Two days later, all the equipment arrived at the Blue Prison, and Qianqi Leopard Horse's treatment officially began. In order to avoid misdiagnosis caused by"monopoly", Toono Maki also specially invited a doctor from China.

Looking at so many medical personnel and equipment, Qianqi Leopard Horse's heart trembled, and he secretly made up his mind to work for Toono Maki. Toono Maki watched Qianqi's treatment, waiting for the diagnosis to be completed before stepping forward to understand the current situation. Toono

Maki questioned the medical level of Neon, so he invited a top medical team to make a diagnosis.

(German)"His condition is not bad, although it has been delayed for a lot of time. But we will cure him. Please rest assured." (English)"

The possibility of recovery is very high, 80%. We have great confidence in curing this gentleman"......

Yuan Yemu understood, and then walked to Qian Qile Baoma's side, calmed his uneasy mood, and said,"They said that you have a great chance of recovery. Don't worry."

Upon hearing this, Qian Qile Baoma was unbelievable at first, and then burst into tears of joy. He hugged Yuan Yemu and said excitedly,"Thank you......Thank you....."His emotions were complicated, but he clearly realized how happy he was. Just like Odysseus, he walked a long way, overcame the desperate situation, crossed the turbulent sea, and returned to his homeland.

He walked through the thorny road and arrived at the fragrant garden.......

"I didn't expect you to be so kind"

"Kind? I'm just making a big investment."

Eishin Shinpachi listened to the words of the person in front of him, shrugged his shoulders and said,"Who knows."

Tono Maki didn't say anything else, and quietly watched the scene in the room.

He thought of his mother, and also thought of many hypocritical faces.......

【He is a bit like me, so I want to help him. 】

Eishin Shinpachi looked at the kid in front of him, wondering how he developed such an awkward personality. Sometimes Eishin Shinpachi felt that Toono Maki was a very contradictory guy. How should I put it? He was like a rose that grew in twists and turns for some reason but turned out to be unexpectedly beautiful. Although this description made Eishin Shinpachi feel a bit disgusted.

But looking at Toono Maki's beautiful face, he thought, based on this face, it would not be wrong to call it a flower..............



One ball after another hit the goal.

After today's exercise, Tono Maki finally stopped. He wiped the sweat off his face and prepared to leave. Then he found someone looking at him excitedly.


"You! You're awesome! I like you a lot! Can we play football together?"

"......."Tono Maki was speechless when he saw the boy who looked like a bee.

What was going on with the Italians' enthusiasm?......I can't handle this person.......

Then, while his brain was shutting down, the little bee had already touched his body. He shuddered and immediately jumped away. He said in a panic,"Okay! Stay away from me first!""

"Hehehe, I know you won't reject me, because your monster is also looking for friends.~"


"It's nothing. Can I attack and you defend?~"

"OKLet's get started." Yuan Yemu suddenly stopped and asked,"Your name is Feng Lehui, right?"

Feng Le also stopped, his face full of surprise. He didn't expect Yuan Yemu to remember his name.

"Oh, that's right~ My name is Feng Lehui~"

Tono Maki nodded and signaled that he could start....

Feng Le suddenly accelerated from a stationary state, preparing to break through with the ball at high speed.

The rhythm of his movements was very strong, a bit like Brazilian football, Toono Mu thought. However, it was still a little short of perfection.

When Feng Le arrived in the penalty area and prepared to shoot, Toono Mu ruthlessly snatched the ball and ran straight to the goal.

Facing obstruction, he slid sideways, then quickly changed direction, dribbling the ball straight to the penalty area where no one could block him.

Feng Le thought he would shoot, but he didn't. Toono Mu turned around with the ball and looked at him. At that moment, he saw the monster behind Toono Mu smiling at him.

"Hahaha, everyone, come and play together~" Feng Le became more and more excited, and his smile became brighter and brighter,"It's not good to be so proud~ Mumu~"

Hearing this, Yuanye Mu also laughed,"Pride? That's the determination to win!"

"Don't say it so early~ Victory belongs to me~"

Although the two of them were talking, their movements did not slow down at all.

"Hehe, troublemaker"

"Woo, how can you say that to me? I will be sad!"

Seeing him making more and more movements and getting faster and faster, Yuan Yemu was also in high spirits,"Haha, interesting, interesting! I will give you a grand ending, be grateful, common people!"....

The short and long confrontation finally came to an end. Yuan Yemu made a fake move to shake off Feng Le, then volleyed the ball and kicked it towards the goal frame. Feng Le was stunned, and after recovering from the shock, he happily rushed towards the penalty area.

Yuan Yemu smiled slightly, ran forward, then jumped up, and kicked a bicycle kick, ending Feng Le's smile.

After tidying up his clothes, he walked casually to Feng Le Hui's side, ready to admire his frustrated face.

Then, he saw eyes as bright and fiery as fireballs, and an excited expression.

"Hey, that ball just now was really amazing!! Mumu, you are really amazing!!"

Looking at the smiling face in front of him, Yuanye Mu's face was full of astonishment, and then he smiled and said,"You are also amazing."

Feng Lehui looked at the smiling face in front of him that was as bright as a hundred flowers blooming and was a little stunned, and then he also smiled brightly.......

The two people on the court did not notice that there was a person watching them outside the court—Jie Shiyi.

Jie Shiyi originally wanted to go to the court to practice his skills, but he did not expect to see such a wonderful two-person duel.

He knew that Toono Maki was very good, but he had never felt it so directly. He watched Toono Maki kick the ball towards the goal frame and then shoot it with a bicycle kick, and his heart trembled, because that ball had reached the world level.

And Feng Lehui, who was confronting him, was also very good. Such dribbling ability and quick start were also outstanding among high school students.

But Jie Shiyi did not get dejected, instead he was trembling with excitement,"The one who constantly challenges desperate situations is a striker, isn't it." Huixin

Shinpachi heard this behind the scenes and said with a smile,"Ah, that's right, the one who constantly challenges desperate situations is a striker."

Never fear desperate situations, always have the courage to overcome obstacles.......

This is the striker, this is the sport.

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