Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1861: Then be bold

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audacious in the extreme?

Everyone was awakened by this scream!

At this moment, there are like ten thousand fierce beasts passing by!

audacious in the extreme?

This is not brave!

This is simply unimaginable!

The young man wiped out the powerful people who burned the gods in one shot!

"This... how could..."

The young demon of Nine Infants' Palace, Yuanshen face is terrified at this moment! Although I was scared before, there is still hope for life. The soul shadow, who claimed to be the Moon Moon Immortal Venerable, is asleep, and the master can still save his life!


It seems that they all underestimated that human race Daojun!

That guy pinched the Burning Gods clan strongman beside Madame Mi!


Jiuyingfufu advocated the opening of the mouth, and at the moment his face also sank, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to be wondering what!




Feng Yixiu fell from the ancient beast!

This is scared silly!

As soon as he fell!

His ancient beast also fell down!

The ancient beast is also scared silly!

"This combat power..."

Fu Chan stared blankly at the top, looking at Chen Zheng who was standing in the sky, at that moment it seemed that Chen Zu was the only one in this world!


The Dao Beast smiled and flew back to Mingyue's little girl!


The Lord Jiuli did not say a word, but he was still a little worried before. At this moment, he realized that it is no wonder that Chen Zu was so indifferent. No wonder he was too lazy to look at Mrs. Honey and others! Chen Zu, who is the strongest of the Burning Gods clan around Mrs. Honey, can be squeezed to death in a face-to-face manner, directly erasing the Yuanshen of Fuyue Daozu. He has such a tyrannical and terrible means. What are he afraid of!

" do you want to do to me, what do you mean by looking at me like this, what are you laughing at, do you dare not do anything to me! I am not only Feng Tian The woman of Ming Zun is still a person who burns the sky **** clan. Don’t you know that the three old masters of Ding Zun Zun and the Temple of Nether Earth dare not provoke us to burn the sky **** clan!"

When Madam Honey saw Chen Zheng smiling at him, there was an unspeakable fear at the moment, and the trembling was another scream!

"Don't you say that I am bold, I will be bolder then."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"Ah, no!"

Mrs. Honey was shocked for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Chen Zhengzheng's words. She screamed and drove away in a gorgeous chariot!



Chen Zheng didn't do it!

Just a glance at the gorgeous tank!

The magnificent chariot will be wiped out!

As for Mrs. Honey!

Nothing at all!



The lords of the great palaces and the people from all over the world are breathing again!


Really kill!

Really killed Mrs. Honey!

This is almost equivalent to declaring war on Fengtian Mingzun and the Burning Sky God Race!

My goodness!

What is the origin of this human race!

Does he want to fight Fengtian Mingzun and the Burning God Race with one person!

"Mrs. Honey... It's gone... You even put Mrs. Honey..."

Feng Yixiu, who was lying on the ground, his eyes widened to the extreme at this moment, staring at the hanging Chen Zheng! He never thought that such a scene would happen in Hou Tu Imperial City. Someone wiped Mrs. Honey in Hou Tu Imperial City!

"Bad women kill as soon as they kill, do they keep damaging others!"

The bite beast snorted!

Bad woman?

The masters of the major palaces and the spirits in the Houtu Imperial City heard the word in a daze!


That's right!

Since Madam Honey married Master Fengtian!

There will never be peace in the Imperial City!

Even the phoenix of ancient descent was framed by Mrs. Honey and suppressed and imprisoned!

One more thing!

Burn the heart of the gods!

Everyone knows!

Burning Gods wants to control the Underworld completely!

Think so!

It seems that this human race monk is destroying the native souls of the Netherworld!



I am afraid that it will trigger a terrorist counterattack!

"When will Daming Zun and the strongest of the Four Palaces come out."

Chen was falling as everyone watched, took a sip of tea and looked at Feng Yixiu, who was lying on the ground.

"You... you dare to ask, Lord Fengtian will never let you go, nor will the Burning God Clan ever let you go. The Burning God Clan has never suffered such humiliation since coming to the Underworld! "

Feng Yixiu gritted his teeth!

"Humiliated? This is also considered humiliating. I don't mind giving Humilian God Clan some humiliation." Chen Zheng smiled faintly, glanced at everyone, and then shone a divine light into Mingyue's eyebrows, and then said to Jiuli Prefecture: "The young man in the Nether Dragon Mansion saw Yiyong to help Mingyue girl before. You reward him with a green charm. As for the young man in Jiuying Mansion, you went to exterminate him."


What green charm!

Everyone was shocked!

"Master, save me!"

Yaochen Yuanshen shuddered and flew behind the master of Nine Infants' Palace!


The Lord of Jiuli responded with a loud voice, and one of his hands slammed a green amulet toward the Nether Dragon of the Nether Dragon Mansion. When everyone saw the green amulet clearly, they were all surprised.

"Secretary Green Rune!"

"Master Jiuli, what do you mean? This is the priesthood green amulet given to you by the temple. Without the priesthood green amulet, you will not only fall in the realm, but the position of the lord of the land will also... What's going on, you gave the cleric green charm to Ming Xiao, why didn't the realm fall at all!"




Everyone was more surprised!

"Master Jiuli's master... this... this green charm is too expensive... the kid doesn't dare... close... "

Ming Xiao took a deep breath and swallowed!


The master of Jiuli Government even gave himself the priesthood green charm!

How many priesthood green charms are in the entire underworld!

Each one is equivalent to the order of the master of every realm!

Such a precious thing!

I want to get it though I dream!

But dare not accept it!

"Qingfu... Chen Zu refined hundreds of pieces. Chen Zu gave you a piece and you just accept it." The Jiuli Mansion smiled kindly, and then fixed his eyes on the Jiuying Mansion. Go out, directly wipe out the demon primitive god!


The Nine Infant Master stayed in place, like a stone carving at the moment, did nothing and said nothing!


"Hundreds of green is this possible!"


The rest of the lords and the coming people saw that there was not much fluctuation in seeing the demon primordial spirit being erased, and their attention was all on the sentence that the lord of Jiuli said just now! There were only a few green charms in the whole edgy earth, which was handed down from the first generation of the Great Mingzun, and was later obtained by the shrine. Of course, the Green Rune also has the power of the **** second. A creature gets the Green Rune, and the cultivation will explode. This is most obvious after the alienation of the Underworld!

and so!

Qing Fu is extremely precious!

But the master of Jiuli said that Chen Zu refined hundreds of green charms!

Do not believe for a while!


At this time!

The master of Jiuli Prefecture did a trick!

One after another the green symbols emerged!


Everyone's eyes widened!

I thought it was an illusion!

But Yuanshenyi's discovery was not an illusion!

And all the green charms are so amazing that they are not inferior replicas!

"This is Chen Zu's Today, Chen Zu came to Houtu Imperial City. Now that he has cut off the people who burned the gods, then you will continue to watch it."

The master of Jiuli said softly, he already knew very well that Chen Zu was definitely going to destroy the gods!

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