Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1718: Let me recycle 1 things


   If Daozu said this sentence, there must be no problem!

   But this young man is just a golden fairy!

   And the young man in front of him just glanced at the Promise Jianzu!

   This is especially strange and terrifying!

   This young man will not be disguised by Daozu!

Do not!

   Not possible!

   Once the ancestor enters the eternal sword world, he will be directly suppressed by the era sword palace!


   What happened just now!


   Continue to be forced!

   "What do you... come to the eternal sword world?"

  After a long silence, Jin Jian asked in a low voice.

   "I'm going to recycle some things."

  Chen Zheng said lightly.


  Recycle something?

What does it mean?

  Golden sword envoys, newly arrived creatures of all ethnic groups, and the other sword ancestors on the other Zhoutian sword stage, heard this sentence at this moment, and they were stunned again!


   Is there anything left in this eternal sword world?

   So this child is actually a reincarnation of a powerful monk!



   in the void above!

   A scarlet sword burst forth!

   instantaneously turned into a figure suspended above everyone!

  Golden sword ambassador saw this figure, and his face changed again. It was a ritual to face the figure above him: "Golden sword ambassador Wuhe worships Yunji Daozu!"



   This person who turned up turned out to be a Taoist ancestor!

   The newcomers of all ethnic groups show horror!


   Living Taoism!

   Dao ancestors who are hardly seen in the world of Thousands of Worlds now have a dangling in front of them!

   "Who killed my disciple."

  The people in the sky did not look at the gold sword envoy, and their eyes swept the seventh, eighth and ninth days of Tianjiantai. Although the sound did not fluctuate, everyone could hear it, the hidden killing intention!


   It turns out that Promise Sword Ancestor turned out to be the disciple of this Dao Zu!


   The young man just killed Wuji Jianzu!

   Now attracted the Master of Promise Jianzu!

   lying trough!

   Is this the next Daozu War?

When the foreign Taoist ancestor enters the eternal sword realm, it will be suppressed by the era sword palace at the first time, but this cloudless Dazu ancestor is obviously not the alien ancestor, but the Taoist ancestor built in the eternal life sword realm, which is equivalent to the monk of the era sword palace. It should be a deacon in the era sword palace! Although it is not an elder, the sword repair of Dao Zu Realm is also terrible!

   That young man... If that young man confronts Yunji Taoist ancestor, can he have the power to fight!



   The difference between words!

huge difference!

   There is a saint above the ancestor, a half-walking ancestor above the sage, and a half-walking ancestor above the half-walking ancestor is the ancestor. Perhaps it seems to be only the difference between two or three realms, but there is a huge gap between the two!

   The young man, afraid of kicking the iron plate!

   "Who killed my disciple."

   Yunji Taoist asked again.


  The golden sword makes hesitant.

"I... I know!" In the silence of the crowd, a new middle-aged man suddenly clenched his teeth and raised his hand on the first Zhoutianjian stage. Everyone's eyes instantly stared over, and this middle-aged man was another one. He gritted his teeth and raised his hand to Chen Zheng on the Heavenly Sword Platform in the ninth week: "Yu Ji Yun Dao Ancestor, this is the son who killed Wu Ji Jian Zu, this child just glanced at him, Wu Ji Jian Zu turned into ashes! Yunji Daozu, this child's means is invincible, and the younger has attested to this child at this moment. I am afraid that this child will be wiped out at a glance, and please Yunyi Daozu to protect the younger!"

   lying trough!

  Is this okay!

  Will this be too small for a little act!

   On the first Zhoutianjian stage, the rest of the newcomers stepped back involuntarily and kept a certain distance from the middle-aged man. At the moment, they looked complicated and looked at this middle-aged man!

   "This seat protects you." Yunji Daozu nodded lightly, and said that he fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng. After looking at Chen Zheng, he raised his hand to Chen Zheng.


   Almost at the same time, Ye Qingcheng, who was like a stone carving beside Chen Zheng, uttered a whisper, and a sword light appeared on his body, seeming to wake up!


   is also the moment, Chen Zheng made a quiet gesture to Yunji Daozu!


   Everyone's eyes widened again!

   lying trough!

   Is this a direct match with a Taoist ancestor!

  Is this Yun Yun Daozu shut up!

   "Look for death!"


   Yunji Daozu burst into tears!

   Raising his hand is the power of the road of terrorist killing!


  People are shaking!

   looks instantly white!

   On the ninth week, the Jiuyin sword ancestors on the Tianjian platform felt the power of this horrible killing avenue, and their faces were instantly white. The power of the Taoist ancestors was so horrible, even the ninth-order ancestors could only surrender to trembling!


   Sighed, Chen Zheng raised his right hand, grabbed the Yunji Taoist ancestor who urged the power of the killing avenue, and only heard the sound of the sound, Yunji Taoist mortal body shattered, and the Yuanshen also shattered!

this moment!

It is quite now!

  The area of ​​nine Zhoutianjiantai is completely quiet!


  Yunji Daozu broke away from the broken Yuanshen and opened his mouth. At the moment, he was stagnant. At that moment, there was only a daze left in the eyes!


   The Golden Swordsman was also stupefied. He was also scared. Although the young man who killed the Promise Sword Ancestor also shocked him, it was more shocked than shocked. At this moment, it was basically shocked!

   Yunji Daozu!

   actually lost to that young man!

   was caught by the young man and destroyed Daozu's flesh!

  This child!

   Who is this kid?

  What is the origin of this child?



On the first sword stand, a sound of falling to the ground sounded. This sound of falling sound awakened the sluggish people. When they saw it, the tall middle-aged man Xiang Yunji Daozu fell to the ground, and his eyes were enchanting. Has disappeared!

   Dao heart broken!

   This is a sign of a broken heart!

   This middle-aged man's heart is broken!

no doubt!

   This is the Dao Xin who was scared alive and died!

   lying trough!

   That young man!

   It's too awesome!

   Yunji Daozu is not Promise Jianzu!

  Yunji Daozu is a real Daozu!

"I have reminded you to keep you quiet and don't disturb the Allure Awakening Sword You just want to shoot, then I can only fight back." Chen Zheng looked at the Yunji Dao Yuanshen, At the moment, he gently shook his head, and then swept the nine sword tablets on the nine Zhoutianjian platforms: "I came to the eternal sword world, not to kill people, but just to recover some things to make Allure better awaken."


   He wiped it away!

  Nine sword steles light up!

  An ancient sword-shaped rune emerged!


   in one breath!

   all poured into Ye Qingcheng's eyebrows!


   Ye Qingcheng inside the body!

   A sword rang!

   Immediately afterwards, a ghost sword shadow rose to the sky!



   in the void above!

   A strong shock!

   I saw that the era sword palace that had been hidden before reappears at this moment!

   "You Jue sword body!"

   "It turns out that she is a secluded sword body!"

   "This... this does not seem to be the first awakening, this seems to be the second awakening, otherwise it will not be possible to lead the era of Sword Palace to appear!"

   Brief silence!



  Jian Jianshen did not think of this, but Jin Jianshen thought of another point, that is, Yunji Daozu is a disciple of the immortal sword master. Although he is not a disciple, he is also one of the disciples!

  At this moment, Epoch Sword Palace appeared again, so will Master Eternal Sword Master appear, will you come and see this young man in front of you!



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