Everyone listened to his words until the end, feeling very puzzled, and a question came to their mind.

Compared with Igarashi, why did Toono Maki treat Chengzao so"hospitally"?

Jie Shiyi inadvertently said what he was thinking.

After hanging up the phone, Toono Maki heard what he said, turned around and looked at everyone and said,"That chestnut-headed guy, the world stage will not welcome him, the audience will not welcome him. He has tarnished the spirit of sports and the green field. He does despicable things, like a villain."

But....In a game, fouls are often used to win. Jie Shi opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything. However, his eyes told Tono Maki that he was puzzled.

"Although I don't know what Huixin is doing, I hope you remember that you are football players. At the same time, I also hope that you can recognize the difference between open and secret plots. There has never been a conspiracy on the chessboard."Tono Maki replied coldly.

Isn't the football field a chessboard?

Jie Shiyi has never felt the gap between him and Toono Maki more than at this moment.

Huixin Shinpachi needs an egoist, but he needs a striker more.

Jie Shiyi, it is undeniable that he forgot for a moment that he was a player and wanted to use the most despicable method to win-because he has no talent and he does not want to be eliminated.

But how can Jie Shiyi stand on the world stage like that? Can he really get the applause he wants?

Not only him, but others also began to think about this question.........

One night passed peacefully. With the sound of typing, everyone in Group Z fell asleep, except Jie Shiyi and Qian Qili Baoma.

Jie Shiyi was curious about what Toono Maki was busy with, while Qian Qili Baoma kept recalling the movements of Toono Maki kicking the ball - beautiful and elegant. Before this, Qian Qili found it hard to believe that someone could kick a football so"beautifully", and it was hard to imagine a stadium with no roars and roars, but only"fragrance". It was like a rose blooming on a battlefield with blood and oars.

Qian Qili Baoma felt hopeful and sad, hoping that he could find a reason to give up football in Toono Maki, but sad that he would be away from the stadium.

With the sound of typing, Qian Qili Baoma closed his eyes.......

Then he heard Tono Mu whisper,"The cruciate ligament is ruptured......It's a pity." At that moment, he felt his eyes were sore and he silently covered his mouth with his hand, hoping that his breathing would not reveal his helplessness at the moment.

"However, it should be curable. Ah, this is the time when I will be extremely grateful to my rich father."Tono Maki muttered to himself, then closed his notebook and prepared to go to sleep. Qianqi

Leopard Horse did not miss a word, but he would rather have missed it. Because he did not have the courage to give up football.......

He let the tears flow, listened to the steady breathing of his companions around him, and stared at the ceiling with his eyes open until the next morning. He had never looked forward to tomorrow as much as he did today, never been so excited and anxious, never been so timid..........

The next morning,

Tono Maki got up and washed according to his biological clock, then went to the built-in court to warm up and start his training menu.

After everything was done, he was ready to enjoy his breakfast.

"miss apricot"

"Tono-kun, here are your clothes and sneakers....."Dijin Anli rummaged through her bag,"This is your breakfast, the same as you had in Germany. Then Mr. Huixin asked me to tell you that your three meals will no longer be delivered. Please eat in the cafeteria.""

"Oh? But I don't have any ranking."

"Regarding this, Mr. Huixin said, just use this to scan it on the machine, and that's it." Dijin Anli took out an abstract stick figure"little man" from her bag and handed it to Tono Maki, and said.

After taking the pendant, Tono Maki was silent. If it weren't for his name written on the little man's jersey, he would never admit that this abstract ghost thing was him. He hesitated to speak, and finally asked,"Miss Xing, I think a simple design would be better. After all, the important thing is only the chip inside, right?"

"Eh? But it looks better this way, don't you think it's cute?"

After hearing this, Yuan Yemu came to his senses,"This is Miss Xing, did you draw it?"

"Yes, Mr. Huixin said that my painting is good!"Tono Maki thought expressionlessly, it was such a long time ago, but he still remembered it. He silently touched the word loser on the little man's hair.

If you don't look carefully, maybe no one will notice it, and he knew it was just carved when he touched it.

The petty-minded Huixin was very......... years ago.....

"Noel Noah. Although I admit that he is very good now, I still hate him. He looks like a robot and lacks aesthetics."

"Oh? Noah's opponent is quite interesting."

"Unfortunately, he still lacks some talent. Noah is a rare double-footed"...

Finally, he, Tono Maki, asked Noah to take the jersey of Eishin Shinpachi, then stood in front of Eishin Shinpachi, picked up the jersey and left, leaving a sentence"Although I admire you. But unfortunately you are a loser. I don't want the autograph of a loser.".............

Shinpachi Huixin looked at Tono Maki's expressionless face through the surveillance video and smiled,"Boy, I remember everything." Then he hummed a cheerful little tune and started making instant noodles.

"Tono Maki, you are different from others. Instead of opening your eyes, you should learn how to close them. Your talent makes you stand too high........"Huixin Shinpachi looked at the surveillance camera and said,"However, you are such a genius, you will understand this kind of thing sooner or later, so I won't say any more. After all, failure can make people reflect, right?"...........

""Qianqi Baoma?" He walked to the cafeteria and looked at the Z group having dinner together. To be honest, Yuanqi didn't know what Qianqi Baoma looked like, but judging from the name, he should be a strong man........So he looked at the orange-haired man...... result....

The beautiful lady sitting next to the orange-headed man replied,"I am."

After a short silence, Tono Maki said,"I have something to ask you, please come with me."

Qianqi Leopard Horse certainly knew why he was silent, but he was a little speechless. Because Tono Maki's appearance is also quite good.......

"You have ruptured the cruciate ligament in your right knee."


"I have seen your previous data. It can be said that it is quite good, especially the speed. I admire you, so I decided to invest in you."


"I can provide medical facilities, but in return, you need to play for me for 8 years."Tono Maki said,"I am going to buy a club and I also want a gold cup."

Qianqi Leopard Horse thought about it. After a long wait, he gritted his teeth and said,"I, promise you." Tono Maki smiled, stretched out his hand and said,"Congratulations on making a wise choice." Qianqi

Leopard Horse also smiled and stretched out his hand to shake his hand, saying,"Rejecting you is equivalent to saying goodbye to football. In the future, please give me more advice, boss"..........

Qianqi Baoma thought that Tono Maki was really different. No capitalist would choose a man with a torn cruciate ligament, but Tono Maki chose him and believed that he could give him a return.

Before he was injured, many people were ready to invest in him; but after he was injured, no one was interested. He thought that the difference between people was probably reflected here.

He looked at his future boss, smiled and walked up to invite him to the stadium together

"You should still be able to play football"

"The doctor said if I do this again, I won't be able to run again."

"Now, can you run with confidence?"

"Yes, boss."

"The medical team I hired will arrive tomorrow, and the medical facilities should be delivered soon."Tono Maki looked at the brand new Chichiri Leopard Horse and said with a smile,"Compete with me. I want to see your fastest speed."

"Yes, boss!"......

Riding the wind, Qianqier Baoma ran faster and faster. His right knee still hurt a little, but it didn't matter. At this moment, he was enjoying the long-lost feeling of flying.

Yuanye Mu looked at the figure getting farther and farther away and smiled happily. He saw a pink falcon breaking free from its restraints and flying to the sky of freedom.

【Although I don't like my father very much, I have to admit that having money and power is good. 】

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