Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 46 The Great Web of the World

Farewell to Old Man Jin and several senior brothers at the blacksmith shop, Ling Yi strolled on the streets of "Muzhi City" as usual, heading towards the college.

After returning to the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy], Ling Yi responded to the friendly greetings one after another with a smile, accurately calling everyone's name and class, and chatting a few words about the other party's situation in the past few days. .

From the gate of the college to dormitory 304 in Building 3, the distance is only over two thousand meters. Ling Yi actually spent half the time it took him to return from [Jin Geng Blacksmith Shop] to [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy].

To be honest, if cultivation requires a balance between work and rest, the body and spirit need a truly leisurely state to relax. Ling Yi actually does not want to waste time on some interpersonal interactions.

Just like in the previous life, unless they were brothers with a very close relationship, Ling Yi would always push and push for some social interactions. If he really couldn't push it, he would go to the scene to deal with it, hide in the corner, eat and drink, and watch the social activities comfortably. The cows discussed ancient and modern times and talked about everything.

Compared with these, wouldn't it be more meaningful to find some young ladies and learn from them about the various professional knowledge they learned in school to enrich their memory and improve their knowledge?

In his previous life, whether through personal experience or through the Internet, Ling Yi, who was used to seeing things in the world, clearly realized that many interactions in life were actually meaningless. It is difficult for people to learn anything or get any positive feedback from some fair-weather friends. When something really happens, these people are the only ones who can lend a helping hand.

Of course, this is human nature, and Ling Yi doesn't despise it. After all, when these fair-weather friends encountered trouble and asked Ling Yi for help, Ling Yi would also consider it carefully. We are all ordinary people who have their own concerns behind their backs and cannot risk their lives to help an outsider. In an indifferent society, let alone friends, even between brothers, parents and children, there is often no bottom line in selfless dedication. Therefore, when seeing those sincere feelings appear, people will be so full of admiration and yearning, telling themselves that there is beauty in the world.

In this life, Douluo Dalu has extraordinary power. In fact, if his talent is high enough, let alone innate full soul power, twin martial souls, even if he has innate fifth-level soul power, Ling Yi will not interact too much with other people. As for any social behavior, it is enough to just say hello with a smile and maintain a good image when meeting someone.

There is a saying that goes well, when you are good and strong enough, you will be surrounded by good people.

If Ling Yi had innate fifth-level soul power and was in the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy], he would be the proud disciple in the eyes of his teachers and an excellent role model in the eyes of his classmates. He only needs to show a humble attitude to the outside world and not be domineering when dealing with others. , then the interpersonal relationships will still be very good, and the evaluation from the outside world will be high.

But unfortunately, Ling Yi is just a village boy with half a level of innate soul power, plus the true and useless martial soul "Blue Silver Grass".

Those geniuses can get positive feedback just by doing whatever they do. Ling Yi needs to do his best to fight for and maintain it in order to be able to receive it.

Perhaps in the eyes of many highly talented people, strength is the most important thing in Douluo Continent, and interpersonal relationships are all empty and useless. Only strength is real and reliable.

This is true, but it does not apply to people at the bottom.

Uniting all the forces that can be united is the best choice for those whose individual strength cannot control the whole.

Human beings are group creatures.

Even a titled Douluo lives in this real world. They have parents and families who gave birth to and nurtured them. They have friends and comrades who accompany them all the way when they grow up. Finally, they will also have concerns about their children and future generations.

Living in this world, unless all worldly ties are cut off, there are always a few people who can affect the mind.

Just like Dugu Bo, Qian Daoliu and others in the original timeline, they are all very typical examples.

As arrogant as Dugu Bo is, he is just an ordinary little old man when facing his granddaughter Dugu Yan.

Qian Daoliu, who had been hiding in the world for decades, came out of the mountain in anger when his son Qian Xunji died. He chased Tang Hao all over the continent to vent his anger. Due to the relationship between his granddaughter Qian Renxue, he turned against Bibi Dong who killed Qian Xunji with his own hands. I can't do it either.

As for the evil things Qian Xunji did to Bibi Dong, does Qian Daoliu feel guilty?

Maybe, but when Qianxun Ji died and Qian Daoliu became angry, would he consider this?

In the original timeline, among the three extreme Douluo, Qian Daoliu was concerned about Qian Renxue and [Martial Spirit Hall], Tang Chen was concerned about Bo Saixi and [Haotian Sect], and Bo Saixi was concerned about Tang Chen and the Poseidon inheritance of [Poseidon Island].

Most of the world is a sea of ​​suffering. People in the sea of ​​suffering will be entangled in thousands of connections. Those who are powerful can relax a little, while those who are weak can only bear the hardships. The pain of being bound is hard to breathe.

And Ling Yi, knowing that he is weak, can only change his passiveness into activeness, take the initiative to touch these threads, and use his own methods to weave these originally chaotic lines into an orderly one that can cover himself and protect him. Live your own network.

Most of the teachers and students in the college may not be able to provide any substantial help in the future, but they are also individuals living in the great network of this world. Through these individuals, Ling Yi has worked hard to create outstanding achievements. The image can be further spread outward.

Ling Yi, who has been baptized by massive amounts of information in his previous life, knows that having a good reputation and image is very beneficial when he is weak.

In dormitory 304, Ling Yi pushed open the door and entered.

"Brother Yi——"

"Brother Yi is back——"...

In the dormitory, the classmates and roommates who were sitting cross-legged on their respective beds, meditating and cultivating their soul power, opened their eyes and saw Ling Yi, and they immediately started greeting each other.

Ling Yi waved his hand and said: "You continue to practice, I will come back, pack my things and leave -"

After finishing speaking, he walked straight to his bed.

I saw that in the huge dormitory 304, on the right corner of the innermost corner, a 'tent' with a height and width of about two meters and a length of nearly two meters stood standing there very abruptly.

The Blue Silver Nest was built with thriving "Blue Silver Grass" plants. It was like a tent, covering Ling Yi's bed and isolating the inside and outside to create a small private space.

Ling Yi bent down and got into the blue silver nest, took out a package that had been prepared, put it on his shoulders, turned to Mo Yuan and others who did not continue to meditate and practice, but got off the bed one by one and came closer, and said : "I asked for leave from the college two days ago and will be away for about ten days. During these days when I'm not here, remember to study hard and don't be lazy in your cultivation -"

Hearing Ling Yi's words, Mo Yuan and others had complex expressions of envy, admiration, and reluctance on their faces. They all understood that Brother Yi must be going to hunt for his first soul ring when he takes leave this time. When Brother Yi comes back here again, he will be a soul master with his first soul ring!

"Brother Yi, don't worry! We will definitely study hard and practice hard!" Mo Yuan nodded vigorously and responded loudly: "We will definitely not be lazy, nor will we be left too far behind by you, Brother Yi! You said However, we will still fight side by side in the future——!"

"That's right~ Brother Yi, when I become a soul master in the future, I will definitely protect you——!"

"And me! Although I don't know if I can become a soul master like Brother Yi, I will definitely try my best to practice, and I won't be left too far behind by you -!"...

A series of passionate statements sounded out. Ling Yi patted each other on the shoulders one by one, leaving behind the words "Come on", "Work hard", "Waiting for you", "You can do it"... Under the eyes of several people , walked out of dormitory 304.

After leaving the academy, Ling Yi went straight to the east gate of "Muzhi City".

There, a carriage rented in advance was waiting for him.

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