Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 23 The Magical Use of Spirit

The next day, early morning.

In the hot summer season, even though the sky is still early, there is still a bit of heat in the air.

To the north of Shanhai Village, there is an old forest.

After having breakfast at home, Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, who had greeted Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Dahe respectively, each brought an iron birch slingshot, a cloth bag with polished stones, plus a sickle, flint, rope, and dry food. Wait, with Ah Huang and Miaomiao following, they entered a place that many adults in the village stayed away from.

As soon as they entered the forest, they saw Ah Huang wandering around and looking happy. Meow Meow, who usually looked aloof, also jumped up and climbed up to a high branch of a big tree, overlooking it from a high position.

Because the canopy of trees overhead blocked the increasingly hot sunlight, the temperature in the old forest was at least three to five degrees lower than outside. Ling Yi and the two who had just run to join us had a slight sweat on their foreheads. Feeling quite refreshed.

A gust of wind blew through the forest, bringing greetings from the northern land of Douluo Continent to Ling Yi and Zhang Lei.

According to Ling Yi's inquiries from various sources, behind the forest, which is more than twenty miles deep, the mountains stretching for unknown distances seem to be connected to the "Ice Forest" in the north of the [Tian Dou Empire].

As for the "Ultra North" further north, that is unknown. It is obviously beyond the cognitive scope of the people Ling Yi can currently contact.

Stepping into the forest, Ling Yi held a sickle in one hand and caught the stick that Miaomiao pushed down from the branch above his head with the other hand. His whole person looked solemn, loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Even though this is only the outermost part of the old forest, only seven or eight meters away from the sun-drenched place behind it.

In the forest with complex environment, it is right to be cautious after all.

The most unlucky guy in "The Transformation of Stars", Immortal Emperor Niyang, a dignified eighth-level Xuanxian, a powerful being in the immortal world, obviously got a great opportunity from the divine realm, but because of stepping on a poisonous insect from the divine realm , was poisoned to death.

What kind of shit is this? !

This is both a matter of luck and lack of caution. As a time traveler, Ling Yi often takes this as a warning.

It can be said that the 'unlucky ghost' Ni Yang Immortal Emperor and the 'gou sage' Li Changshou were both regarded by Ling Yi as a beacon on the road of cultivation.

It's just that one is a negative example and the other is a positive example.

Holding a black wooden stick about the thickness of a thumb and about one meter long in his hand, Ling Yi occasionally pushed aside the dead branches and leaves on the way forward, and swept away some vines and weeds that were entangled in the road.

This scene made Zhang Lei, who was a few steps behind, feel a little jealous.

Although, he also had a wooden stick in his hand that Meow had just pushed down from the high branch of another big tree.

This one is thicker than the one in Ling Yi's hand, about the thickness of a small egg, nearly 1.5 meters long, and has an overall withered yellow color. It is not as good looking as Ling Yi's black one with a slight metallic luster.


Zhang Lei staggered away from Ling Yi in front of him and struck the wooden stick in his hand diagonally forward. He glanced at the stick in Ling Yi's hand and said, "Let's go to the "Iron Birch Tree" today and have a look. I also want to break one." Iron birch branches..."

He lowered his head and glanced at the withered yellow wooden stick in his hand, and saw that there were two bug eyes and a thin crack on it. A look of disgust flashed in his eyes:

"Look~" Zhang Lei raised the wooden stick in his hand towards Ling Yi: "It's only been a few days since I left it on the tree, and two eyes were eaten by insects——"

"Okay~" Ling Yi took the time to glance at Zhang Lei's raised stick and nodded to him: "As long as there is one of the right size -"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Lei adjusted his direction and walked towards the "iron birch tree" in the old forest with a smile on his face.

Along the way, Ling Yi was focused and always paying attention to the goings-on around him.

Thanks to the development of the power of the soul in the past few years, in addition to the great progress in mental power, Ling Yi's five senses have also been greatly developed.

As long as he pays attention to the induction, everything within a radius of tens of meters will be reflected in his mind.

However, the farther away it is, the blurrier it becomes, and the closer it is to him, the clearer it is.

For example, right now, Ling Yi could easily sense the crawling tracks of some insects and ants in the grass a few meters around him, and his ears automatically simulated a "rustling~" sound.

There are also the sounds of high-frequency flapping of the wings of mosquitoes and flies flying in the surrounding air; there are insects parasitizing inside the tree trunks, sucking the sap of the big trees...

Ling Yi can visualize these scenes in his mind without having to use his eyes to see them.

This is the way of spiritual cultivation that Ling Yi relied on from the many novels he read in his previous life, including "The Emperor of the Galaxy". He spent several years imitating and copying the spiritual cultivation method based on this world and his own talents - —The second stage of deep sleep!

Unfortunately, as introduced in that novel, in deep sleep, you cannot move and must be absolutely quiet. If your body moves a little, you will wake up.

Wanting to reach the third stage of exercise and enter deep sleep, Ling Yi currently only has some guesses, but has never been able to get in.

After a while, Ling and Yi arrived at their destination.

Here, it is still in the outer area of ​​the old forest, but it is also several miles deep. The surrounding trees are taller, and the sunlight filtering through the forest is much sparser than before.

A clearing about thirty meters in radius suddenly appeared among the dense forest. In the center of the clearing was a small dark tree about twelve or three meters high.

Compared to the surrounding trees, which are all 20 meters upward, this dark tree with a metallic luster does seem a bit small.

"Iron Birch Tree" is a kind of soul power plant. The specific age is unknown. Anyway, my grandfather Ling Changqing said that this tree grew here when his father, Ling Yi's great-grandfather Ling Xu, was young.

At that time, the tree was about ten meters tall. Over the years, it may not have grown even one meter in height.

As for the name "Iron Birch Tree", how did the villagers of Shanhai Village, a remote, backward and poorly informed village, know about it? The villagers themselves don't know. It seems that the older generation has already called it that. When did it start? The old people who are still alive can't figure it out, and they think it looks like it's a little longer ago~

It's not that no one has paid attention to this soul plant. Compared to going to the soul hunting forest to hunt for the soul rings of soul beasts, this "iron birch tree" that grows honestly in the ground is much safer. .

But unfortunately, there is currently no soul master in Shanhai Village who can turn this "Iron Birch Tree" into a soul ring.

Another one is this "Iron Birch", it's really too hard!

Several adult laborers spent a long time chopping with axes and hatchets. The blades of the knives and axes cracked, their arms became weak, and they could only leave a few marks on the trunk.

Over the years, the villagers of Shanhai Village have only been able to pick up some naturally fallen branches and make the best use of them according to their size, length and shape. And even these fallen branches are as tough and strong as ordinary iron tools, and they are not easy to be eaten by insects or worn out.

Faced with such a tough "iron birch tree", why did Ling Yi agree so casually and help Zhang Lei break a branch?

Obviously, the life of cheating is such self-confidence!

For example, the iron birch stick in Ling Yi's hand was what he climbed up the "iron birch tree" last year and took it from a branch seven or eight meters above the ground.

That moment, this moment.

Zhang Lei was very lucky. He came here specifically for this purpose. Unlike before, he came and went in a hurry every time. After spending a little effort, he found a branch on a branch that was about the same size and length as the stick in his hand. .

I saw that Ling Yi raised his foot and kicked at the root of the tree. He was like a monkey. Using his hands and feet together, he climbed up to the middle of the "Iron Birch Tree" in the blink of an eye and arrived at the branch he had aimed at before.

He took one step forward and immediately sat down, straddling one-third of the branch with a diameter of about fifteen centimeters.

Clamp the branch with both legs, hold on to the branch with one hand to steady yourself, and hold the sickle in the other hand. The blade of the blade is attached to the root of a branch a few feet in front of you, and you grind it carefully.

Ling Yi mobilized his mental power to sense the texture of the joints at the roots of the branches.

At a certain moment, Ling Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the sickle he raised slightly in his hand "swiped" and dragged...


With a slight sound, a branch that looked like it was made of black iron broke and fell to the ground.

"What a pity~" Ling Yi sat up straight, pressed his hand on the tree trunk under his crotch, and stood up. He shook his head silently in his heart: "Although I can learn from the idea of ​​​​cooking the cow, I can get into the space without being generous. I can do it with ease, but the forward swing of this move is too long, and now I can only split the material...'

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