Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1859: Mingyuexianzun

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A moment passed!

A strong man in the four palaces of Houtu did not show up!


Instead, the reincarnation of Gu Lian You Mang flashed!

This is to remind the creatures participating in the war of reincarnation to go to the ring!

"Yaochen, go to the ring first!"


"Ming Xiao, you are also in the ring!"


"Wu Bai!"


So the masters of the major government ordered the people who participated in the war of reincarnation to go to the ancient reincarnation one by one, and the bright moon that was sent by Chen Zheng before, no more than just seven people!

of course!

Seven people are not human races!

Glance at!

Mingyue girl is out of place!

Because there is no power!

And at the moment, a timid expression seemed not to know what to do!

"This girl... When the battle of samsara begins, you will send the girl directly down to avoid suffering."

The Lord of the Nether Dragon House glanced at the Lord of the Nine Dragons House, and said to Ming Xiao, the disciple selected by the Nine Dragon House.

"This... disciples understand!"

The youngster was slightly stunned, but nodded. He knew that the lord of the palace and the prince of Jiuli were in a life-and-death relationship. How could he give the prince of the Jiuli, and the little girl was indeed pitiful. Dao Jun chaos, let such a little girl with no power to participate in the war of reincarnation. Although the ban on reincarnation banned human lives, the little girl didn't understand anything. After a fight, she was a little bit affected by the fear of being abolished.

"Chen Zu..."

Fu Yi, the skinny old man, trembling and speaking, the battle of reincarnation is about to start, and his granddaughter Mingyue has no power to cultivate, he has to worry!

"Relax everything there is a master!"

The Dao Beast opened his mouth and stared at the little girl of Mingyue on the ancient samsara at the moment. It is actually very curious. What kind of physique this girl has, and now the master has no power to let this girl participate in the war of reincarnation.

Although the war of reincarnation is not terrible, it just sounds very bluffing, but the other guys who participated in the war of reincarnation seem to be the weakest in Heaven Emperor Realm. ...Should be no chance!

"Chen Zu? Huh! A Daojun dare to call his ancestor! If it wasn't for the temple to have an elder, the Great Xingzun and the three Mingzun adults and the strongest of the four palaces are now in the Holy Palace of Houtu. Jun has long been suppressed!"

Feng Yixiu sneered!


Hearing this sentence, the master of Jiuli and the other masters were all sinking. It turned out that both the Venerable Master and the Four Palace Masters went to the Holy Palace of Houtu. No wonder that the reincarnation Gu Lei was summoned in advance and none of the Four Palace Masters appeared. body!

of course!

The master of Jiuli thought more!

Because he killed two temple messengers in front of the Jiuli River!

The two temple messengers are also disciples of the elder Tian Wu, one of the three elders!

Although those two temple messengers are not Taoist ancestors!

But after all, he is a disciple of Elder Tianwu!


A temple elder came to Houtu Imperial City!

It should be for this matter!

The thoughts of the Master of the Jiuli Palace flashed quickly. At this moment, he looked at Chen Zheng. He saw a slight smile on the front of Chen. While drinking tea, he watched the reincarnation of Gu Lian, and his anxiety calmed down.

There is Chen Zu!

Even if the elder Tianwu came in person!

Oneself and others should be able to save their lives!

"it has started."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Feng Yixiu was ignored again. At this moment, he stared fiercely at Chen Zheng. The secret road made your boy crazy for a while, waiting for the strong men of the Four Palaces to come out of the Holy Palace of Houstu, and waiting for Master Fengtian to learn about the reincarnation of the ancient clan. The monks were summoned in advance, and it wasn’t just you, the human race, who died at that time. The main character of the Jiuli government and even the souls of the Jiuli government were all punished or even erased!


Your kid is crazy right now!

Wait a moment to know what despair is!


Reincarnation Gu Lian!

You mang flash!

In an instant!

Like a galaxy changing!

Immediately turned into a party world!

And the creatures outside the reincarnation of ancient reincarnation, at the moment, are just outside the world of one side, watching the fight in that side of the world!

"Little girl, let my brother give you a lesson today!"

In the magical world, the demon of the Nine Infants House suddenly gave a grin, then disappeared in one place, and appeared in front of the dull moon in the next moment!

"Moon Moon!"

Skinny old man Fu Yi exclaimed!

Both Jiuli Mansion and Fu Chan faced a heavy look. They stared at the Jiuying Mansion Master. Jiuli Mansion and Jiuying Mansion had a feast. Unexpectedly, the Jiulong Mansion Lord would make his disciples have no power against one. Little girl shot!

"Oh! In the reincarnation of Gu Lian, you must be prepared to be tortured by your opponent. You human race Daojun sent this little girl to reincarnation Gu Lian and let this little girl participate in the battle of reincarnation. Your mind is really poisonous. !"

Feng Yixiu sneered!

"Yaochen stop!"

In the magical world, Ming Xiao of the Dragon House drank loudly, and the body appeared directly, and the body of the Dragon Dragon threw over!

"Unfortunately late!"

Yaochen sneered, his big hand was a catch at Mingyue!



A strange scene appeared!

The moon that was originally dull!

At the moment a small face suddenly became indifferent!

It's like changing a person's mouth to spit out a word!


The word spit out!

That demon body flew to death on the spot!


"What happened?"

"This girl... has another primordial body in her body!"



"come back!"

The main face of the Nine Infants House has changed greatly.


Yaochen Yuanshen trembles, and hasn't recovered yet at this moment, now is full of fear!


In the magical world transformed by the ancient samsara, those who participated in the battle of samsara, such as Xiaoxiao and Wubai, were all stunned in the air at this moment, all staring at the moon!

A word!

Cultivation as the highest Yaochen flesh is gone!

I thought this little girl was no different from the air!

It turns out that this little girl is the most terrible!

This little girl seems to be a reincarnation of a terrible creature!


It's so cold!

The breath released by the little girl at the moment is so cold!

not only that!

This little girl seems to be absorbing the power in the magical world transformed by the ancient samsara!

"Lying trough, why can't I see that there is another primordial spirit in this girl!"

Beside Chen Zheng, the Dao Bite blinked!


Fu Yi, the skinny old man, was shaking, and he was delighted at the moment!


The master of Jiuli and Fu Chan looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise!

and so!

Only Chen Zu!

Do you see another Yuanshen in Mingyue?

So will Chen Zu let Mingyue go back to Gulei?


not that simple!

At this moment, Mingyue is absorbing the power of samsara!



The tearing sounded!

"not good!"

"The world transformed by samsara is broken!"

"She... she is swallowing the power of samsara!"




Another terrible tear sounded!

The world transformed by the ancient samsara is extremely ruined!


More than that world is broken!

At this moment, the ancient samsara of samsara is broken!

The power of samsara Gulai is swallowed up by Mingyue!

At this moment, the little girl is alone!

Behind him came an adult woman's soul image!

"You...who are dare to devour the samsara!"

Feng Yixiu gritted his teeth and drank!


The woman's soul shadow originally looked at the sky dome!

At the moment, I coldly stared at Feng Yixiu!


Feng Yixiu trembled!

next moment!

Everyone heard the indifferent voice of the female soul shadow!

"Lao Niang Mingyue Xianzun!"

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