Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 101 Looking back on the past

Before noon the next day, Ling Yi and the four of them each held their horses and followed the flow of people into the west gate of "Muzhi City".

[Blacksmiths Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] Headquarters, in front of a three-story building with a height of fifteen meters.

Ling Yi stopped and said to Zhang Mufeng: "A Feng, please go back first. We haven't seen you for so long. I think senior brother and the others also miss you -"

"Yeah~" Zhang Mufeng didn't refuse, and he made the agreement on the way here. He nodded immediately and said: "Then, Brother Yi, I will go home first, and I will come to the association to see you later -"

"Hehe~" Long Yin stepped forward, patted Zhang Mufeng's shoulder, which was already as generous as his own, and said with a smile: "Young boy, don't let it slip when you go back. At home, you should still call Brother Yi your master uncle. Don't forget--!"

"That's right!" Qingqiu Xin also took the opportunity to finish the attack: "If your father finds out that you call his junior brother 'Brother Yi' and indirectly become a brother with him, I guess you may have to prepare wound medicine in advance-"

Looking at the two people who were gloating about their misfortune, Zhang Mufeng said angrily: "I remember that your fathers are also brothers to Brother Yi. Do you also want to call me uncle?"

After saying that, without waiting for the two of them to say anything else, he got on his horse, nodded to Ling Yi, and said: "Brother Yi, I'm leaving first -"

Ling Yi waved his hand and warned: "Slow down on the road and pay attention to pedestrians~"

Zhang Mufeng nodded and responded: "Hey! Don't worry, Brother Yi, I will do it-"

Immediately, he knocked the horse's belly and trotted away amidst the crisp sound of "嘘~嘚~嘚~".

[Blacksmith Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] On the third floor of the headquarters, in an office facing south on the east side.

Ling Yi sat on the chair in front of the desk, looking down at the account books and documents.

Behind the desk opposite, Mr. Jin was playing with a brand new tea set. From time to time he would glance at the focused Ling Yi, with a look of relief and satisfaction on his old face.

Compared with two years ago, Mr. Jin's beard and hair are whiter, and his whole person looks older. But looking at his rosy face now, you can know that the old man is more energetic now than before.

Thinking about it, the original Mr. Jin, although he was one of the three great craftsmen in the principality and a guest of Grand Duke Mufeng and several marquises, in the final analysis, he was just a bad old man wielding a hammer.

His soul-level strength is slowly declining as his body ages.

How does it feel to watch your once strong and mighty body gradually become old and weak?

Even though there are disciples and grandsons who have taught him throughout the Shuimu Principality, this false reputation cannot bring any substantial benefits to Mr. Jin or the descendants of the Jin family.

The blacksmith group is just a taller group of ordinary people. In Douluo Continent, where soul masters are the mainstay, they can't gain much prominence.

On the contrary, Mr. Jin, who has many descendants, sometimes still worries that if the Jin family fails to give birth to a new and influential heir after he closes his eyes, how can he continue to live in the capital city "Mizhi City"? To gain a foothold?

Although that boy Jiang Yuan calls Mr. Jin ‘Second Uncle and Grandpa’, he is not from the Jin family after all. His surname is Jiang!

Even though Jiang Yuan's martial spirit is the Jin family's "iron-smelting gauntlet."

Fortunately, God is lucky for the Jin family, and God is lucky for King Kong to receive such an 'unusual' disciple like Ling Yi in his old age!

Before accepting Ling Yi as his disciple, Mr. Jin's biggest wish was that one of the twelve direct disciples could break through to the level of blacksmith master and inherit the position of one of the three major master craftsmen in his principality.

After decades of getting along with each other, these twelve direct disciples were carefully selected by him. Whether it is character, talent, or family background, they will continue to work with the Jin family behind them after inheriting their status. Watch and help each other and support each other to take root in "Muzhi City".

When Ling Yi became a disciple, what Mr. Jin thought was that although this kid's martial arts qualifications were not good, he was at least a senior blacksmith and would be a good force among many disciples in the future.

If the thirteen senior blacksmith-level direct disciples help the Jin family together, the lives of the fourteen families will not be any worse in the future.

However, when Ling Yi reached the tenth level with unexpected speed and successfully obtained a hundred-year-old first soul ring, he proposed to himself that he would use Fu Shan's connections to join the principality's military. Mr. Jin Suddenly, I discovered that this young disciple seemed to have always had a very independent character.

Looking back on the time this little guy entered "Muzhi City", whether he was admitted to the Soul Master Academy or became an apprentice to learn forging on his own, he has been making steady progress step by step.

Of course, this isn't a bad thing.

On the contrary, Ling Yi is not the kind of 'fool' who only knows how to cultivate soul power and only care about forging. Mr. Jin's expectations for him have become even more enthusiastic.

After spending several years together, watching Ling Yi grow from a seven-year-old baby to a young man in his early ten years, Mr. Jin asked himself that he knew Ling Yi quite well.

Ling Yi is a very pure person.

I watched him unite his classmates at school, respect his teachers, study hard, and share his learning results with his classmates without hesitation; I watched him humbly ask for advice from each of his seniors in the blacksmith shop, diligently honing boring forging skills, and being knowledgeable about all the students. People are kind, smart, patient, humble, and kind...

Almost all the words of praise that Mr. Jin can think of can be applied to this young disciple.

For this reason, Mr. Jin also deliberately wrote that letter, asking his junior brother Tiefutu, who had not contacted him for decades, and had become the only master craftsman in Douluo Continent, to ask him to agree to teach Ling Futu. Yi Quanquan's "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique", don't bury such a gem.

According to Mr. Jin's idea, in the future, when Ling Yi becomes stronger and encounters a bottleneck among senior blacksmiths, he will be recommended to go to "Gengxin City" in the [Star Luo Empire] to go to Tiefu Tu to learn the full version. "Chaos Cloak Hammering Technique", learn more advanced forging skills...

Who would have known that more than two years later, a fat man who claimed to be a disciple of his junior brother Tiefutu suddenly came to visit him, his senior uncle.

A soul king-level nephew and a master blacksmith!

God knows that King Kong is almost 80 years old, but he can still have such a person come to visit him? !

Dazedly, he received his nephew named Lou Gao and watched him go to the north of the principality to find his young disciple Ling Yi. King Kong's mood at that time was very high.

Sure enough, in just over half a year, when the young disciple Ling Yi returned to "Muzhi City" again, he became the fourth blacksmith master in the "Shuimu Principality" after himself, Fu Shan, and Li Qiang!

And that's not even the biggest surprise.

To this day, King Kong still clearly remembers that day when the young disciple who became the blacksmith stood in front of him and told him that he wanted to summon the senior blacksmiths from the entire [Shuimu Principality] to establish an empire like the [Xingluo Empire] The same organization as the [Blacksmiths Association] in the metal city "Gengxin City".

He wants all the blacksmiths in the [Shuimu Principality] to join this organization.

He wants all blacksmiths to improve their status in the eyes of the world and their actual income!

He wants to...

More than a year, almost two years later, these goals have been achieved one by one.

Today, everyone in the Jin family, except women and children, is in this association, and all of his disciples and disciples are also in this association.

Only then did Mr. Jin suddenly realize that all the blacksmiths gathered together turned out to be such an unexpected behemoth!

Thanks to the book friends [Say I'm worried, The long journey to medicine, Black Iron Tips, The Messenger of Heaven, Si Kexin, Fa Tongjia, Li Zhishu, Maple Leaf 2233, Nuohe, Book Friends 20191230111420387, Small and Random, Heartful Home, Black Iron Tips, White Stone Red Leaves] for your monthly vote, thank you book friends [Hao De Shangxian, Book Friends 20190721191456270, Book Friends 20181008042148486, A Sea of ​​Blue Clouds] for your rewards, thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading, thank you all ! (*^▽^*)

Well, the author received an inquiry from the editor on the morning of July 19th, asking me if I would put it on the shelves. The current reading is 1809.

We don’t know whether this number is high or low, but thinking about the previous one, it was released on June 3rd, signed on July 5th, and put on the shelves on August 1st. Now that this book can be put on the shelves in advance, it seems pretty good. , and immediately replied, “Let’s put it on the shelves.”

Because time is tight, on the basis of ensuring two updates a day, I can only code one more chapter. Please bear with me~

Next, I dare not say more, but two updates a day should be no problem.

Well, without further ado, it’s almost one o’clock in the morning. It’s time for me, the author, to go to bed. I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow morning~

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