Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 43 The cloak is broken

Chapter 43: Chaos Cloak·Remnant

"Fifth Senior Brother~Fifth Senior Brother~~~"

Under Ling Yi's soft calls, Wang Meng, who was slightly shocked, finally came back to his senses. He looked at Ling Yi with a complex expression and was speechless for a long time.

Reluctantly gathering his thoughts, Wang Meng shook his head and tightened his grip on the forging hammer, which made him feel more at ease.

He nodded to Ling Yi and said, "Your analysis is very good... um..."

As Wang Meng spoke, he was a little stuck again. While organizing his words, he continued:

"According to my master, when he was studying in the metal city of "Gengxin City", his master once said that the Tang Family of the [Haotian Sect] is the only country in the Douluo Continent except for the 'Gengxin City' [Blacksmith Association General Assembly]. , the only place with a complete inheritance of "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique"——"

"And the "Chaos Cloak Hammering Technique" is indeed the most powerful casting technique for our blacksmiths to remove metal impurities!!!" (Note 1)

Having said this, Wang Meng's originally chaotic mood turned into a strong sense of pride once again, and his entire mental state calmed down a lot.

Seeing this, Ling Yi no longer stimulated him, but his eyes shone brightly, looking directly at Wang Meng with a look of impatient desire: "Then~~Fifth Senior Brother, do you and the master know how to "Chaos"? Cloak Hammer Technique"?"


Wang Meng raised his head, raised his chin, opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Master studied blacksmithing skills in Gengxin City. He learned the thirty-six-step "Ran Cloak Hammer Technique" from his master!"


Although he was slightly disappointed with the number "Thirty-Six Forms", Ling Yi still maintained a look of yearning and expectation on his face as he looked at Wang Meng.

Wang Meng was very impressed by Ling Yi's eyes and expression. This time he did not directly say the words Ling Yi expected. He just shook his head and continued with a sigh on his face: "Unfortunately, I don't have enough qualifications. I can only learn how to learn." After completing thirteen moves, the combo of the fourteenth hammer could not be continued..."

Having said this, Wang Meng couldn't help but feel a little frustrated in his heart, and immediately lost interest in showing off in front of Ling Yi.

Without any more pretense, Wang Meng picked up the forging hammer that he had been holding in his hand, walked to the forging table next to Ling Yi in two steps, and gestured to Ling Yi: "Xiao Yi, I will demonstrate it to you first, and I will show it to you later. Explain it in detail..."

After saying that, Wang Meng used iron tongs to take out the dark red iron ingot that had been licked by the fire and placed it on the anvil.

Wang Meng first took a deep breath and assumed the same posture as when he was forging before. Then, Wang Meng suddenly exerted force on his feet.

Under Ling Yi's mental induction, Wang Meng's calf muscles contracted violently, and a huge force came from bottom to top, along his thighs, waist, arms, and up to the forging hammer he was holding tightly in his hand...


With this golden sound and jade vibration, the forging hammer in his hand hit the iron ingot. When it bounced up due to the reaction force, Wang Meng turned around along with this force, exerted force on his calf again, and swung the forging hammer tightly held in his generous hand. Then, amid the strong howling of the wind, there was another loud noise, and the hammer head fell on the iron block again. Not only was this blow extremely fast, but it was also vaguely stronger than the first blow!

Next, every time the forging hammer rebounds high, the moment it is about to reach its highest point, no sooner or later, Wang Meng's figure will draw an arc, driving the forging hammer in his hand to circle around, and then hit it again , the whole person's movements and the bounce of the forging hammer reached an almost perfect fit.

Ling Yi felt inexplicably familiar with the scene in front of him.

However, Ling Yi did not mobilize his mind to think deeply. He just wrote down this familiarity and devoted more attention to every movement and detail of Wang Meng in front of him.

After traveling through time for more than seven years, I finally came into contact with the mainland of Douluo Continent. Apart from martial arts and meditation, the first secret skill is still a secret skill that occupies a large space in the middle and later stages of the protagonist's battle in the original work. Naturally, it must be given a certain amount of attention.

Seeing that starting from the second blow, the power of each blow exceeded Wang Meng's full strength in the first blow, but through that magical posture, the growing power was still under his control. The perfect and coordinated movement posture avoids the damage to oneself by the rebound force to the greatest extent, but instead adds this power to the next hammer blow.

Wang Meng's movements gradually accelerated, and the forging hammer in his hand turned into a chain of arrows and struck the iron ingot, causing the iron ingot to rapidly deform. Moreover, the position that Wang Meng struck was not fixed at the same position, but fell evenly on every corner of the iron ingot. When the iron ingot was struck to a quarter of its original thickness, the forging hammer in Wang Meng's hand fell and rose. , a sticky force appeared, and the iron ingot was absorbed and reversed, and the next hammer hit the original back of the iron ingot.

Ten breaths, only ten breaths of time!

When Wang Meng struck the last hammer suddenly, making a deafening sound of gold and iron, and when he stood there panting violently, only ten breaths had passed since he raised the hammer and struck the first blow! ! !

The speed of the first three hammers was okay, almost one hammer per breath, but starting from the fourth hammer, Wang Meng's speed became faster and faster. In less than seven breaths, he knocked out the next ten hammers in an instant.

Ling Yi looked away from Wang Meng, who was breathing heavily, and looked at the dark red iron ingot on the anvil.

If you look at it roughly, the iron ingot has not changed much. It seems smaller than before, but it doesn't seem to be smaller at all.

But Ling Yi's five senses were extremely sharp, and coupled with his mental induction, he immediately discovered that the iron ingot was about one-thirtieth smaller than before!

"Huh-huh-" Wang Meng's breathing gradually slowed down, and he looked at the iron ingot in front of him. His years of experience and eyesight in blacksmithing allowed him to easily distinguish the changes in the iron ingot.

First he smiled with satisfaction, but then he seemed to think of something. Wang Meng shook his head helplessly, turned to look at Ling Yi, and said with a bit of pride, "This is the "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique"!"

To be honest, this was the first time Ling Yi had seen such an expression in the month since he had been with Wang Meng.

Obviously, "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique" really has a different meaning to Wang Meng.


Ling Yi gave a very thumbs up and praised Wang Meng vigorously: "What the fifth senior brother just did, if the great soul master teachers in the academy saw it, they would be stunned——!"


Hearing Ling Yi's words, Wang Meng's face was still full of smiles, but his pride was gone. It was as if the two completely different looks had never appeared before, and the iconic shyness reappeared. He waved his hand and said quickly: "No, no, no, I can only use this hand in forging, but I can't use it in battle..."

"Besides, the master said that the complete "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique" can be used to swing ninety-nine and eighty-one hammers in a row. He only learned thirty-six hammers back then, which is considered a incomplete lesson~

I can only swing thirteen hammers, which is the only fragment among the fragments..."

After saying that, without waiting for Ling Yi to say anything else, Wang Meng took the lead and asked: "How's it going? Xiao Yi, after reading it just now, what do you think of "The Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique"?"

Ling Yi's mind at this time retreated from the scene when Wang Meng performed the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" residual style. At the same time, he also recalled the source of the familiar feeling before - "Farmer's Three Styles" Swinging Hoe Style! .

With thoughts surging in her heart, Ling Yi replied to Wang Meng's question without delay: "Based on your body movements just now, Fifth Senior Brother, the principle of the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" seems to be a method of using force through the body and arms. , the rotation of the forging hammer resolves the reaction force and transforms it into the next blow...

However, it is easy to say, but it is not easy to do! "

"More than small!"

Even though Wang Meng was already somewhat immune to Ling Yi's astonishing wisdom, he still looked stunned after hearing Ling Yi's words. He immediately showed a bitter smile on his face, shook his head and said, "Just by seizing the opportunity of the counterattack, I stopped many people." There are many, many apprentices who have been taught the "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique" by their masters, no less than a hundred of them, all of whom started out as high-level blacksmiths, but in the end, less than thirty people have mastered it at this level!"

"And the only ones who can swing more than ten hammers continuously are our twelve direct disciples!"

If we say that ordinary soul masters, great soul masters, and even soul masters can use their own powerful strength to create hundreds of forged instruments, they are rated as advanced blacksmiths.

Then, the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" cannot be learned by a soul master using force.

This involves forging skills and experience, and you also need to have a certain amount of talent to master the secrets.

Therefore, in a sense, in addition to being a powerful blacksmithing and combat secret skill, the "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique" is also an excellent means to verify the blacksmith's talent and skills.

Next, under Wang Meng's guidance, Ling Yi started to practice the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" for the first time.

According to Wang Meng's understanding of Ling Yi from his observation over the past month, with Ling Yi's talent, it won't be long before he can master the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique".

As for how long it will take to reach the same thirteenth hammer as him, Wang Meng is a little unsure.

But Wang Meng thinks it will take at least half a year~

After all, learning this secret skill requires practice and a lot of practice.

When Ling Yi has mastered it almost, he will take it to his master, Mr. Jin, to learn the following content.

The old man is getting older, and in recent years, he has only done the hammer-swinging job occasionally, and has remained a master at it.

Only when a big customer comes to the door, will the disciples be summoned to assist and start the forging in person.

Thank you to [book friend 20210317235826218], book friend [Xingtou], [book friend 20210731211213510] for your monthly votes, thank you to book friend [Burning Dark Green] for your reward, and I would like to express my gratitude to all book friends for your recommendation votes and continued reading, thank you all! ! !

Note 1: In the original work, it is indeed casting. Because the author used the word casting at the beginning, but a book friend pointed out the difference between casting and forging, so I explain it here.

The following is from Baidu:

Casting is a forming process. After the metal is melted into liquid, it is cast into a casting cavity that matches the shape of the part. After it is cooled, solidified, and cleaned, the part or blank is obtained. The casting major focuses on the metal smelting process and the control of the process during the casting process.

Forging is slow shaping. A processing method that uses forging machinery to apply pressure to metal blanks, extrusion, hammering and other methods to turn the metal material in a plastic state into a workpiece with a certain shape and size. Forging is plastic forming in the solid state. It can be divided into hot working and cold working. Forging, such as extrusion, drawing, piercing, punching, etc., all belong to forging.

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