Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 47 Returning home in fine clothes

The carriage moved slowly, heading east.

The sun was already setting at this time, and the "Muzhi City" behind it had a magical beauty against the red glow of the sky.

By the window of the carriage, Ling Yi's eyes reflected the fading scenery. He turned around and lowered the curtains, his mind untroubled.

In the past three years, Ling Yi has traveled back and forth between "Muzhi City" and his hometown of Shanhai Village no less than thirty times. He is already very familiar with the journey ahead.

The carriage driver was an old acquaintance, and he had carried Ling Yi seven or eight times on this road.

Because we were taking the official road, and it was getting late at this time, the farther we got away from the "Muzhi City" behind us, the fewer pedestrians were on the road, until there was no one left, and the horses pulling the carriage could pick up the speed a little. Break into a trot.

Because there was a section of mountain road in the middle, winding up and down, left and right, the carriage carrying Ling Yi didn't arrive at Beikouhe Town until close to early morning, and delivered Ling Yi to its destination - Jiang's Blacksmith Shop.

Ling Yi politely said "Thank you, thank you for your hard work~", and then paid the carriage fee neatly. Amidst the coachman's sincere thanks, he turned around and followed Ling Bai who opened the door and entered the blacksmith shop.

At dawn the next day, leaving Master Jiang and his cousin Ling Bai, Ling Yi strode toward Shanhai Village with his parcel on his back.

It wasn't that he didn't want the carriage to take him directly to Shanhai Village last night, it was because the road from Beikouhe Town to Shanhai Village was not an official road, but a country road. The narrow, potholed dirt road was fine for a mule-drawn cart, but it was difficult for a spacious carriage to travel along it. Even if you drive forcefully, bumps and stumbling are inevitable.

With the tenth level of soul power in his body, coupled with the physical training from shallow to deep since he was a child, Ling Yi can move extremely fast and has long endurance. The distance of more than forty miles can be covered in about an hour.

"Xiao Yi? Isn't this Xiao Yi——"

"Xiao Yi is back -?"

"Hey! It's true...Xiao Yi is back——!"...

To the west of Shanhai Village, in the fields on both sides of the road, villagers working in twos and threes stopped what they were doing and started chatting with each other when they saw Ling Yi.

Someone also shouted loudly: "Xiao Yi——! He's back again——!!"

"Yes -! I'm back -!" Ling Yi looked over and responded loudly at the top of his voice.

Just like that, a series of shouts suddenly rang out in Shanhai Village a hundred meters away: "Woof——! Woof woof woof——!!!"

Before Ling Yi walked into the village, a tall yellow figure quickly jumped out and rushed towards Ling Yi.

"Ah Huang——!"

Ling Yi hugged the big yellow dog that jumped in front of him, rubbed the dog's head vigorously, and tilted his head to avoid the long tongue licking it.

Just as he comforted Ah Huang and put him down, before Ling Yi could continue walking towards the village, another gray figure appeared silently on his way forward, squatting there quietly, a pair of The crystal vertical pupils looked at him, seemingly calm, but inside there was a hint of joy that could not be concealed.

"Meow meow~" Ling Yi patted the head of the yellow dog spinning around him, opened his arms to the meow in front of him, and called out with a smile.


An afterimage passed by, and Miao Miao's figure disappeared from the place, then reappeared and came to Ling Yi's arms.

Meow Meow's furry head rubbed against Ling Yi's chest, then he withdrew, turned around, facing the direction of the village, then turned his head nearly 150 degrees, looking at Ling Yi, waiting for his master's companions.

Similarly, Ah Huang also stopped spinning and came to the side of Ling Yi, wagging his tail and waiting.

"Haha~" Ling Yi was happy when he saw this, waved his hand and laughed: "Let's go! Go home -!"

The reunion scene at home is omitted to avoid embarrassment to some coders who are not good at describing emotions.

At noon, the Ling and Zhang families had a sumptuous lunch to welcome Ling Yi's return.

After the meal, grandparents and grandparents left to go home. Uncle Zhang Dahe went to the fish pond, Ling Xiaoshan took Ling Yi's cousin Zhang Lei to the fields, and his mother Zhang Xiaoyu and aunt Ling He took a few The little one was watching the little ones playing in the Ling family's yard, while weaving fishing nets and bamboo cages.

Four children, two boys and two girls.

Zhang Xin was born in December 2593 in the Douluo Calendar. It is now October 2601 in the Douluo Calendar, two months shy of turning eight years old.

Ling Shan was born in March of the year 2594 in the Douluo Calendar, at the age of seven years and seven months.

Ling Si, the little girl who was still in Ling Yi's arms when she left home to go to school, was born in February 2598 in the Douluo calendar. Her birthday is the same day as Ling Yi. In four months, she will be four. Years old.

Zhang Miao was born last year in January 2600 of the Douluo Calendar. She was less than two years old. She was following behind her brothers and sisters. She was still shaky when walking and might fall down at any time. In other words, "Blue Silver Grass" was planted everywhere in the yard, and unexpectedly he fell and got injured.

Not to mention the two little girls, they are still young and ignorant, and it is time for them to play happily.

The two older ones, Zhang Xin and Ling Shan, said they were playing, but in fact they were practicing the "Basic Gymnastics" taught by Ling Yi, because one moment they were learning to meow and lie down, and the next moment they were stretching their waists like Ah Huang. In Zhang Miao's eyes, he was naturally pretending to be a cat or a dog.

At present, both Zhang Xin and Ling Shan have gone through the martial soul awakening ceremony and have their own martial souls.

Both of them performed the Wuhun Awakening Ceremony on their birthdays. With Ling Yi’s relationship with Yan Bin, the deacon of the Wuhun Branch Hall in the town, and the fact that the required ceremony fees were paid, it was natural that Ling Yi would not be like Zhang Lei, Ling Yi was just like before, waiting for the unified awakening ceremony in the Beikouhe Town area, which wasted time.

Ling Yi has been studying in "Muzhi City" for the past three years. Because of his status as a work-study student, the tuition is naturally free, and he also spends money on food and drink. However, at the [Yinxin Blacksmith Shop] owned by the fifth senior brother Wang Meng and the ninth senior brother He Wen. The exquisite weapons forged in the [Jin Geng Blacksmith Shop] managed by him were sold for a high price.

Correspondingly, Ling Yi's craftsmanship fee, whether it is the fifth senior brother or the ninth senior brother, will not be short of him.

It can be said that after three years, the money Ling Yi has saved is richer than the combined wealth of the Ling and Zhang families in Shanhai Village.

Let’s talk about Zhang Xin and Ling Shan.

As expected, the martial spirits of the two little guys were a "hoe" martial spirit passed down from the Zhang family, and a "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit passed down from the Ling family.

In terms of innate soul power, Zhang Xin was unlucky. He really had no soul power reaction at all. Yan Bin specially gave Zhang Xin a crystal ball to detect soul power for more than ten minutes, but there was no light at all. .

Ling Shan's place was better. According to the share of light in the crystal ball at that time, it was about 2%. In other words, Ling Shan's innate soul power was level 0.2.

The innate soul power is level 0.2, which is really low, but no matter what, at least Ling Shan can directly practice the "Basic Meditation Method" under the guidance of Ling Yi and Zhang Lei to increase his soul power.

The results of the martial soul awakening of the second son of the Ling and Zhang families are mixed, both happy and sad, but there is nothing to say.

According to Ling Yi's speculation, although the two of them accepted self-hypnosis and entered deep sleep less frequently than Zhang Lei did back then, the amount of nutrients they could absorb since they were still conceived in the mother's body would definitely increase due to the improvement in the conditions of the two families. Much better than Zhang Lei and Ling Yi themselves.

Therefore, in the final analysis, the quality of the martial souls of the two families is still too weak, and the possibility of awakening the innate soul power is extremely low.

Fortunately, because of the "Bluesilver Grass - Mimicry Training Ground" that Ling Yi has built over the years, Lingshan, who has lived in such an environment all year round, got along day and night three years ago. In the past three years, he has rushed back almost every month for Everyone at home undergoes hypnosis to put them into a deep sleep state and regulate their bodies.

Ling Shan also benefited from this, and was finally lucky enough to awaken level 0.2 innate soul power.

As an aside, when Ling Yi returned home for the first time three years ago, he invited Master Jiang’s family from the town to be guests at his home in Shanhai Village. In the following three years, one after another, Jiang Hai, the grandson of Master Jiang’s family, They were all taken to the village to play by Ling Yi. Every time, they would enjoy the same treatment as Zhang Xin and Ling Shan: ginseng chicken soup + deep sleep.

What Ling Yi didn't expect was that Jiang Hai, who had awakened his martial soul a month earlier than Ling Shan, had reached the first level of innate soul power. At this time, he had become a junior soul master in the "Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy" in "Mu Zhi City". He became Ling Yi’s younger brother.

As for Ling Shan, under Ling Yi's suggestion, he chose to practice with Zhang Lei at home for two years, and then go to "Muzhi City" to study until the new school year starts next year.

A six-year-old baby, without any conditions, could only seize every opportunity to learn. However, whether it was the teaching materials Ling Yi left at home, the teaching materials he compiled by himself, or Zhang Lei, his cousin, they could all attract Ling Shan. When you get started, there is no need to leave home so early and go to a big city where you are unfamiliar with.

After all, Ling Yi had already decided that after successfully absorbing the first soul ring, he would return to the academy and apply for early graduation.

Without Ling Yi in the academy, Ling Shan would be under great pressure with his innate soul power of 0.2.

The better Ling Yi performs in the past three years, the heavier the pressure will be on Ling Shan.

Thank you to book friends [Qingqi T Qing Wu] and [1594232908908982272] for their monthly votes. Thank you to book friends [Burning Dark Green] for your rewards. Thank you to all book friends for your recommendation votes and continued reading. Thank you all! ! ! (*^▽^*)

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