Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 45 Booking a Craftsman

"Dang——! Dang——!! Dang——!!!..."

The sound of gold and iron like a storm exploded in [Jin Geng Blacksmith Shop], attracting the attention of every young apprentice and master in the shop.

When the last thunder that was about to break through the roof and soar into the sky fell, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time, echoing in everyone's ears, a short and stocky old man with white hair and beard stepped forward, came to a forging platform, and leaned out. His right hand grabbed the dark sword that was still emitting blazing heat.

As the soul power surged, a silver-white gauntlet appeared that covered the elbow, covering the short and sturdy old man's right hand and arm, isolating the invasion of the high temperature.

Then, the old man flicked the fingers of his left hand, wrapped in a touch of silver-gray soul power, and tapped his index finger on the dark sword in his right hand.


The melodious voice sounded, causing everyone standing around to subconsciously squint their eyes and look intoxicated.

Everyone here is either a senior blacksmith or an intermediate blacksmith who has been there for many years, and their ability to judge the quality of a work is engraved in their bones.

Just by hearing this sound, everyone knew that this was a good knife, a knife that they couldn't make!

He was not squinting in intoxication like the others around him. The stocky old man's eyes were piercing. His right hand was still wrapped in silver-white gauntlet, and he held the sword horizontally. His left hand showed silver-gray soul power, protecting his fingers from the residual heat of the sword, inch by inch. He stroked the blade and back of the sword.

And following the movement of the old man's hand, under the light of the silver-gray soul power, everyone discovered that the dark sword actually had textures that looked like cloud patterns!

Five minutes later, the stocky old man carefully looked at every inch of the dark-skinned sword, put down the sword that had cooled down a lot, and then looked at the figure standing quietly in front of the forging platform. His beard and hair were all white, but still ruddy. A cheerful look appeared on his face, and he laughed and said: "Okay! Okay! Okay! -"

"Hahaha - good! The sound is like a jade chime, the texture is like clouds, and it is natural. Xiao Yi, you are very good! Very good -!!! Hahahaha -!!!"

Facing the old man's praise, Ling Yi was not complacent, but still maintained a humble attitude. With a warm smile on his lips, he cupped his fists and saluted the old man, and said harmoniously: "It's good that I didn't disappoint the master -"


Seeing Ling Yi's neither arrogant nor impetuous appearance, Mr. Jin felt even more satisfied, but on his face he shook his head and said: "There is no youthful vigor at all, and he looks more like an old guy like me who is half buried in the ground. Old man——"

After saying that, he said again: "Disappointed? How could it be possible to be disappointed?!"

"A sword that was forged five hundred times!" Mr. Jin raised the dark sword in his hand, his eyes full of pride: "Even in 'Gengxin City', there are a few people who can create such a perfect sword at the age of ten. Five hundred forged weapons?"


Within the territory of [Xingluo Empire], [Haotian Sect] and [Force Clan] are stationed.

In a blacksmith shop, the young patriarch of the [Power Clan], Tai Tan, who is now in his thirties, is directing a young man to hammer the huge iron block in front of him with a serious look on his face.

The young man held a hammer with a cylindrical head in his right hand. He was spinning and dancing, and the giant hammer was flying in his hand, as light as weightless. In a very short period of time, the huge iron block was deformed and shrunk by the impact.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, when the iron block disappeared, it was replaced by a machete with a long handle and a wide blade.

The young man looked at the machete, nodded noncommittally, and raised his chin to signal to the Titan next to him.

Tai Tan stepped forward, his soul power covered his hand, picked up the knife, looked at it carefully, and said respectfully to the young man: "Young Master, the blade of the knife is dense and even, and the size and proportion are excellent. With your talent, add "Hao With the advantage of "Heavenly Hammer", I think it won't take long for you to master the crafting of weapons with a strength of more than 500 times! "

"Five hundred forgings?" After hearing Tai Tan's words, the young man showed a bit of dissatisfaction on his face: "How long does it take to reach the blacksmith's thousand forgings?"

"Young Master~" Tai Tan's tall body bent slightly, his tone was still humble, and he said patiently: "You have only been involved in forging for a little more than two years. You usually focus on cultivation, and the time you spend on forging is even shorter. You don't have to So eager..."

"Okay~" The young master waved his hand, interrupted Tai Tan, and said: "Then let's do this for now. I will reach level 40 in one year at most. When I become a Soul Sect, do you think I can do it by then? Can’t reach the Thousand Forging Level forging level?”

"One year?!" Tai Tan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said with surprise and joy: "Young Master, you are only fourteen years old now, one year... this... this... fifteen-year-old Soul Sect..."


On the other side of the continent, Titan was shocked by his young master's talent.

[Shui Mu Principality] capital, [Muzhi City], [Jin Geng Blacksmith Shop].

"Xiao Yi~" Mr. King Kong looked at Ling Yi in front of him with a pleased expression, and said with a smile: "I heard that your soul power has been raised to level ten?"

"Yes, Master~" Ling Yi nodded and responded with a smile.

"Okay!" Mr. King Kong raised his brows with joy and smiled heartily, "Xiao Yi, don't worry, master, I still have some thin noodles in this "Muzhi City", I will definitely find you a few helpers who are strong enough to hunt for you. A soul beast that is over a hundred years old and has suitable attributes——!"

"Thank you for your concern, Master~" Ling Yi thanked him first, then shook his head and said: "But no need, the disciple has already made arrangements..."

"Huh?" Mr. King Kong raised his eyebrows when he heard this, looked at Ling Yi, and asked: "Have the arrangements been made? Are you planning to wait for the unified soul hunting of your college?"

At this point, the old man frowned and said in a deep voice: "Listen to Master's advice, it is best not to place your first soul ring on the unified soul hunting led by the college teacher..."

"It stands to reason that with your smart mind and having stayed in your college for three years, you shouldn't be unaware of it, right?

Almost all the unified soul hunting organized by junior soul master colleges, the soul rings hunted for the students are basically white soul rings that are less than a hundred years old, and the benefits to the soul masters can be said to be pitiful..."

"Those kids from ordinary families don't understand, shouldn't you kid understand?"

As he spoke, a look of wonder appeared on Mr. King Kong's face, and he looked up and down. From beginning to end, Ling Yi was smiling and looking calm.

"Master, don't worry~" Facing the old man's confused gaze, Ling Yi shook his head and said: "The disciple's first soul ring will definitely be one that is over a hundred years old. Otherwise, with the disciple's half-level innate soul power qualification, he may be trapped to death. Below the great soul master——"

"And only with the increase of soul rings that are more than a hundred years old, can disciples have some hope to foresee what the scenery of the great soul master level and above will be like -"

Why do all the forces in "Muzhi City" still not pay much attention to Ling Yi even though they know that his training speed is unreasonable?

the reason is simple.

First, the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit itself is weak. Among the thousands of martial spirits in the Douluo Continent, it belongs to the bottom of the bottom, even inferior to junk martial arts such as "Thousand Jun Ants" and "Hoes".

Second, Ling Yi's innate soul power is only half a level, and the upper limit in the future is almost locked. No matter how much he jumps, in their knowledge, it is impossible to break through to the soul master level or above.

Let me ask, a guy who can't even reach the Soul Master and whose own fighting ability is not strong, so what if he is smart? Even if the forging talent is extremely strong, so what?

At most, he is just another blacksmith. Master Jin is already old. This boy named Ling Yi can just take over from his master and become one of the new "Three Great Craftsmen" of [Shuimu Principality]...

Thank you to book friend [Endless Fate and Impermanent Destiny] for your monthly vote, thank you to [book friend 20230622122822560] for your reward, thank you to all book friends for your recommendation votes and continued reading, thank you all! ! ! (*^▽^*)

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