directly using the 'superego state' Study and practice.

The ninety-nine and eighty-one movements of the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" that might have taken a whole day to master, after reading and asking them again, Lou Gao was shown on the spot what it means to master it at the speed of light.

After a small 'Ling Yi' shock, Lou Gao's original attitude towards the task immediately changed.

If it weren't for the relationship between his master and Master Ling Yi, the two could be regarded as brothers and sisters of the same generation, and Lou Gao was already thinking of accepting a disciple.

Even if he can't accept a disciple, with such a talented junior fellow, Lou Gao can already imagine how he should pretend to be a rounded person the next time he sees that guy from Taitan~

For Ling Yi, apart from being the ticket to the central stage of Douluo Continent, he has forging skills, metal alloy formulas, and a knowledge database of various metal properties and characteristics on Douluo Continent, just like Yu Xiao Just like Tang San.

The difference was that Yu Xiaogang himself was weak, and apart from a database of theoretical knowledge about martial spirits and spirit beasts that was of little use, he could provide very little help to Tang San.

The educational love between the two people, under the fairy grass "Nine-grade Purple Zhizhi" that made Yu Xiaogang break through the thirty-level bottleneck and allowed him to break the bottleneck that had been trapped for decades and even his whole life in the future, it should actually be Yu Xiaogang's love. Gang, in turn, owed Tang San a favor for changing his life.

But Lou Gao is completely different to Ling Yi.

In the [Shuimu Principality], Ling Yi's original climbing route planned for himself was to spend five to six years in the military camp, reach the level of a great soul master, and hone his forging skills bit by bit to the level of a blacksmith.

Then, carrying the top forging skills of the principality, he returned to "Muzhi City", joined forces vertically and horizontally, and integrated all the blacksmiths in the entire "Mizuki Principality" to establish a "Blacksmiths Association" without causing resentment or wariness from other forces in the principality. -Shuimu Principality Chapter].

By then, although the strength is still unsatisfactory, he can still be regarded as the leader of a small force, and the various material and human resources that can be mobilized are naturally different!

After that, the [Blacksmith Association-Shuimu Principality Branch] developed in a safe and sound manner, and while cooperating to serve the various forces in [Shuimu Principality], it also mobilized the power of the branch to accelerate the collection of resources needed for the growth of its own strength.

In this dormant stage, Ling Yi estimates that it may take him about ten years to raise his soul power all the way to the soul master level, or even the soul sect level!

Counting the time, Ling Yi was almost twenty-five or six years old at that time.

The twenty-five or six-year-old Soul Sect can be regarded as capable no matter where he is in the Douluo Continent.

At that time, Ling Yi will consider, as the president of the [Blacksmith Association-Shuimu Principality Branch], traveling thousands of miles from north to south of the Douluo Continent to go to the "Gengxin City" of the "Star Luo Empire" to take the next step life plan...

However, the sudden arrival of Lou Gao made Ling Yi discover a shortcut on the road to life development!

This is the second time Ling Yi is preparing to revise his life plan.

The first time was the letter of recommendation given by Master Jiang in Beikouhe Town, which established a relationship between Ling Yi and Mr. Jin, one of the three major craftsmen of the Shuimu Principality.

Similarly, because of the existence of Mr. Jin, Ling Yi gave up his plan to stay in the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy] for a few more years and then enter the principality's military through the route of Master Huang, a retired veteran in Beikouhe Town.

Compared with the retired veteran Master Huang, Mr. Jin's relationship is naturally of a much higher level, and the various overt and covert conveniences it brings can also benefit people a lot.

Now, let yourself clear out Lou Gaoyi's blacksmith inheritance database!

High-level forging skills, the secrets of various metal alloy formulas, and even some information related to martial souls and soul beasts. As a high-level soul king, Lou Gao is definitely a shining star for today's Ling Yi. A great treasure with golden light!

He wants them all!

And is Lou Gao willing to teach?

Hehe, Senior Brother Lou, you don’t want your uncle’s disciple’s blacksmith talent to be buried, right?

Lou Gao, who will become a master craftsman and president of the [Blacksmith Association] in the future, values ​​the profession and identity of the blacksmith. He has the belief and consciousness to be willing to surrender his life just to rectify his position as a blacksmith!

Even now, he has not grown to that point yet, but this seed has been deeply buried in his heart the moment he became a blacksmith, a disciple of the divine blacksmith Tiefutu, and the young president of the [Blacksmith Association]!

Thanks to the book friends [Qingshui Yao Shen, reader 1594232908908982272, O _ Ozzzzzzz, book friend 20220518154711674, reader 1594232908908982272, inexpressible, incompetent pawn, book friend 20220526100214057, Haoyue 0xc, the heart has a destination, Book Friends 20221225233347843, Book Friends 20221225233347843 】Monthly vote, thank you to book friends [Warm Wine to Boil Green Lotus, Book Friends 20190428143523030] for your reward, and thank you to all book friends for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading! ,thank you all! ! ! (*^▽^*)

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