Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 59 Victory in every battle

The north wind has died down, and the hot and humid sea breeze from the southeast is already coming shyly to the door.

Time has come, June of the year 2602 of the Douluo Calendar.

Half a year has passed since Captain Jiang Yuan and Military Doctor Ling Yiling first discussed marksmanship.

In the past six months, the two have played more than a hundred games. What shocked everyone was that the weak-looking Military Doctor Ling was victorious in every battle and never lost a single battle!

Of course, both the person involved and the entire Hanfeng Camp knew that Captain Jiang only used the soul power of a great soul master or below, maintaining the same level of strength as Doctor Ling. The two of them competed only on their skills in using weapons such as swords, guns, sticks and axes.

Therefore, it’s normal for Captain Jiang to lose... He’s a normal ghost——! ! !

Apart from other things, even if the soul power is suppressed, the body of the soul master, who is about to be thirty years old and is in peak physical condition, compared to the teenage body of Military Doctor Ling, there is a visible gap with the naked eye. !

In addition, if at the beginning, Jiang Xiaowei had to concentrate on controlling the soul power in his body during the battle, so as not to exceed the level of a great soul master, and it felt like he was tying his own hands and feet, but after half a year, Jiang Xiaowei had almost reached the level of concentration. Although he had used his skills for the second time, he was still suppressed and beaten by Military Doctor Ling throughout the battle. This was really puzzling to people who knew about it.

What is even more puzzling to the melon-eating people in the Cold Wind Camp is that you, Jiang Yuan, a military captain, commanding two thousand elite soldiers, and looking at the entire [Shuimu Principality], you are also a young talent, but you lost to a teenage boy. After that, he actually came to my door to challenge him many times. He ignored the challenge and continued to lose again and again, looking like he was never tired of it?


A familiar voice sounded. Ling Yi held an ax in both hands and slashed at Jiang Yuan's steel gun. Without giving the opponent a chance to react, he directly dragged and slashed to the left, slashing towards Jiang Yuan's right hand holding the gun.

Sparks splashed all the way, shining and beating between the ax blade and the stainless steel gun shaft. Even though Jiang Yuan had already summoned the martial spirit, and the "iron-smelting gauntlet" was covering his right hand, he was still excited by this scene.

Even though he knew he wouldn't be hurt, just like ordinary people would subconsciously tighten their anus when they see sharp objects. This is an instinctive reaction from living things.

Jiang Yuan, the captain of Hanfeng Camp, is a soul sect who is less than 30 years old. He is a young talent, but in terms of combat experience and battlefield survival experience facing life and death, I'm sorry, but he doesn't have much.

The [Shuimu Principality], which is located in the northeast of the [Tian Dou Empire], has to be wary of some wandering soul beasts, fallen soul masters, and bandits all year round. It also occasionally mobilizes some troops to go to the south to fight between the [Tian Dou Empire] and the [Tian Dou Empire]. It's just a side drum on the front line of the Star Luo Empire.

In other words, in the entire Douluo Continent, there are actually not many scenes of large armies fighting. The showdown of high-level combat power is the key factor that truly determines the outcome of a war.

Of course, the army also has its own significance. Under the siege of truly elite masters who risk their lives, except for soul masters with special martial spirits and special attributes, ordinary titled Douluo can be killed in the battlefield.

It's just that it's rare to see such a reckless man stay where he is, fighting tens of thousands of elites for three days and three nights.

Talking back to Jiang Yuan, Captain Jiang feels that his combat experience and reaction to the enemy have improved by leaps and bounds in the past six months compared to half a year ago!

It turned out that Jiang Yuan was not the academic type. When he was in the academy, he often competed with teachers and classmates. When hunting for soul rings, he fought against those ferocious soul beasts under the care of teachers and elders. ; In the large spirit fighting arenas of "Muzhi City" and "Bold Wind City", he took part in single, double, and team spirit fighting competitions on stage; during his military career, he even led his soldiers to kill spirit beasts and bandits. .

Everyone knows that under Captain Jiang's "iron-smelting gauntlet", hundreds of heads have been shattered, including soul beasts and soul masters.

But when he gave up using the martial soul "Iron Gauntlet" and instead used the long spear used in legion battles and multi-person battles, Jiang Xiaowei discovered that his spear skills, which he originally thought were pretty good, were actually worse than those of an eleven-year-old child? !

Moreover, this kind of battle can actually train the combat experience that has reached a certain bottleneck. This makes Captain Jiang, whose soul power has begun to slow down, feel sincerely surprised.

Jiang Xiaowei felt that his combat experience had improved by leaps and bounds, but at the same time, he also developed a heartfelt admiration for Ling Yi's growth.

Learning from Ling Yi's previous response, Jiang Yuan rubbed the steel gun in his hand, deflecting the ax blade that was about to hit his hand. He made a fist with his left hand, bent his arm and hit the tail of the gun with his elbow, trying to turn defense into offense.

However, all Jiang Yuan's movements seemed to be noticed by Ling Yi in advance, and he was led by the nose step by step. After walking more than 20 times, the steel gun in his hand was connected by the blade of the battle ax and the ax handle. Hook it everywhere, fold it and pull it, and it comes out immediately.

"Still defeated~" Captain Jiang stared blankly at the steel gun that flew out a few meters away and was stuck diagonally on the ground. He then turned to look at Ling Yi, who was panting slightly. He sighed first, then smiled slightly and said loudly. Said: "Ayi, your ax is no longer weaker than a knife, a spear, or a stick -"

Looking at Jiang Yuan's full energy, Ling Yi took a few breaths and quickly calmed down, grinned, and said with a smile: "Brother Yuan, please let me go, otherwise with your soul power, I really want to bless you." How could it be so easy for me to remove the spear from my hand——?"

"No way~" Jiang Yuan shook his head, raised his right hand, glanced at the silver-white gauntlet, took it back into his body with a thought, and said to Ling Yi: "I was already clenching hard at that time, but you found the breath. During the transition period, even if you mobilize your soul power, it may not be in time..."

"Speaking of which~" Jiang Yuan looked at the long-handled battle ax in Ling Yi's hand, with a strange look on his face, and asked: "First I used a gun, then I changed to a knife. Before I used a stick, and now it's a battle ax. Are you ready to master it?" Eighteen kinds of weapons?”

After asking, Jiang Yuan felt a little bit sore in his balls. He had been holding back this question for a while. Today, Ling Yi's ax technique was the same as the previous three weapons, which gave him a feeling of freedom. He finally asked out loud.


Ling Yi turned the handle of the ax upside down, and the ax fell by his feet, leaving a shallow pit mark on the compacted black earth. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and responded with a smile: "I don't feel like other people who have cultivated to a I'm stuck, I want to learn something else, think about it and see if I can draw parallels——"

Jiang Yuan (⊙o⊙)...: "Uh--you... aren't you afraid of biting off more than you can chew?"

"No way~" Ling Yi shook his head when he heard this, with a smile on his face: "Just like you, Brother Yuan, no matter how good you are in your spear skills, you will still use your "iron-smelting skill" when facing the enemy. "Gauntlet", I am just a healing soul master. I only learn these things to have a little fighting power to protect myself. I am not preparing to go into battle to kill the enemy-"

"Master Huang, who taught me weaponry techniques, said that on the battlefield, once your weapon is broken or damaged, you have to pick it up and use it. The enemy will not give us a chance to choose, so it is not a bad thing to learn more~"

Hearing Ling Yi's words, Jiang Yuan thought about the soldiers under his command. They seemed to be involved in the use of other weapons, but a soul master like him who focused on his own martial soul didn't pay much attention to these. .

Even the current spear skills are due to the influence of Ling Yi, plus the experience that can really enhance the battle, so he has been able to persist for half a year, coming to look for abuse again and again.


Jiang Yuan looked at Ling Yi, who was smiling brightly and innocently, and opened his mouth, but in the end he did not express the complaints in his heart.

According to Jiang Yuan's personal experience, although Ling Yi's martial soul is the waste martial soul "Blue Silver Grass", his first soul ring is a healing soul skill, and he can be said to be a genuine healing soul master.

However, relying on the strength of the opponent's constant swing of the forging hammer, whether holding a gun, or other knife, stick, or axe, generally a great soul master who has just broken through to the second level, as long as the effect of the soul skill is not particularly powerful, is probably not the one in front of him. The opponent of a first-level healing soul master.

After years of hard work, Ling Yi's strength is no longer weaker than, or even far superior to, that of a weapon soul master of the same level!

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