Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1719: Dare not!

Lord Immortal Sword Master!

   should know the origin of real young people!

after all!

  This young man has mentioned more than once that he came to the eternal sword world to recycle something!

"You Juejian Body...Unfortunately you ruined the rules of the Eternal Life Sword Realm. At this moment, the Epoch Sword Palace appeared. You also want to send this girl into the Epoch Sword Palace, and you want to let this girl worship under the main gate of the Eternal Life Sword! "

  After a brief silence, Yunji Taoist Broke Yuanyuan shouted!


   A sword charm among his primal gods flew out!

   has suddenly entered the era sword palace!




   Less than three interest time!

   Three sword lights from the Epoch Sword Palace!

   "Three Sun and Moon Stars!"

  The golden sword made his face sink, and worshipped the three figures who came!

  Three statues?

   What three respects?

   Newcomers from all races show their doubts?

   However, the rest of the sword ancestors on the Zhoutian sword stage suddenly showed surprise!

  Three statues!

  This is the three ancestors who guarded the era sword palace!

   status is only under the eternal sword master and a legendary female ancestor who has never appeared!


   actually attracted all three stars of Sun, Moon and Star!

"Three brothers, this son killed my disciple Promise, ruined my flesh, and even wanted to kill me! If it weren’t for me, I had the sword symbol given by the sword master, I’m afraid it was gone! Three brothers, this son is extremely strange Although the mana is only at the level of the golden fairy, the flesh and the primordial spirit seem to be different!"

  Yunji Daozu also paid his respects to the three figures, then stared at Chen Zheng fiercely!

   "Golden fairy?"

   "No! Not a golden fairy! The indelible flesh! You have the indelible flesh!"

   "Strange, how can the immortal body be the golden mana, even if the realm falls, because you are immortal, you can easily restore the mana!"

  The eyes of the three respects moved, and Chen Zheng glanced, and then his brows were all raised!

"Indestructible flesh body?" Yunji Taoist froze for a moment, and then the immortal light flashed in the double pupils, and then swept Chen Zheng's flesh body, and then another bite: "Indestructible flesh body, you have an indestructible flesh body, you are a golden fairy Mana is just an illusion, you deliberately pit me!"


  What does not destroy the flesh?

Does    mean that the young man is in the same level as Daozu!

  Everyone is surprised!

   "Indestructible flesh..."

   The golden sword envoy also froze for a moment, and then whispered that he was the sword ancestor but not the Tao ancestor, so he could not see the indestructible body at all. Knowing Chen Zhengyou's indestructible body at the moment, suddenly realized that it was no wonder that this son just came to the nine Zhoutianjiantai, directly ignored him, and directly looked at the ninth Zhoutianjiantai.

   It turns out that he has this capital and ignores himself!


   On the ninth Zhoutianjian stage, Chen Zheng made a quiet gesture.


   Everyone was startled, and they were silent for a moment!

"You..." Ri Zun frowned slightly, and when he started to say a word, he suddenly showed shock. At the same time, Yue Zun Xing Zun also showed shock, and San Zun raised his head toward Nahao*Sword Palace Read it!


what's the situation?

  Why did the three statues suddenly look in the direction of Epoch Sword Palace?

   Could it be that there are more powerful creatures than the three!


   It seems!

   Apart from the three statues, there is only the eternal sword master!

   That is the ruler of the eternal sword world!

   It is said that living the endless years is truly immortal!


   A purple sword shadow looted!

   Purple sword shadow turned into a purple man!


   Everyone only looked at the man in purple clothes!

   One by one, the heart trembles and kneels on the ground involuntarily!

   Sword Master!

   This must be the eternal sword master!

  Because I only saw him, I wanted to worship!

   "See the eternal sword master!"

   Three voices sounded at the same time, it is the three moons of the sun, the moon, and the three worships, and almost all the others are one worship! The newcomers, or the sword ancestors who have been practicing in the eternal sword world for a long time, are almost excited! Because no matter whether it is a newcomer or an old man, it is basically the first time I have seen the eternal sword master and the true master of this eternal sword world!

"Master Qi Yun, this son does not respect the rules laid down by him, and he is willing to create a killing industry in the eternal sword world. This son killed the disciple of the disciple and ruined the disciple's body! Zi Zi has an indestructible body and is clearly a Taoist ancestor, but he deliberately concealed his cultivation behavior. It must have been a conspiracy to the sword palace of the Eternal Sword Realm era, so he asked Master to rule his disciples and Master to eliminate this thief!"

   over there!

  Yunji Daozu paid another respect to Ziyi!

   This worship can be described as tears!


   Ziyi people did not respond!


   Yunji Daozu was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to continue crying with tears. Rizen made a wink, meaning that your performance was too much, and you can't affect any decision of Master Sword Master, or shut up!

   "That guy entered the immortal sword world, why don't you seem to know that this guy has been here one by one."

  Chen Zheng glanced at Ziyi people and said with a chuckle.



  Who has been to the eternal sword world?

   Sure enough!

   The golden sword envoy, those sword ancestors, and the three ancestors of the Sun, Moon, and Star all showed their doubts, and did not understand who Chen Zheng said at all!

   "You...huh, bullshit, what audacious thing dare to infiltrate the Eternal Life Sword Realm into the Era Sword Palace, even if it really infiltrated the Eternal Life Immortal Realm and the Era Sword Palace, can it still escape the Master's perception!"

   This time Yunji Taoist didn't hold back, just a drink to Chen Zheng!

   "It turns out that the old man is waiting for you."


  People in purple clothes open their mouths!


  Yunji Daozu dumbfounded!

  The Golden Sword Envoy and the Three Zuns were stunned!


   Who is the old man mentioned by the master of the immortal sword!

  Why don't you know that you and others!

   "So that guy asked me to come to immortal sword world, why didn't he show up at this moment."

  Chen Zheng asked again with a smile.

"His old man just broke free from a terrible prison, the realm fell seriously, and now he is recovering his cultivation behavior. When he recovers his cultivation behavior, he will show and you should fight with... ."

   Ziyi people said softly.


  The golden sword ambassador waits for another silence!


   They all noticed!

  Master Sword Master this time used the honorary title to call the young man!

   "You don't try it for him first."

  Chen Zheng smiled.


At this moment, Yunji Dao Yuan Yuan showed the color of great expectation. He was crying silently, and he beheaded the kid. Master Master could not cut the kid because of your cultivation, even if the kid has an indestructible body. It's nothing in front of you!


   "Dare not."

  People in purple clothes shook their heads gently!


  The three stars of Sun, Moon and Star, and the Golden Swordsman, etc., were silent again, not only the silence but also the doubts!

  Dare not!

   Lord Sword Master will actually say these two words!

   Once these two words are spoken, it means that you have lost!

   " still have self-knowledge."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

   lying trough!

   Everyone heard this sentence!

   once again shouted in my heart!

   This scene is too weird!

  Master Sword said no!

   The young man said lightly that Master Sword Master has self-knowledge!

  Isn’t it the other way around for the two to cultivate!


   More and more puzzled!

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