Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1720: After all, it is just the second sword in the world!


  Era Sword Palace suddenly shocked!


   Then the brilliant swordmans burst out!

   "His old man is back to the top!"

  Eternal Life Sword Master saw this scene and smiled.


   Back to the top?

   What is the peak?

Is    stronger than Master Sword Master!

   The rest of the people were shocked, and for a while it was still uncertain, because the light could not perceive from the dazzling sword light, whether it exceeded the eternal sword master.



  When a scar of fierceness appeared above the sword palace of that era!

  The three statues, the golden sword messenger, etc. look suddenly changed dramatically!

   What a terrible power!

  What a terrible power to kill!

   This is more than the power of the sword master!

   Because the master of the sword once said that his cultivation can't destroy the era sword palace!

   But at this moment someone broke the Epoch Sword Palace!

Who is that!

   Who is the old master of the sword master?



  A figure appeared!

   disheveled hair!

   looks like a lunatic!

   The three statues and the golden sword ambassador were all stunned, because they had never seen the man with the hood, and when did the people with the hood distribute into the era sword palace!

   "Congratulations to the teacher's respect for returning to the top!"

  Longevity Sword Lord pays his respects to the man with the disheveled hair.


   This week!

  The three statues were dumbfounded!


   The man with the dishevele turned out to be the master of Master Sword Master!


   It's just why I have never heard such a character!

   "Congratulations to the teacher's respect for returning to the top."

   It was also at this time that another voice sounded, and everyone froze for a moment, because this was a woman's voice, and everyone looked around, and saw a cold-faced woman who had never seen her before!

   This is a stunning!

   But a face is colder than frost!

   The breath is not under the eternal sword master!

and so!

   So this woman is the one that has been passed down in the eternal sword world!


   Has she finally appeared!

   The three ancestors, the golden sword ambassadors, and those practicing sword ancestors, instantly thought of a legend, and instantly understood that this woman was the one in the legend. It turned out that this was the master sister of Master Sword Master!


   After the woman paid a respect to the man with the disheveled hair, why did the frost-like double pupils stare at the golden fairyland young man, and it seemed that the look was extremely complicated!

  Does this woman know the young man too?

"Speaking of..." Sword Master Immortal glanced at the woman and smiled at Chen Zheng, but he shook his head gently after only half of the words: "Actually, I am not very clear, I still don't say anything. Master Respect to return to the peak, to fight with you, but you have not returned to the peak, which is a bit unfair to you, but you are only severely degrading mana, the physical primal spirit is still terrible, so the primal **** fighting sword should be fair Choice."


   Man with disheveled hair shouted at Chen Zheng!


   A sword shadow rises from the sky!


   This is the magical trick!

   Yuanshen went directly to the top of the sky dome of immortal sword world!




  The power of Killing Avenue!


  Crushed down!

  Spirit in the eternal sword world!

   trembling at this moment!

   So strong!

very scary!

   This is indeed more arrogant than Lord Sword Master!


  Eternal Life Sword Master greeted Chen Zheng slightly.


   The frost-faced woman also gave a little salute, but her voice was extremely cold.

   "Yuan Shen Fighting Sword... I don't think it's necessary anymore."

   Chen Zheng glanced upwards and shook his head gently.


What does it mean?

  Why not?

  The three statues, the golden sword ambassador, etc., were shocked again!

   "You... are you afraid, are you afraid?"

   Yunji Taoist Yuanshen now gritted his teeth and drank!



   Are you really scared?

Hearing this sentence, the three statues and the golden sword envoys nodded secretly one by one, believing that there was such a possibility, because at this moment, the human spirit of the man with the hood was really terrifying. The power of the sword power and the avenue of killing released was obvious It is stronger than the sword master's strongest sword!

   Lord Sword Master seems to be the epoch overlord!

   The man with the disheveled hair is above the master of the sword!

   What level must that be!

   Unimaginable levels!

   So is this young man really scared!



   Man with a disheveled hair roars!


  Eternal Life Sword World Shock!

   seems to be destroyed at any time!

   "Did you even have the courage to fight the sword with Grandpa Master!"

  Yunji Daozu roar again!

   "Courage? Since I want to see, let's open an eye today."

Chen Zheng shook his head lightly, and Yuanshen had a trick in an instant. He seemed ordinary at first glance, but when he flew to the same height as the Yuanshen, the Yuanshen shivered. !


   The power of the horror sword power and the killing avenue are destroyed!

   " are you primitive...!"

   The man with the disheveled hair stared at Chen Zheng!

   "You return to the top, even if a sword can cut off the era, it can't catch up with me."

   Chen Zheng said lightly.

   "I...I...I still have to try!"

  The person with the disheveled hair groaned, and Yuan Yuan shouted violently!




   The bright sword lights up!

   At this moment, only the bright sword light is left in the eternal sword world!

  Everyone has felt that this sword can easily destroy the eternal sword world, this sword has exceeded their cognition! If this sword is slashing into a world of thousands, the world of that great world will be transformed into nothingness if it can't hold it for a while!

   Extreme sword repair!

   This is the ultimate sword of sword cultivation!

   "Chop! Chop! Chop!"

  Yunji Daozu growled!


   A loud noise!

   The dazzling swords engulf everything!



   A terrible tear sounded!

  Era Sword Palace cracked again!

  Not only Epoch Sword Palace This time even the eternal sword world has cracked a terrible mouth!


   The look of the immortal sword master and the frost woman has not changed. It seems that they do not care about the changes of the sword palace and the sword world. They only stare at the sky dome. It seems that the two only pay attention to the Yuanshen fighting sword above!


   The dazzling sword light lasted for at least ten breaths. At this moment, it finally dissipated, and the sky above had become nothingness, the chaotic time and space could be seen by the naked eye, and the terror and chaos of the chaotic time and space could be seen by the naked eye!

   This is to annihilate the sky dome of the eternal sword world!


   The upper two gods!

   looks as if it was unharmed!

   Looks like it's a win or lose!




   Man with a disheveled hair appeared a crack on Yuanshen!

this moment!

   Everyone understands!

   was defeated!

   This is defeated!

   The one who urged the terrifying sword and disheveled hair just now was defeated!


   Everyone is silent!

   "Your world's second sword is only the second sword after all, UU reading Even if it returns to the peak, it only returns to the peak of the year."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

   "You... remember the past?"

  The person of the shawl, Yuan Shen, was silent for a moment and asked aloud.

   "I don't remember, it's just that the first sword of heaven and earth is in my Yuanshen, it can perceive it, and the second sword of heaven and earth is in your Yuanshen."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Ah!" The man with the hood sighed, fleshed up into the sky, and instantly merged with Yuanshen. He gave Chen Zheng a deep look: "I broke free from that place. I was a prisoner. I didn't expect to meet you. Come to the eternal life sword world to complete the unfinished battle of that year, but unfortunately I can never catch up with your pace, and you have also made that mystery, completely ruining the past! At that time... .After you disappeared, some of your men betrayed you, and that guy also betrayed me. I'll go find that guy and slash him! If I can't slay him, I will slash him when your mana is restored!"


  The sound of the words fell!

   The man with the disheveled hair turned into a swordman and killed into the chaotic time and space!

   disappeared in a blink of an eye!

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