Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 44 Three years in the blink of an eye

Cold comes and summer comes, summer passes through autumn.

"Muzhi City", [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy].

As the familiar bell rang, Ethan Lillian and Ethan Anno, now in fifth grade, each walked out of the classroom talking and laughing with several classmates.

Three years ago, neither Lilian nor Annuo would have believed that there were self-funded students among the classmates chatting happily around them.

But at this moment, no matter who it was, they felt that the scene in front of them was so ordinary.

"Lillian, I heard from my brother that Brother Yi reached the tenth level of soul power a few days ago. Is it true?"

Because he entered school a year late, Ling Yi was a few months older than Lilian and Annuo, but one grade lower.

It stands to reason that the relationship between them in fifth grade and Ling Yi in fourth grade should be that of senior sister and junior junior.

But now three years have passed, and now the entire student body of [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy], except for the sixth-grade seniors, will affectionately call Ling Yi "A Yi", whether they are first-year freshmen, He is still a fifth-grade student. When he meets Ling Yi, who is in fourth grade, he will call "Brother Yi" from the bottom of his heart.

Three years have passed, and Lilian, who is now ten years old, has grown a lot, and her facial features and eyebrows are less childlike. In addition, the relationship between classmates in the college has become friendly, and she has many best friends with whom she can talk. The little girl always has a bright smile on her pretty face. Because of the martial spirit "Emerald Feathered Bird", the little girl with emerald green hair is petite and jumps around like a happy lark.

Hearing her best friend's inquiry, Lilian immediately puffed up her chest, her little face full of pride, and responded loudly: "That's right! Brother Yi broke through to level ten three nights ago. He told Teacher Yuan the morning before yesterday Teacher Yuan was really surprised!"

"Oh my god——!"

“It’s actually true—?!”

"so amazing--!!"……

As Lilian finished speaking, the surrounding students, both male and female, showed expressions of surprise, admiration, and adoration.

Compared to the little girl's sensual admiration, the boys gathered around Annuo and had a hearty chat with Brother Yi's fellow villager.

"I remember that Brother Yi seemed to have only half a level of innate soul power, but the speed of his cultivation now is probably comparable to those outstanding students with level 3 or 4 innate soul power, right?" A boy with freckles said with his eyes shining. sighed.

"Almost~" Hearing this, Annuo nodded and said, "Yunlan from Brother Yi's class has level three innate soul power, and he only broke through to level nine two months ago..."

"It's really unimaginable that Brother Yi's "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit actually has such characteristics..." Another boy said with a look of envy.

Now the entire [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy]... No! The entire "Muzhi City" knows that there is a child whose martial spirit is "Blue Silver Grass". His innate soul power is only half a level, but because of the characteristics of "Blue Silver Grass" that is easy to survive and can be seen everywhere, he can easily Create a "mimicry training ground" unique to "Blue Silver Grass" to increase the speed of soul power cultivation.

In the past three years, Grand Duke Mufeng of [Shuimu Principality], Kelvin, the master of the Wuhun Main Hall of [Muzhi City], and several marquises have spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, all over the principality. Looking for someone with the "Blue Silver Grass" martial soul with innate soul power.

This was done openly, but secretly, Duke Mufeng and Hall Master Kelvin even extended their tentacles into part of the [Tian Dou Empire]. And some earl-level entities who do not want to be named are also searching intentionally or unintentionally. After finding them, whether they keep them for themselves and cultivate them, or offer them to Grand Duke Mufeng or Lord Kelvin in exchange for some resources, it is a good idea. Buy and sell.

However, three years have passed. In the entire [Shuimu Principality], various forces have found out that the martial spirit is the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit. There are more than 4,000 people, but there are only eight people with innate soul power. More than ten people, the chance is less than 2%!

Among the more than eighty people, not one has reached the first level of innate soul power. There are more than fifty who are between twenty and fifty years old, a dozen who are over fifty years old, and eight who are in their teens. Eleven under the age of ten.

In fact, as early as more than a year ago, the entire [Shuimu Principality] was no longer interested in finding people whose martial souls were "Blue Silver Grass" and possessed innate soul power.

From the beginning, a dozen target persons under the age of twenty were found to practice in the specially built "Bluesilver Grass - Mimicry Training Ground". The verification results obtained were that the cultivation speed did increase, but each person The degree of increase is not the same. Some have a larger increase, almost 10% faster, and some have a negligible increase, only about 1 or 2%.

No one can reach the speed of that lucky guy Ling Yi, whose cultivation speed has more than doubled!

Someone once raised doubts, saying that this boy named Ling Yi might have other secrets. Otherwise, how could the gap be so obvious?

At this time, Master Jin, one of the three major craftsmen in the principality, stood up.

Master Jin described to Grand Duke Mufeng and other senior officials of the principality, what is understanding and wisdom beyond ordinary people, which is an innate qualification that is unique to human beings in addition to martial soul qualifications!

Do not believe?

Master Jin said that he didn’t believe it at first.

One day three years ago, the fifth disciple Wang Meng brought Ling Yi to find him and told him that Ling Yi had mastered the thirteen moves of the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" in one day.

Master Jin has lived for more than seventy years, what has he not seen? never heard of that?

Another thing is that Mr. Jin can still trust the character and character of the fifth disciple Wang Meng.

So, half convinced and half doubtful, the old man demonstrated the thirty-six movements of the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" he had mastered to Ling Yi on the spot.

The final result was very clear. Except for the reasonable mistake that due to lack of strength, the strength of the twenty-fifth hammer exceeded the upper limit of control and the forging hammer flew out, Ling Yi fully demonstrated to Master Jin what it meant. genius!

Once you learn it, you'll be good at it!

In the subsequent interactions, Ling Yi showed Master Jin and his disciples the meaning of a series of words such as photographic memory, drawing inferences from one instance, and introducing new ones.

In addition to Master Jin, many teachers from the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy] also stood up to prove the facts about Ling Yi's astonishing wisdom.

In the past three years, Ling Yi studied by himself through the classroom teachings of various teachers and at the same time went into the library on the top floor of the teaching building to read books. Not only did he master all the martial arts and soul beast information possessed by the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy], he even I asked the teachers for advice and discussed with them a more complete and systematic education plan, so that the students of all grades in [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy] in the past three years have mastered more knowledge and more knowledge during their studies. reliable!

These teachers in the college are themselves arranged by various parties, and the forces behind them are intricately connected. In the eyes of various forces, the credibility of their words is naturally much higher.

At this point, the issue of the cultivation speed of the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit has almost come to an end.

At most, Grand Duke Mufeng or Lord Kelvin may continue to train the dozen or so tool men they have collected in private, which does not mean that all the investment they have made in the past three years has been wasted.

As for Ling Yi, in addition to the label of 'lucky man', in the eyes of all the forces in 'Muzhi City', he also had the label of 'wisdom'.

Other than that, no one paid much attention to this mere soul warrior.

Well, a high-level blacksmith soul warrior who is relatively lucky, has a smart mind, and can create hundreds of forging-level sophisticated weapons.

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