Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 24 In the Wilderness

They fell to the ground in twos and threes, and continued to use the method of 'cooking the ox' to clean up some branches and leaves on the branches along the texture, and then handed them to Zhang Lei who couldn't wait. Ling Yi pulled out the wood stick stuck on the ground next to him. He flicked the stick casually and said:

"Okay, Brother Lei, let's keep walking. We haven't received our lunch yet -"

"Or are you planning to eat the pancakes you brought?"

"That can't be—!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Lei slapped the precious 'artifact' he had just received on the ground and blurted out: "Stop talking and arrange for a beggar chicken!"


Swinging the dark wooden stick forward, Zhang Lei said with high spirits: "Today I want you to see my recent progress——!"

Looking at Zhang Lei's back dancing the stick and striding forward, Ling Yi chuckled and shook his head, then looked down at the stick in his hand, and whispered in his heart with some emotion: 'If I had this stick in my hand when I was young, The cauliflowers ten miles apart are all headless——'

Immediately, he raised his stick and knocked on the "iron birch tree" next to him, which was stronger than fine iron. In the sound of "dang~dang~", Ling Yi signaled Ah Huang and Miao Miao to disperse and stay vigilant at all times, and stepped towards Zhang Lei. The figure followed.

Time became less obvious in the cold and quiet environment of the old forest. The light above the head remained the same from beginning to end, neither getting brighter nor dimmer.

But in Ling Yi's telepathy, the sunlight above the tree crown more than 20 meters high was particularly bright at the moment.

At this moment, it’s probably noon~

Thinking of this, Ling Yi held a bundle of branches in his hand and walked towards Zhang Lei who was digging a hole with his martial spirit "hoe" not far away. As he walked, he called out: "Brother Lei, it's not too early now. Speed ​​up and do it." Okay, let’s go meet Miaomiao for dinner..."


Hearing this, Zhang Lei wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, nodded vigorously to Ling Yi, who had already arrived at the edge of the pit, and said: "Don't worry, it will be done soon. This depth is definitely enough for a whole family of that thing." Even the little one can’t get out..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ling Yi's response, he buried his head and waved his martial spirit "hoe" again.

Seeing Zhang Lei full of energy, Ling Yi squatted down on the edge of the large pit that was nearly ten feet wide, about two meters deep, with smooth walls and went straight up and down. With the sickle in his hand, he quickly cut away the roots of his own arm. Almost a thick branch.

Soon, it was almost tea time. When Ling Yi had cut the last branch, he said to Zhang Lei, who was beating the walls with a wooden stick at the bottom of the pit to make the earth wall more solid: "Okay, Brother Lei, take it." Just insert these wooden thorns underneath..."

As he said that, he threw the branches that had been piled up beside him with sharp branches sharpened at both ends to the bottom of the pit about two meters away from Zhang Lei.

When Zhang Lei bent down to pick up the wooden thorns, Ling Yi jumped down and came to his side. He stretched out his arms and picked up six or seven wooden thorns. He walked to the bottom of the pit and started inserting the wooden thorns one by one. It went into the ground to a depth of nearly two feet, leaving only about a third of it outside.

With the joint efforts of the two, this trap pit, which was a large undertaking, was finally completed in a short time.

Climbing up the rope to the ground and standing on the edge of the trap pit, Zhang Lei felt filled with a sense of accomplishment.

This big hole was dug by him and Ling Yi every now and then, and it took him more than a month to dig it. During this period, he was always worried that the target or other things would step on it and destroy it in advance...

Fortunately, with luck, none of this happened.

He didn't want to do what Ling Yi said, and if he failed halfway, he would treat it as practicing the 'hoe swing'.

If you really want to practice the ‘hoe wielding style’, wouldn’t it be better to dig a fish pond next to the village? There is no need to worry here.

While Zhang Lei was sighing, Ling Yi had already arranged dozens of thin wooden sticks, which were prepared in advance, in an orderly manner on the trap pit. Then he pulled his arm and walked to an open space not far away. .

After walking dozens of steps, a piece of "Blue Silver Grass" about twenty square meters wide came into view.

Nothing to say, just keep doing it.

Fortunately, the past month or so was not in vain. This grassland had already been treated by the two of them.

Pieces of turf about three meters square were lifted up and piled into a pile by the two people, then moved to the trap pit, and then laid out piece by piece on the thin wooden sticks placed above the trap pit.

After completing all this, both Zhang Lei and Ling Yi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Their eyes met, and after a few chuckles, Ling Yi took the lead and said, "Let's go and wash up in the stream in front, and then go find Miaomiao~"

After saying that, he turned to the forest and whistled.

The next second, a yellow figure jumped out from behind a big tree and came to the two of them in the blink of an eye.

It was Ah Huang, who was previously assigned by Ling Yi to roam around and stand guard to be wary of wild animals invading the forest.

The two took Ah Huang, packed up ropes, sickles and other items, and walked towards the northeast.

There, there is a trickling stream, nourishing the trees and green plants in this forest, making it more lush.

At the same time, it is also the southeastern area where the outer and inner areas of the old forest meet, and is one of the drinking water options for many birds and wild animals.

When they came to the creek, they washed and wiped their hands, face, head and neck in the flowing water. Ling and Yi did not drink the seemingly clear stream water directly.

He turned around and continued walking along the upstream direction of the water. After walking for more than a hundred meters, he came to a rocky beach and stopped.

Under a gray-white boulder as tall as a person, Ling Yi bent down and took away a few fist-sized pebbles on the ground, and then lifted up a wooden board, revealing a puddle underneath that was as thick as an adult's thigh.

At this time, the puddle was filled with clear water, reflecting Ling Yi's fair and handsome face with a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Ayi~Ayi——!" Zhang Lei's shout came from seven or eight meters away.

Ling Yi stood up, followed the sound, and saw Zhang Lei holding the iron birch stick he just got today, picking out two pitch black mud balls from a pile of black charcoal fire with only a few dark red stars left, and facing Ling Yi. Yi waved.

Using the bamboo tube that he brought with him, he filled the puddle full of water. Ling Yi came to Zhang Lei, poured the water into a polished stone pot, and took the one handed over by Zhang Lei. He casually smashed the mud ball on the big stone next to him, revealing the yellow-green lotus leaves inside.

In an instant, the air was filled with the fragrance of lotus leaves and chicken, which entered the noses of Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, as well as Ah Huang and Miaomiao who came running after smelling the smell.

Miao Miao was okay. Although she was staring straight at the beggar chicken in their hands, her sitting posture was still elegant. She just squinted her eyes on a large stone, waiting for feeding from Ling Yi and Zhang Lei.

Ah Huang couldn't wait any longer. His fluffy tail was wagging like a cattail leaf fan, and he kept circling around Ling Yi and the two of them. His long tongue was hanging out, and drool was visible to the naked eye, which made the meow next to him look contemptuous.

Adding a few pieces of dead wood to the extinguishing fire and stoking the fire, Ling Yi held a chicken wing in his mouth while tearing off the beggar chicken's head, neck and buttocks, and threw them to Miao Miao and Ah Huang respectively, letting them Let's satisfy our greed first.

Zhang Lei next to him followed suit. After feeding him, he showed off the chicken legs in his mouth and helped Ling Yi put the stone pot on the fire.

Ling Yi took a few wet yellow mud balls under the big rock where Miao Miao was, and after peeling them open, he revealed the pickled hare and grass carp wrapped in lotus leaves, as well as two peeled balls, revealing white flesh and bones. water snake.

Next, Ling Yi and Zhang Lei stuffed pieces of chicken into their mouths, Miaomiao and Ah Huang's mouths from time to time, and at the same time put hare and grass carp on the fire to roast.

As for the two water snakes, they cooked a delicious snake soup in the stone pot~

In the afternoon, Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, who had eaten and drank enough, collected the soil, dead leaves, etc. that were full of the smell of their urine and excrement left by Ah Huang and Miaomiao in the past month around the trap pit. After deep burial and processing, I just started on my way home.

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