Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 60 Human Structure

Turning away from Jiang Yuan, who looked thoughtful, Ling Yi shouldered a long-handled battle ax weighing more than fifty kilograms and turned back to the third military medical camp.

After greeting the wounded in twos and threes along the way, and chatting with the old man drying the herbs, Ling Yi returned to his tent at the corner.

Before he even got closer, patches of blue came into view, and a scent of vegetation penetrated his nose, nourishing his lungs.

It's "Blue Silver Grass", a batch of best-quality seeds carefully cultivated by Ling Yi!

With Ling Yi's camp as the center, there are seven or eight tents within a radius of 100 meters, all surrounded by "Blue Silver Grass".

He placed the long-handled battle ax on the weapon rack on one side of the tent and looked at the other three long and short weapons. Ling Yi shook his head and secretly exhaled a long breath.

The sword, the steel gun, the mixed iron rod, and the long-handled battle ax were four 500-forged weapons forged by him. Apart from the sword, the other three were still a bit heavy for Ling Yi now, and he couldn't help it. Long dance.

In the final analysis, he is still young, his body has not grown up, and his strength is too weak.

For the other protagonists, at the age of eleven, most of them are in their twenties and are considering which thousand-year-old soul beast to choose for the third soul ring. However, Ling Yi's soul power is just over the twelfth level. grade.

That is to say, with the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality', it can nourish the body and repair the hidden wounds in the body, allowing Ling Yi to relax his hands and feet in the past six months of training.

Whether it is performing the thirty-six postures of the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique", studying how to use the counter-shock force to strengthen one's own body, or further studying the various forms of "Farmer's Three Postures" and "Basic Gymnastics" to maximize the training effect To become stronger and more comprehensive, Ling Yi is exploring and verifying bit by bit.

Today, in terms of physical strength alone, Ling Yi, who is just over 1.7 meters tall, already has a strength of almost 400 kilograms. In ancient times, with the long and short weapons he wielded skillfully and freely in one hand, he could be considered a thriving young general.

Arriving in front of a bucket of warm water prepared in advance, Ling Yi casually took off all his clothes, first fetched water to wash his feet, and then jumped in to soak.

After a good scrubbing, the refreshed Ling Yi put on clean clothes, went to the bed and lay down, closed her eyes, and fell asleep in one second surrounded by "Blue Silver Grass" from all directions.

At this moment, the "Blue Silver Grass" within a hundred meters radius turned into light blue stars, appearing in Ling Yi's mind.

Deep sleep, a deep sleep that he enters independently, Ling Yi's strong mental power allows him to always maintain a keen perception of the outside world, but does not interfere with the quality of his physical and mental recovery.

This state is very strange, as if his spirit is divided into two sets, one is used and consumed when he is awake on weekdays, and when he enters deep sleep, the other set of spirit is usually sleeping, In this state, he wakes up and spontaneously takes over everything in his body.

Whether it is the various acupoints and meridians of the body, stimulating the spiritual energy of the outside world, the automatic adjustment and coordination of various organs, the rapid absorption of nutrients and rapid recovery of the body, and the keen perception of all movements in the outside world at this moment, etc., this other set of spirits is operating independently.

In this state, Ling Yi combined the various knowledge he learned in his previous life and the novels he read to temporarily summarize it into the "Three Self Theory" - the id, the true self, and the superego!

"Treatise on the Three Self" is divided into three perspectives: time, yin and yang, and biology.

In terms of time, the id is the past me; the true self is the present me; and the superego is the future me.

In terms of yin and yang theory, the id is the original self, neither black nor white; the true self is the changing self, with both yin and yang; the superego is the transcendent self, the chaos of which is unified.

From a biological perspective, the id is the instinctive self; the ego is the coordinated self; and the superego is the ideal self.

Now, with Ling Yi's knowledge, he can only be like a young bird on the edge of the ocean of wisdom, gently stretching out a small paw to touch the edge of the water and taste the saltiness.

Time is too high-end, and Yin and Yang are too profound. For these two, Ling Yi only knows the superficial meanings of the terms and they represent, and has no intention of bothering to study them deeply now that he has just set foot on the road and has not yet found the direction of the road.

Focusing on the theory of biology, Ling Yi divides his daily state into self, while the state during deep sleep is the awakening of his own self.

And when he fully mobilizes his mental power, greatly amplifies his five senses, and makes his thinking rapidly active, the moment when he has superior learning ability, it may be a primary manifestation of the superego.

‘The human body and soul are both magical beings. ’

Two quarters of an hour later, Ling Yi opened his eyes, and this sentence suddenly appeared in his mind.

For no reason, such a realization came from the bottom of his heart. Ling Yi silently recited it a few times, then put it deep in his mind, leaving it to ponder it carefully in the future.

After a good sleep, Ling Yi stood up refreshed and refreshed. He felt that his body was not only completely restored, but also had a little bit of soul power, and his body was full of vitality and energy. A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He walked to a desk on the other side of the tent opposite the weapons rack. On this desk, there are seven or eight thick books, carefully and neatly stacked in the corner of the table.

Picking up the top few books and putting them aside, Ling Yi took the bottom three books, put them on the table in front of him, and sat on a chair under him.

Among the books placed aside, the cover of the top one said "Weapon Spirit - Ling Yi".

In front of Ling Yi, these three books were spread out one by one, with the following written on them:

"Preliminary Understanding of Human Physiological Structure - Ling Yi"

"The close relationship between soul power and human body meridians - Ling Yi"

"Basic Principles of Soul Skills - Ling Yi"

The three books were flipped through one by one, the scent of ink intertwined with the scent of paper in his nose. Ling Yi put the two books "Soul Power" and "Soul Skills" with only the first seven or eight pages written on them. On the stack of books called "Weapons", he opened the book "Preliminary Understanding of Human Physiological Structure" in front of him, turned to page 23, and his eyes fell on the traces of writing and ink that only took up half of the page.

Picking up a pen, Ling Yi's eyes were blank for a moment, then turned serious, and the brush strokes began to swim on the page:

'Injury No. 113 has a fractured left ankle joint. When the bones are broken, the muscles, blood vessels, and skin conditions of the injured person No. 27 are different when the tibia and fibula of the lower leg are fractured... The similarities are... The differences are... '

One stroke after another, Ling Yi wrote very seriously. When he finished writing, he took out a piece of neat white paper from the drawer under the desk, and started sketching on it with a pen.

With just a few strokes, a painting of a human calf and feet appeared under Ling Yi's pen. The texture of bones, blood vessels, muscles, etc. was clear, and it looked slightly scary.

After finishing the painting, Ling Yi observed it carefully, then picked up the pen and traced several places, and then nodded with satisfaction.

After a brief pause, Ling Yi took out another stack of papers from another drawer and placed them one by one with the one he had just drawn on the table.

Left hand, left arm, right hand, right arm, left and right legs, soles of feet, arms, waist and ribs...

One human body part after another was displayed in pictures. If other people saw it, they would probably think of him as some kind of pervert or fallen soul master.

His eyes swept over each picture calmly, and finally stopped in the middle of all the drawings.

There is the desktop, a solid wood-colored desktop with no paper.

His expression remained motionless, but there was a murmur in his heart: 'The progress is a bit slow, it's time to observe the internal organs...'

Thanks to book friends [Cold to the End々Great Emperor, Endless Pen and Ink, Sherry Flow, Immortal Principle, Ye Xi, Book Friends 20220508172048597, Book Friends 20200327111914223, Rebellion is Dragon Palace, Ghost Sword v Aidas, Book Friends 20171015232301189, 753951zyh, Tang Yue, See You Too Late, Book Friends 20170604124759040, Bombs Against People, What is Reading Novel, Only Geniuses Can Eat, One Inch Galaxy, Burning Flame Sage, We Are Soaring, Zhong Qian] for your monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation from all book friends Ticket and follow up! ,thank you all! ! ! (*^▽^*)

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