Ten days later.

In the southeastern area of ​​​​the old forest, in the woods beside the rocky beach.

Wearing camouflage clothes woven with vines and grass leaves, Ling Yi and Zhang Lei were straddling the middle branches of a big tree, wrapping their hands around the trunk to secure themselves firmly.

As time passed by, Ling Yi's eyes were slightly closed, as if sleeping but not sleeping, while Zhang Lei was staring in the direction of the rocky beach.

'coming--! ’

With a soft voice in his heart, Ling Yi suddenly opened his eyes and cast his sharp gaze on the rocky beach.

I saw that in the north of the rocky beach, a series of black shadows appeared one after another beside the stream.

At this time, Zhang Lei, who was standing on the big tree next to him, noticed it and hurriedly waved to Ling Yi.

Nodding slightly to Zhang Lei to show that he received it, Ling Yi raised his hand and looked towards the gray figure on another branch above his head.

After patting Meow Meow's slender back, he saw it turn into a gray phantom, jump across the treetops a few times, and then disappear.

When he reappeared, the little guy had already appeared on a blue and black boulder at the edge of the rocky beach. Standing side by side with him was Ah Huang, who had lurked past me at some point.

Here, Zhang Lei asked in a low voice: "Ayi, can Miaomiao and Ahuang...?"

Although the distance between the two big trees was nearly ten meters, Zhang Lei knew that with Ling Yi's keen senses, he could hear this low-pitched inquiry.

After making a reassuring gesture to Zhang Lei, Ling Yi put his fingers in his mouth...


With a sharp whistle, two figures, one gray and one yellow, jumped up and down across the narrow stream. Like lightning, they pounced on the two huge brown-black figures on the other side of the rocky beach.

Those were wild boars, a group of more than thirty wild boars!

What Miao Miao and Ah Huang attacked were two adult boars that had just finished drinking water and turned around to the edge of the group.

Two front paws, one gray and one yellow, were dug into the weak points of the back doors of the two adult male wild boars. With another dig, red, yellow, black, white... messy things were immediately pulled out.

Before the miserable howl could be heard, Miao Miao and Ah Huang, who had succeeded in one blow, turned around and ran away with another sharp whistle.

It wasn't until the two little guys crossed the creek and ran more than ten meters that the wild boars here woke up.

Immediately, a series of angry neighing sounds echoed through the rocky beach one after another.

Led by a black-maned wild boar that was one meter tall, more than two meters from head to tail, and with tusks on its lips, six adult wild boars that were slightly smaller in size chased away in the direction where Miao Miao and Ah Huang had evacuated. There were only three adult wild boars left on the ground, as well as about twenty slightly panicked young wild boars.

Oh, there are also two adult male wild boars lying paralyzed on the ground, in a somewhat tough situation, moaning and groaning on the verge of death.

In the forest, Ling Yi and Zhang Lei watched helplessly as Miao Miao and Ah Huang roared past under the trees with seven wild boars.

Until the last wild boar disappeared among the big trees, Ling Yi gestured to Zhang Lei and slid along the trunk to the ground.

After trotting all the way, the two came to the blue and black boulder where Miao Miao and Ah Huang were standing just now, and stood still.

At this time, the wild boar group that had just been raided was particularly keen, and Ling Yi and the two were discovered as soon as they appeared.

Twenty or so little wild boars grunted, and the three adult wild boars slightly bent their forelimbs and leaned forward, making an attack stance towards Ling Yi and the other two.

"Hit the little one!"

Ling Yi said briefly to Zhang Lei beside him, and then entered the fighting state.

He stood in a T-shape with his feet one behind the other, holding an iron birch slingshot in his left hand, and holding a stone bullet in a leather pocket with his right hand. He pulled and released, and a gray flying shadow disappeared fleetingly in the air.

After firing the first bullet, Ling Yi did not stop. His right hand quickly took out another stone bullet from the open cloth pocket on his waist, pulled it, and released it...

When Zhang Lei next to him fired three bullets, hitting the neck and cheek of a small wild boar, and the eyebrow of another wild boar, Ling Yi had already fired eight stone bullets.

Six of these eight stone bullets hit the two front hoof joints of the three adult wild boars that rushed towards them, causing the three adult wild boars to fall to the ground hard and smashing a lot of pebbles along the way. .

"call out--!"

There was a whistling sound, and the ninth stone bullet flew past and hit the third adult wild boar's eye accurately. Like the previous two ends, the powerful kinetic energy caused the hard stone bullet to penetrate directly into the brain, grinding the white pig brain into broken bean curds.

After solving the biggest threat at the scene, Ling Yi did not stop, but continued to draw the bow and fly rocks, and together with Zhang Lei, shot at the small wild boars that were no longer protected by the big pigs and began to flee.

In the blink of an eye, twenty-two little wild boars were missed. They were all knocked to the ground by the two men. They were groaning and unable to get up and escape.

The difference was that four or five little wild boars had multiple wounds on their bodies, while the remaining dozen or so had injuries basically only on the four hoof joints.

Glancing at the results of the battle lying on the ground, Zhang Lei gave Ling Yi a thumbs up and sincerely praised: "A Yi, you are so awesome!"

Finally, he sighed: "It would be great if your martial spirit was a slingshot~"

The slingshot in Ling Yi's hand was simply a miraculous skill in Zhang Lei's eyes.

He had seen it with his own eyes. Ling Yi fired three bullets in an instant, hitting gray-winged mosquitoes flying more than fifty meters away in different directions!

The key thing is that Ling Yi was shooting with his eyes closed at that time! !

Zhang Lei feels that even those soul masters, great soul masters, and even soul masters can only achieve this level of soul skills, right?

Sometimes, people have to admit that the gap between people is often so large that it makes people feel dreamlike and false.

Ling Yi actually felt this deeply in his previous life.

Faced with those 'supermen' who broke the common understanding of the world, he couldn't help but feel that as an ordinary person at the time, he was just here to make up for the numbers.

Some people have to read an article more than a dozen or dozens of times before they can memorize it, but some people can use "human cameras" to remember it.

In a five- or six-meter-high two-story building, some people have a shaky way of climbing up a ladder, but some people can just put their feet up and kick on the wall twice, and then go up in one leap.

Fortunately, in this life, with the cultivation of the spiritual path and the development of spiritual power, Ling Yi found that he had become one of the geniuses who had been elusive in his previous life.

Without saying anything more about Zhang Lei's emotion, Ling Yi inserted the iron birch slingshot into his waist pocket, took out several bamboo tubes from his lower back, and stepped towards the small wild boars.

He skillfully put on double-layered rabbit skin gloves, opened the mouths of each small wild boar, and fed each one a mouthful of the pungent brown liquid in the bamboo tube.

As the liquid entered their stomachs, these humming little wild boars gradually became quiet and their body movements became stiff.

This brown liquid is a simplified copycat version of the Mongolian sweat medicine recipe that Ling Yi searched online when he was reading novels in his previous life. It uses several common and toxic ingredients such as Datura flowers, Sangcaowu, and Aracenia. Made from flowers and herbs.

The effect is not bad!

A small spoonful can keep an adult rabbit at home sleeping for a day and a night!

Even if the taste is too strong, let alone humans, even animals have to open their mouths and pour it in before they can drink it~

When Ling Yi took care of the twenty-two young wild boars, Zhang Lei over there had also mixed underwater mud with water plants and leaves to cover the wounds of the five adult wild boar carcasses, trying to slow down the dispersion of the bloody smell as much as possible.

The two of them looked at each other, ignoring the large and small wild boars that were littered with corpses on the ground. They took out their iron birch slingshots again, walked towards the forest, and followed the traces left by the wild boars on the ground.

I don’t know if Miao Miao and Ah Huang succeeded in luring the seven wild boars to the trap pit.

Thank you to book friends [Qingji T Wuqing] for your monthly votes, and everyone’s support and continued reading, thank you! (^_^)

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