Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 63 What is Qualification?

‘It’s time to hang up again~’

Ling Yi looked at the void in front of him and murmured to himself.

With the current speed of soul power improvement, it is obvious that it cannot satisfy Ling Yi's vision for the future.

In the year 2591 of the Douluo Calendar, not long after he was reincarnated as a human being, when Ling Yi realized that this was the Douluo Continent and understood that this was a world with extraordinary power, he set a series of rules for himself in his heart. Target.

Short-term goal: Solve the problem of food and clothing for families

Stage goal: Become a soul master

Long-term goal: ban account

Ultimate goal: becoming a god

Ultimate goal: eternity

In terms of short-term goals, Ling Yi put a lot of thought into it, from pushing his father Ling Xiaoshan to catch pheasants and raising hares with a lasso, encouraging his uncle Zhang Dahe to dig fish ponds to raise fish, and then uniting the neighboring villagers to use the power of the crowd to reclaim land. More acres of land, cultivated and harvested together, and after a few years, the family has successfully achieved a well-off and prosperous life.

As for the stage goal, or the goal of the first stage, to become a soul master, I have also successfully awakened it through a series of useful and useless methods such as developing spiritual practice and activating spiritual power since childhood, plus food supplements, physical exercise, etc. Innate soul power is the cornerstone of becoming a soul master.

Then, starting from the age of six, for four years, he practiced hard day and night, and carefully cultivated the hundred-year-old "Blue Silver Grass". At the age of ten, he achieved the first-level soul master achievement!

The later long-term goal, to become a titled Douluo, requires Ling Yi to complete the stage goals one after another, so that he can hope to reach that level step by step. Ninety-nine percent of the people in the Douluo Continent look up to him. realm.

The next two ultimate goals and ultimate goals cannot be achieved by relying on the local strength of Douluo Continent.

Before becoming a titled Douluo, Ling Yi could only keep these two in his heart and not forget his original intention.

According to the definition of nouns in previous lives, ultimate is both a verb, referring to the dynamic process of continuing to study in depth and pursuing the ultimate, and it is also a noun, pointing to the end; while ultimate is just a noun, representing the end point.

On the Douluo Continent, becoming a god at level 100 is the end, and eternity requires jumping out of this pond and pursuing it in the vaster sea of ​​stars.

Now, in October of the year 2603 of the Douluo Calendar, Ling Yi, after two years of exploration and research in the military, was finally about to complete one of the preliminary small goals of the second phase.

Question: What methods can be used to speed up the training of a soul master and increase the accumulation of soul power more efficiently?

Answer: 1. Absorb soul rings and soul bones to directly increase soul power; 2. Consume highly tonic natural treasures, such as various exotic flowers, exotic herbs, and rare fruits; 3. Use medicine made from various precious materials. Bathing; 4. Eating the meat of senior soul beasts, practicing with the support of powerful healing and food system auxiliary soul masters; 5. Mimic training environment with high concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy, contract and martial soul corresponding attributes...

Question: What kind of person can achieve and possess the above conditions?

Answer: Tang Hao, the son of the sect leader of [Haotian Sect], Hu Liena, the disciple of the Pope of [Martial Soul Palace], Tang San, the protagonist of Destiny...

In the original work, there is no clear description of the innate soul power of Tang Hao and Hu Liena, but it is clearly recorded that Hu Liena became a soul sect at the age of fifteen!

Tang Hao, on the other hand, was even more talented than Tang Xiao, who had become a titled Douluo in his fifties. At the age of twenty, he was known as the first person of the younger generation of the [Haotian Sect], and received one of the three inherited soul bones of the sect. Sui's soul power broke through level 70, and he got a second inherited soul bone.

[Haotian Sect], the ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo, the ‘Haotian Douluo’ Tang Chen was the top force that earned the title of the best sect in the world. What level is the inherited soul bone? What kind of years?

Similarly, there are a group of titled Douluo, Soul Douluo's fathers, uncles and elders. Looking at the entire Douluo Continent, few people can match them in the selection of soul beast types and soul ring years.

Everyone knows that soul masters must practice ten levels at each level before they can break through to the next level.

But it is difficult for the lower-level civilian soul masters to imagine that the first two or three levels of cultivation in each level do not exist in geniuses and heirs of great powers.

Many people calculate how many soul masters are practicing. They will say, how old is a person? What level is he at? How many levels have he crossed? Once divided by the time, you can get the one-year improvement. How many levels of judgment.

In the online novels of the previous life, it was possible to pursue data rationality in this way, but Ling Yi, who was in Douluo Continent, felt that such calculations were ridiculous.

It's like it's hard for people with level 2 or 3 innate soul power to understand what kind of speed should be when they practice from level 0.5 to level 2 or level 3, what is fast and slow.

Because people have such a level from the beginning, how do you measure the speed of practicing from scratch with such talent?

Paradox of cause and effect!

Similarly, there are a series of differences between different martial arts spirits, different physical fitness, different dietary standards, different cultivation environments, etc. How can there be a general measurement standard in this world?

Cultivation is an idealistic thing, not so material or data-based.

This is not about adding points in online games. You can increase your level by accumulating experience points.

Therefore, Tang San, who was born with full soul power, became a thirty-level soul master at the age of twelve years and seven months; Oscar, who was born with full soul power, broke through level 30 and became a soul master at the age of fourteen; Feng Xiaotian, who was also born with full soul power , twenty-four years old and forty-fourth level soul sect; instead of Dai Mubai, who was born with full soul power, he became a soul sect at the age of thirteen; Meng Yiran was a fifteen-year-old soul sect; Hu Liena was a fifteen-year-old soul sect; Huo Wu Nineteen years old and level 43...

It can be seen from these data that there is almost no law based solely on innate soul power!

Innate soul power, martial soul quality, meridian width, mental strength, physical fitness, external environment...

These are like scaffolding for building a building. If a certain height is high, the wall on that side of the building will be built high and quickly. If the height is low, the wall on that side will naturally be built slowly and the height is limited. In the end, This drags down the overall progress of the construction, and other scaffolding needs to be used to fill in the shortage of height construction here.

Maybe this metaphor is not that vivid, but according to Ling Yi's personal experience, this is the current reality of Douluo Continent!

Therefore, if we can start from each of these factors and strengthen them, Ling Yi's cultivation speed will naturally be accelerated.

Regarding the two points of innate soul power and martial soul quality, almost all the natives of Douluo Continent have a common understanding, that is: except for the power of God, no one can change a person's innate soul power and martial arts quality after awakening. Soul quality.

As for before awakening?

Sorry, this question is completely meaningless to them!

Do you know the meaning of the word ‘Xiantian’?

Let’s take a look at how the quality of the martial souls of the protagonist group is improved in the original work. The immortal items are “QiRongTianChrysanthemum”, the immortal item “Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone”, the immortal item “Qiluo Tulip”, the immortal item “Eight-petal Fairy Orchid”, the immortal item Taste "Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower"...

What is an immortal product?

What is the meaning of the word ‘仙’?

Recalling the descriptions of the exotic flowers and herbs in the original book, Ling Yi could do nothing but covet them now.

Fortunately, one of the hand-rubbed plug-ins: the fusion of the first soul ring cultivated by himself, the three-hundred-year-old "Blue Silver Grass", strengthened the quality of Ling Yi's martial soul, and his innate soul power also changed from half to half. The level has been upgraded to more than one level.

In addition, there are unexpected surprises.

Ling Yi's martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass", with the active fusion of the three hundred-year-old "Blue Silver Grass" from the same source, has opened up the characteristic of independent growth!

Absorb the vitality of the "Blue Silver Grass" from the outside world, replenish one's own origin, and strengthen the quality of the martial soul bit by bit.

This process, although slow, is indeed progressing.

Two years later, when Ling Yi took the initiative to use his soul power to accelerate the refining of vitality during his training, Ling Yi could feel that the quality of his martial soul had increased by about twenty years!

Regarding this result, Ling Yi was both happy and disappointed. Great opportunities come to hand, but it is difficult to realize substantial gains in a short period of time.

Therefore, Ling Yi's strategic goals were focused on the width of the meridians, mental strength, physical quality, and external environment.

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