Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1860: audacious in the extreme!

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What a fairy!

It seems that I have never heard such a person!


It’s not important to hear it!

This female soul shadow claiming to be the moon star is absolutely terrifying creature!

Because the breath released by this woman at this moment is more terrifying than the breath of several Masters!


Feng Yixiu's face was pale, and his heart was shaking at the moment, so he dared not respond!

"Xian Zun... There is no Xian Zun in our era, this is the unique title of ancient times..."

The Lord of the Nether Dragon whispered!

"You little ancestor is still a bit knowledgeable." The woman soul shadow glanced over and glanced at the Lord of the Nether Dragon Mansion, then raised her eyebrows slightly: "Huh? Your little ancestor is cultivated to be barely the ancestor level. Only the magic weapon has the power of the third-order Taoist ancestor, and you have a green charm in the primordial spirit! Waiting for how this fairy ancestor feels like seeing this thing somewhere, this seems to be the master refining of the elder sister.... .. Mom’s time is up, and the Immortal Venerable is asleep!”

The girl's soul shadow froze, suddenly disappeared into the body of Mingyue, and Mingyue's indifferent face also returned to normal. At this moment, she slowly landed. The timid appearance looked lonely and helpless!


Everyone is silent!

Although the female soul shadow is asleep!

But at this moment no one dared to despise this little girl who looked indistinguishable from mortal!

Because this girl is a terrible creature reincarnated!

"Little girl, come here!" The paw of the Dao Dao Beast lifted up, and as soon as he caught the Moon, the Moon was caught. The Dao Dao ignored the others. At this moment, he looked at the Moon with curiosity. A moment: "It's strange, why can't I feel there is another primordial in this girl?"


Lord Jiuli and Fu Chan glanced at Mingyue, and then looked at each other. At the moment, they thought of the same point, that is, the female soul shadow who claimed to be Mingyue Xianzun, and at one glance saw the green in the **** of the Dragon Lord Fu, and it seems to know Qing Fu, who knows who Qing Fu is refined!

The green amulet in the nether earth came from the first generation of the netherworld, and was later controlled by the temple, and was given to the landlords of the nether earth. This is not wrong! Before the Yin River in Jiuli, Chen Zu easily refined hundreds of green charms, even stronger than the green charms given by the original temple!

Is it!

Did Mingyue Xianzun Soul Shadow just mention the person who made the green charm and Chen Zu...

"Send the reincarnation of Mingyue Xianzun!"

It was also at this moment that a gorgeous chariot rolled over the sky, and on top of that chariot, there was a woman dressed in a luxurious fairy costume.

"Mrs. Honey!"

Seeing the woman, Feng Yixiu instantly showed a happy look, and paid a homage to the woman!

The Jiuli government's face is sinking!

Mrs. Honey!

This is the concubine of Fengtian Mingzun!

Although nominally a concubine!

But the status is actually above the main room!

Because this honey lady is a person who burns the gods!

At this moment Mrs. Honey appears!

Obviously know the identity of Mingyue Xianzun!

And it must have been waiting for the time when Mingyue Xianzun Soul Shadow slept!

The Lord of Jiuli waited for silence!

They really can't afford to burn the gods!


Fu Yi, the skinny old man, shuddered, and he dared not speak at the moment!

"Mrs. Honey is..."

At this moment Fu Chan's heart moved and secretly sent a message to Chen Zheng!

"I told Mrs. Honey that the little girl was the reincarnation of Immortal Venerable Moon! By the way, Mrs. Honey, the war of reincarnation should have been hosted by Master Feng Tian. This man of the human race forcibly broke into the Emperor City of Houtu and used unknown means. Summoned the ancient reincarnation, and let this little girl devour the power of the reincarnation ancient ruin, completely destroying the reincarnation ancient rebellion! At present, Lord Fengtian and other strongmen of the four palaces have gone to the Holy Palace of Houtu, and Mrs. Honey is the master, Suppressed this kid!"

Feng Yi also moved in his heart, pointing at Mingyue, and then fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng!


There is no doubt that this is an opportunity!

As long as the people around Mrs. Honey do it!

That kid has to be suppressed even with mysterious means!

Beside Madam Honey, there is a strong Heng Dao Zu guardian who burns the gods!

It's just that the rules of Houtu Imperial City can't be easily done!


That kid let that little girl ruin the reincarnation Gu Lian!

This is a death sentence!

Then there is absolutely no problem with the strong ancestral ancestor next to Mrs. Honey at this moment to suppress the kid!

"Human Daojun? Humming a human Daojun, dare to spoil the big things of my husband, you are really tired! Uncle Fu Yue, killed this kid, please come back to reincarnate Mingyue Xianzun!"

Mrs. Honey stared with cold eyes and swept Chen Zheng with a cold voice and ordered!


The dangling old man outside the magnificent chariot nodded lightly, sweeping Chen Zheng's eyes, and his eyes flashed in his eyes, but he did not put it in his heart. The right hand lifted a magic fire to emerge!


The master of Jiuli and other masters felt the power of the terror avenue contained in the **** fire, and their hearts were shaking at the moment!

"Chen Zu..."

Fu Chan shouted in a low voice, and at the moment was also worried, because this old **** of Burning Gods is the fifth ancestor of Taoism!



Chen Zusi didn't care!

Chen Zu is still drinking tea leisurely!

Even Yu was too lazy to take a look at the powerful Futianshen clan who had gathered the fire!

"Hahaha, your kid is still pretending to be calm. I'm afraid it's already ashamed! It's a pity. It's a pity that your kid is too late to ask for mercy. If you break the big event of Lord Fengtian, you won't be guilty even if you die ten thousand times! "

Feng Yixiu grinning!

But the Lord of the Nether Dragon Mansion and others, seeing Chen Zheng have no fluctuations at this moment, wondering one by one, is this young man not afraid of death, then the fire that burned the gods of the Celestial Clan might be wiped out in an instant!



There seems to be something wrong!

The strongest of the Burning Gods is the fifth ancestor!

Does such a tyrannical creature need to use the **** fire to deal with a human race Daojun!

Isn't it just a matter of thought!


A few people such as the Lord of the Nether Dragon suddenly thought of something!


This is the moment!

Shenhuo falls!


This is the moment!

Chen Zheng got up!

There was a bang!


The depressing Shenhuo was directly hit by a rotten!


Everyone was in amazement, and they looked up subconsciously, and they heard a terrible cracking sound as soon as they looked around. When they saw what was happening above, they were stunned instantly!



The strong man who burned the heavenly clan was pinched to death by the human race Daojun!


A body fell from the sky!

A big pit hit the ground!

"Shard of Avenue!"

Dao bite's eyes lit swiftly flew over and swallowed all the road fragments around the strong body of the powerful celestial **** clan!


this moment!

All the talents have come back!

The throat agitation in addition to inhaling cool breath!

I can't even say anything else!


After a brief silence!

Mrs. Honey on the gorgeous chariot shivered and screamed at Chen Zheng!

"You... you're bold!"

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