Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 62 Auxiliary Combat

"The first soul skill: Light as a swallow——!"

With a soft shout, a young man with two gray triangular animal ears on his head, with the white halo shining under his feet, rushed forward with light steps, and the slender sword in his hand, which was shaped like a seedling, also followed the trend and slashed away.

Facing this sword that was as fast as a galloping horse and as powerful as the wind, the tall and burly man did not dare to be careless. He roared in his mouth, and the manes on his body stood up. The whole person looked like a bear, with a pair of wide and thick bear paws. With yellow light, he faced the impending knife.

Similarly, under the feet of this burly man, there is also a white halo shining brightly.


The sound of a knife chopping hard stone was heard, and an invisible whirlwind suddenly appeared on the legs of the young man with three-cornered animal ears. With a turn of his feet, he walked around to the side of the burly man, and slashed diagonally with the sword in his hand.

This time, the burly man failed to react in time. He only had time to turn slightly to the side, and then forcefully received the slash with his arm.


The sound of a sharp blade cutting through leather sounded, and a dazzling blood appeared under the blade.


Just at this moment, a silver-gray shadow appeared at the end of the sword's blade, resisting the force of the sword's blow, preventing the knife from completely penetrating into the burly man's flesh and blood.

The young man with three-cornered animal ears looked closely, and saw that the silver-grey tip was a spearhead, holding the blade of the sword flatly.

Following the direction of the silver gun, the young man had just seen a young man with a handsome face and a gentle temperament, when an angry shout suddenly sounded in his ears: "Li Ergou! Are you fucking serious?" —?!"

The young man turned around and saw the burly man staring at him with big crystal yellow eyes, breathing hard through his mouth and nose, staring at him fiercely.

"Cut~~" The young man drew his knife, took two steps back, and curled his lips: "Xiong Er, your skills are not as good as others, so just admit defeat, you can't afford to lose?

If A Yi hadn't blocked it for you just now, I would have taken off your arm——"


The burly man, Xiong Er, was so angry that his nostrils were a bit bigger. Regardless of his arm that was starting to bleed, he clenched his fist and gestured at Li Ergou, cursing in his mouth: "What the hell did you say?! My old Xiong Are you inferior to others?! Can’t afford to lose?! You are damn capable of fighting me one-on-one. Without Brother Ling’s assistance, let’s see if I can not crush your balls——!!”

He was really angry. In the past, when he faced Li Ergou, with his rough skin, thick flesh, huge strength, and leading soul power level, how often was it not as easy for him as a father to beat his son?

He, Xiong Er, has the martial soul "Iron Claw Bear" and is a level 19 attack-type battle soul master.

And what about Li Ergou? The martial spirit "Wolf Fang Dog" is a level 15 agility and attack type combat spirit master.

The two of them faced off. Although Li Ergou was a bit slippery at first due to the difference in agility, as long as there was a confrontation, with the power of Xiong Er's first soul skill 'Giant Bear Strike', Li Ergou could The dog is absolutely defeated!

But this time it was better. Li Ergou dragged Brother Ling here and said that Brother Ling was just a fourteenth-level healing soul master. The two of them teamed up to challenge Brother Xiong. Brother Xiong must not refuse. If ~

Although Xiong Er looks innocent, he also has his own judgment.

Brother Ling Yiling has a good reputation in the Cold Wind Camp. Not only the 500-forged weapons he forged are widely praised, but also many soldiers have been treated by his hands.

Therefore, the first time he saw Brother Ling, Xiong Er's information about him appeared in his mind.

The useless martial spirit "Lan Yincao" is a fourteenth-level healing soul master; a senior blacksmith, not weak in strength, good at long and short weapons such as swords, guns, sticks and axes, not weaker than a first-level soul master with ordinary weapons.

As far as martial souls are concerned, being able to have the second half of the above evaluation is definitely an existence worthy of admiration by ordinary soul masters like them.

But admiration is admiration. When it comes to fighting, it's not that he, Xiong Er, looks down on people, but that as the owner of a powerful beast spirit, in terms of strength alone, he surpasses those weapons that have just broken through level 20 and even absorbed spirit rings. The second soul ring great soul master!

Coupled with the combat skills and experience honed over the years in the military, Xiong Er said that it would not be a big problem to deal with Li Ergou, who was easily captured on weekdays, and a healing soul master with a certain combat effectiveness.

Who would have thought that at the beginning, Brother Ling had no intention of stepping forward to fight. He stood with a silver spear at his side, and the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit appeared in his hand. He fired the familiar soul skill 'Full of Vitality'. It fell on Li Ergou.

And Li Ergou, covered in green light, became as excited as if he had taken medicine. He completely abandoned his previous attempts to start the game and charged forward with a knife in his hand.

Just when he, Xiong Er, was about to use a 'Giant Bear Strike' to deal with this intrusive guy who doesn't have a long memory, as before, he would play some rounds with Brother Ling to save Brother Ling enough face, and then send him away. Competition circle...

Who would have thought that Li Ergou's first soul skill today would be two consecutive shots! !

Something's wrong! Something is definitely wrong! !

Although Xiong Er comes from a civilian family, he also received six years of education from the Junior Soul Master Academy~

In addition, he spent a few years in the market town outside the Soul Hunting Forest, and later joined the Principality's military as a soul master. In his ten years in the military, he has seen some things about the world. Under normal circumstances, , the soul master still has a certain say in what the soul skill should look like.

What's more, he himself is also a senior soul master. It has been more than ten years since he hunted the first soul ring, and he is one step away from level 20. How can he not know what the first soul skill is like when it is used?

Just because he knew that, after Xiong Er spurned Li Ergou for a while, he turned his attention to Ling Yi, who had just stabbed him with a spear, blocking the blade for him and continuing to slash deep into his flesh.

"Brother Ling~"

As soon as Xiong Er uttered three words, a ray of green light shot from the palm of Ling Yi's right hand towards the injured area of ​​his arm. A burst of tingling and cooling sensation covered the original heat and pain.

A quarter of an hour later, Ling Yi walked back to the tent area of ​​the Third Military Medical Battalion with light steps, greeting every soldier who passed by, with a sunny smile on his face that made people feel good.

If there is a spirit master with strong spiritual power here, he will find that every step Ling Yi takes, a weak whirlwind will surround his legs, making Ling Yi's steps light.

That is to say, Ling Yi deliberately controlled it, otherwise the distance he took with every step would be much greater than usual.

All the way back to his own tent, Ling Yi happily sat down behind a familiar desk and squinted his eyes to review the previous scene.

At this time, two years had passed since he entered the Cold Wind Camp at the end of October 2601 in the Douluo Calendar.

In October 2603 of the Douluo Calendar, Ling Yi was twelve years and seven months old. His soul power increased by two levels and nearly three levels compared to two years ago, reaching level fourteen at 57%, which was far lower than that of two years ago. At the same age of twelve years and seven months, Tang San reached level 30 with soul power, killed the "Human-Faced Demon Spider" and became the Soul Lord.

But Ling Yi was also very satisfied. He was born with full soul power, and he reached level 10 at the age of six. After hunting the first soul ring, he directly reached level 13.

And what about him, Ling Yi?

It took four years for him to raise his soul power from level 0.5 to level ten with the help of various plug-ins he made at the age of ten. A three-hundred-year-old soul ring that he also cultivated by himself only raised his soul power to nearly level eleven. Half the extent.

That is to say, after fully integrating the origin of three hundred years of "Blue Silver Grass", the quality of the martial soul has been improved, almost equivalent to more than one level of innate soul power. Otherwise, the speed of cultivation after the tenth level would be too high given his family background. , but cannot catch up with the training progress of the son of the patriarch of the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family].

At the current pace, Ling Yi may need to practice for another five or six years, that is, when he is seventeen or eighteen years old, before he can raise his soul power to level 20 without any accidents, and then obtain a Soul ring and become a second-ring great soul master.

If this is true, looking at the entire [Shuimu Principality], Ling Yi has actually surpassed 70% to 80% of civilian soul masters, and has even once again attracted the attention of the principality to the "Blue Silver Grass" soul masters.

But, will Ling Yi be satisfied with this?

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