Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 61 Exploration and Verification

Regarding the further observation of the internal organs of the human body, Ling Yi finally decided to hold off for a while.

Based on the current calm situation in the Cold Wind Camp, it is basically unlikely that any soldiers will be injured in their internal organs. Even if there are some internal injuries, concussion injuries, and the existence of healing soul skills, it will be difficult to treat Ling Yi slowly and slowly. Opportunities for observation.

Therefore, Ling Yi suppressed the urgency in his heart and focused on the cultivation of soul power, the exploration of meridians, and the experiment of the operating principles of soul skills.

Of course, this does not mean that we will completely abandon the research on the structure of biological organs, but we will not be eager for quick success and will be restrained in our actions.

Next, Ling Yi's daily schedule was as regular and calm as before.

At night, there is an alternation between unshakable cultivation and deep sleep.

Every morning, Ling Yi would go to the soul master's exclusive canteen and have a not-so-rich, but absolutely nutritious breakfast. After the meal, he would sort out the notes he had recorded the day before and think about the contents;

After a little digestion, on the "Lan Yincao" grassland behind the camp, we practiced the "Basic Gymnastics" cat shape, dog shape, chicken shape, rabbit shape, and the horse shape created during the six months since coming to Hanfeng Camp. .

About an hour later, Ling Yi would inspect the wounded camps of the Third Military Medical Battalion, observe the recovery status of each wounded person, and occasionally perform the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality' to help them speed up their recovery, while doing some Have a friendly conversation.

This process, depending on the current number of wounded, only takes a few hours when there are few people. If there are more people, a whole morning may not be enough.

Most of the time, Ling Yi would finish interacting with the injured soldiers before lunch. During lunch and the period before lunch, they will review the state of the wounds and wounds of the wounded when they were nourished by active energy and accelerate their self-healing when the soul skills were used; their own martial souls, soul rings, and soul skills were in What kind of changes are there in the link of soul power; the route of soul power in the meridians will also be deduced~

Speaking of which, we have to mention the soul skills carried in the soul ring.

After Ling Yi's research, although the soul skills in the soul ring are like the skills in the mage's skill bar, they are more like skill stones, spell scrolls, etc. that can be charged and reused.

Under the activation of one's own soul power, magic power, etc., one by one can issue skills that can attack, defend, gain, or control effects.

And Ling Yi, influenced by the imagination of so many novels in his previous life, naturally came up with the idea of ​​​​replicating the teleportation principles of each of these skills at the first time, and then through learning and practice, he could bypass the soul ring. Triggered, the corresponding soul skill can be directly used.

If this can be accomplished, then Ling Yi can hope to get rid of the shackles of a soul master, one soul ring and one soul skill under special circumstances such as removing the soul bone.

Unfortunately, when the soul skill is used, the soul power in the body circulates too fast, and part of it is still inside the soul ring, which makes Ling Yi's current soul skill rubbing plan progress slowly.

In the eight months since he obtained his first soul ring in October last year, which lasted for more than 240 days, Ling Yi had used his 'first soul skill, full of vitality' no less than 800 times!

And through careful observation again and again, now only the soul power circulation route in the body's meridians has been completely recorded. The soul power transformation inside the soul ring, the texture imprinting similar to the magic circle, Ling Yi can only construct it as a whole in his mind, but cannot separate it, let alone transfer it to the meridians in the body. rubbing~

After all, Ling Yi still has too little time, and there are too many things that need to be done. The projects that can enhance his strength and enrich his heritage are all interrelated, so it is difficult to make a choice. They can only be based on the importance and the Prioritize existing resources and make reasonable arrangements.

That is to say, he has mastered the ability of deep sleep and can use deep sleep to restore his own state. Otherwise, Ling Yi's progress would be even slower now!

One hour of deep sleep is worth eight hours of high-quality sleep. The mental and physical recovery allows Ling Yi to treat one day as two days or even three days. With that powerful thinking ability, he has This genius in the eyes of outsiders~

After lunch every day, unless there are many wounded people, Ling Yi will remain unshakable and take an hour of deep sleep as a lunch break. It is also a time to recover from the energy consumed in the previous half day, especially the observation of the body and deduction when performing soul skills. , Thinking about the principles under various situations consumes a lot of mental energy, and it is in urgent need of cultivation and recovery.

Since ancient times, deep love will last long, wisdom will be damaged, and the consequence of excessive mental exertion is heartbreak.

The "primary superego state" in which Ling Yi mobilizes mental power to activate thinking and enhance one's understanding and calculation abilities, even though it is not as good as the brain overclocking state of taking "NZT-48", has some of its effects.

Correspondingly, brainpower, or the consumption of brain cells, cannot be taken lightly.

In his previous life, Ling Yi, who consulted a nursing lady for advice, remembered that she said to him, "The heart hides the spirit, the lungs hide the soul, the liver hides the soul, the spleen hides the mind, and the kidneys hide the will." So Ling Yi always Keep in mind that when you feel mentally and physically exhausted, you will use a wave of 'First Soul Skill: Vitality' to nourish your internal organs with active energy, and then repair and recuperate your internal organs and body through a state of deep sleep. , and mental strength.

In the afternoon, after a good sleep, Ling Yi, who has returned to his peak state of energy and energy, will choose to go to the forging area of ​​the military industrial camp and use the "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique" to strengthen his body through forging. movements to understand the mystery of the movement of force.

At the same time, we discussed and communicated with senior blacksmith Brother Xue and others about their respective perceptions of forging, the changes in various metals when they are subjected to high temperatures and forging, the reactions of different metals when they are smelted together, etc...

If he did not go to the military industrial camp, Ling Yi would find the old medicine man and the other four people, either to communicate and impart his insights on the treatment of bruises, or to study the medicinal properties and compatibility of various medicinal herbs, and to personally verify different medicinal herbs. Different reactions to the human body when applied externally and orally.

Well, the kind with a very small dose~

Before dinner, Ling Yi would find the wounded who were still in the Third Military Medical Battalion and ask them to summon their martial souls. While watching, they would use the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality' to attach their mental power to the active energy, making them even more powerful. In-depth exploration of the physical condition of these soldiers and the martial arts possessed by each one.

Then, with a head full of data, he returned to his camp, summarized it, and briefly recorded it in a book.

The number of officially registered soldiers in the huge Hanfeng Camp was around 20,000, plus several thousand support personnel. The number of injured soldiers Ling Yi is currently in contact with, as well as the support staff who usually have headaches and headaches, is about 2,000 to 1,200.

This is a large data source, including more than 900 weapon soul owners and nearly 300 beast soul owners.

In the "Weapon Spirits" handwritten by Ling Yi, it is recorded that the nine hundred weapon spirits include knives, spears, swords, axes, sticks, hammers, forks, whips, spears, rakes, etc. A variety of implements that can be used as weapons.

Similarly, among these weapons, there are also subdivisions. For example, knives can be divided into machetes, straight knives, machetes, sickles, etc.~

In another book, "The Spirit of Birds and Birds", various birds are recorded, such as small birds such as sparrows, swallows, seagulls, and large and medium-sized birds such as hawks, eagles, cranes, and geese;

In addition, there are "Animal Martial Spirits", cats, dogs, pigs, wolves, lions, tigers, bears...

All the above martial spirits follow a rule, that is: the stronger the quality of the martial spirit, the stronger the owner's physical fitness, and the greater the chance of generating soul power!

Then, thinking about it conversely, will it be true that the stronger one is, the higher the quality of the awakened martial soul will be, and the higher the chance of generating innate soul power?

Once, when he was staying in Shanhai Village, Ling Yi also had a guess in this regard, but there were too few people in the village, and opportunities for long-term close contact were not common, so he could not conduct relevant verification.

After arriving at the Cold Wind Camp, with the abundant materials here, Ling Yi finally verified and confirmed his previous conjectures.

This will be of great convenience to him in the future when it comes to cultivating township party children and children of like-minded people to determine whether the little ones have innate soul power.

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