As Tono Maki followed Anri Teijin in the corridor, he asked,"Miss Anri, what is my room?"

"Just call me Anri. Huixin Shinpachi has arranged you for Group Z, but you may have to start the competition as soon as you enter."I think the clothes should not have much impact on you?"

Hearing this, Tono Maki raised his eyebrows and smiled,"Of course"

"I'll send you your sportswear later. It's similar to what you get in Baita. Is there anything else you need?"

"No more." Tono Maki said to Teijin Anri. At this time, they had already arrived at the door of Group Z.

"Then I should go back. I wish you good luck in martial arts."

"I am invincible".......

The people in Group Z were all chatting around Kira Ryosuke.

At this time, the door opened, and with it came the voice of Shinpachi Eishin,"Have you all changed your clothes, raw stars? Pay attention, people in the same room are now not only roommates, but also competitors who want to improve each other."

Just as everyone was looking at each other, Shinpachi Eishin continued his explanation,"I have numerically ranked your abilities with arbitrariness and prejudice. The numbers on the uniforms are your rankings, and you can tell at a glance where you rank among the 300 people."

Everyone lowered their heads to check their rankings, and then focused their attention on the last person who came in. That person was not wearing a uniform, nor was he ranked. He even sat quietly on the ground looking at something on the computer.

As soon as they entered the blue prison, everyone's electronic products were taken away. Moreover, everyone was forced to change into the clothes provided by the blue prison. So, at this moment, everyone in Group Z couldn't help but look at the most special person in the room, with confusion and curiosity.

"The ranking will rise and fall according to the results of training and competition, and the top five can unconditionally participate in the competition six months later, that is, be selected for the youth team to participate in the U20 World Cup.

By the way, those who lose in the blue prison will be......

"Everyone was surprised to hear the preface of Eishin Shinpachi, but looked ashen when they heard the latter part.

"You will never be selected for the national team in this life.

To survive here, you need to be [selfish], so next, we will conduct a test to measure the degree of selfishness.

Okay, it's time for [ghost catching people].


Along with Eishin Shinpachi's voice, a football fell into the room from the mechanism on the ceiling."The time is 136 seconds. Whoever touches the ball is the [ghost]. When the countdown ends, the [ghost] will pack up and leave. In addition, handball is prohibited."

After the explanation, everyone looked at Tono Maki at the same time. At this time, Tono Maki was putting his computer into his bag. Seeing everyone's eyes on him, he smiled slightly. Then, he stood up, took off his coat, and started to do warm-up exercises.

At this time, Eishin Shinpachi's voice sounded again,"There are currently 13 people in this room. Tono Maki is a special guest player. Therefore, after the [Ghost Catch] is over, Tono Maki can eliminate one more person based on his own judgment. Above."

As Eishin Shinpachi's voice disappeared, Tono Maki's warm-up exercise also came to an end. While adjusting his clothes, he said,"Let me introduce myself. My name is Tono Maki. Next, please make me happy as much as possible.".......

Arrogant words, careless actions. Even though the speaker's appearance was very impressive, everyone present was infuriated without exception.

"You! You....."

Before he finished speaking, the screen in the room lit up, showing the last person in the room - Igarashi Kurumi.

Tono Maki saw the speaker's voice suddenly stop, looked up at the big screen, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said,"Want to please me in this way, clown?"

"You!" Igarashi was furious, and he started running towards Toono Maki with the ball,"You privileged person, I'll eliminate you first!"

Then, he kicked the ball.

Igarashi looked at Toono Maki who was motionless, and was secretly happy, thinking that he would be able to escape soon. But he forgot to observe Toono Maki's expression—pity and mockery.

The ball was getting closer and closer, and Toono Maki calmly turned sideways, letting the ball hit the wall and bounce back. Then, he intercepted the ball from mid-air and started to dribble on the spot.

He looked up at the joyful face of the chestnut-headed guy opposite, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger,"You think becoming a [ghost] is a bad thing. Stupid idea. I have no interest and no time to instruct you, because now....The game officially begins!"......

The offense and defense switched positions. Whether this ball is a blessing or a curse for the ball holder is mainly determined by the ability of the ball holder. For Igarashi Kurumi, it was a nightmare, but for Tono Maki, it was like the sound of heaven.

He walked around the room calmly with the ball, shooting from time to time, watching people fleeing in embarrassment.

Until the time entered the last second.

Tono Maki stood still and shot with an expressionless face. The ball was at an extremely high speed, and with the whistle of the countdown ending, it hit Igarashi Kurumi directly, who was smiling and ready to turn around.


The ball hit Igarashi Kurumi's face, turning his joy into ashes.......

Success was within reach, but it vanished in an instant. Just like a gambler watching the pointer point to the jackpot, but the next second it turned back to the"Thank you for your patronage".

Unbelievable, hysterical, sad, angry......

Yuan Yemu looked at the chestnut-headed man's rich expression with cold eyes, guessing his next reaction in his heart.

The first step is to think about the future scene, and then fear; the second step is to think about the root cause of the current situation, and then find a"scapegoat".


"You! What are you doing? Why are you kicking?....."

Toono Maki felt bored, he looked down at his shoes, looking for"imperfections"......Please stop this farce quickly.......So boring.......

"Dear raw stars, the result is the most important thing here. The losers can go away, Igarashi Kurumi."

It must be said that the appearance of Eishin Shinpachi saved Tounomaki from the vortex of boredom, but it was only temporary, because Tounomaki knew that what was going to be staged next was the drama of"not willing to obey fate, fighting against fate with reason"

"Why? Just by this method, by this game....Why....Why....Why ruin my future!!!"......

"All right, back off, you fool. Don't lose the last bit of your face." Toono Maki wiped his slightly damp forehead with a towel and said,"Take a good look at this venue. It is the same size as the penalty area. As for this game, do you think the attackers and defenders need to meet certain conditions? You can think about the answer to this question slowly after you go out."

With the exit of Igarashi Kurimune, the room was silent, but many people were happy, thinking they had escaped.

After Toono Maki replenished his water, he shouted,"Huixin! Are you still there! Kick this little boy out too!" After that, he pointed to the freckled boy behind him.

"Are you sure you want to eliminate it as Zaochauri?"


"Good. It's early morning, eliminated, go home"

"Huixin, keep his chance to be selected for the national team"

"You don't have this privilege"

"My personal request"

"......I agreed".......

Although Cheng Zao was eliminated, he did not feel so sad.

Compared to Igarashi, at least he still has a future.

When he was about to walk out of the gate of Group Z, Toono Maki heard him say to him,"You have no talent and you can't go far. But you are different from him. Your character is much better than his. Although I don't think you have the ability to step onto the world stage, this glimmer of hope is still left to you."

Cheng Zao smiled. He looked at this"forward" with outstanding appearance and said,"Are you telling me why I was eliminated? Although it is well-intentioned, why does it sound so annoying?"

For some reason, he said to Toono Maki,"I have many younger brothers and sisters. Football players make money quickly, and coincidentally, I am a pretty good football player."

"Do you know something about the job of an agent?"

"Eh?" Cheng Zao didn't expect him to ask such a question.

"Being my football agent, the salary is lower than the bonus of the athletes. Contact this number tomorrow and she will give you the contract."Yuono Mu said, taking out a business card from his bag and handing it to him,"Daily work includes arranging work schedules and cleaning the house. I think you, as the backbone of the family, should be able to do it."

Cheng Zao looked at the person in front of him, tears welled up in his eyes, and choked up and said,"Thank you....Thank you....."

To be honest, he didn't really like football. All the reasons he played football were from his family. But now, he thinks he is starting to like football because football has allowed him to meet a kind-hearted"money-giving boy".

Although, this"money-giving boy" is not very good at speaking.........

Cheng Zao walked away with his luggage, but his back was full of tenacity and hope.

The people in the room looked at Tono Maki with some surprise and admiration for his good deeds.

However, Tono Maki himself did not think that he was doing charity.

After all, it is too difficult to find someone who knows football, has full home skills, has a good heart, and knows everything about him. Therefore, it is a very cost-effective business for Cheng Zao to become his football agent.

Compared with overflowing kindness, he still prefers to make rational considerations before deciding to help others........

"Mistina, it's me. I found someone to apply for my position as a football agent........Yep.....Let's make arrangements tomorrow. If he doesn't have any major deficiencies, we'll admit him. Oh, by the way, after he's admitted, we'll advance him one month's salary.......Well, that's it, I'm hanging up."

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