Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1272: Will this work!

   What the hell?

   Big brother of unilateral worship?

   Are you really kidding?

  Is this okay?

  Everyone looked at Da Luosha God, there was a bit of awkwardness. Just what Da Luosha God said to Luosha female, just made everyone think that it would be a terrible war next. I didn't expect that Da Luosha God meant that.

   "According to seniority, I should call him Uncle......"

  Raksha on the high platform blinked blankly.

   "Does this work?"

   Pa Pa ancestor touched his head and looked at Chen Zheng.

"Why can't it!" Da Luosha God heard the tyrant's ancestor, and he glared fiercely, then looked at Chen Zheng, and his fierce face instantly turned into a happy smile: "In the battle with the elder brother, the elder brother had one hand. After defeating the younger brother, the younger brother admires the extreme! Although the younger brother prevented the younger brother from entering the core of the flood, but after that day, in the younger brother's heart, only the younger brother Qinglian is the only elder brother! See you again today, when you have a good time!"

   Everyone is silent!

  The Da Luosha God in their hearts was the only master in Shinto Star Territory, a supreme overlord, and an unsmiling fierce god! But the Da Luosha God in front of him, the Da Luosha God in front of Chen Gongzi in front of him, feels not much different from the manly man in the mortal world!

   unilaterally sworn to recognize the elder brother!

   This kind of thing is the first time I heard!

   This is too weird!

   And Da Luosha actually called this young man Brother Qinglian!

   It seems that none of the names handed down from the ancient floods can name Qinglian at all!

"Great Luosha God, anyway, you are also a half-step Taoist ancestor, and you also have a foreign bone, which is also a battle against the real Taoist ancestor! You are the master of the Great Luosha Shenmen, the only master of the Shinto Star Realm, Why do you want to suffocate this kid! Isn't the Lu family, my punishment family, better than this kid! Da Luosha God, have you forgotten that the ancestors of the Lu family of my punishment are still alive, as you said, I The first ancestor of the Lu family of the Heavenly Punishment family is a creature that you can only look forward to! God Luosha, are you really going to tear up the agreement and be an enemy of my Heavenly Punishment family!"

   For a long time of silence, the old black robe's voice was so deep that he drank to the big Luosha!

"Lv Fangshu, you should be very clear that as long as there are Taoist ancestors doing things, then the ontology cannot come to the world. If your first ancestor of the Lu family is above the Taoist ancestor, then the ontology will never come out. Taixu, Shen Nian's will may come to the Daqian world, but the combat power will also be suppressed by the Dao ancestor under the Dao ancestor. The **** can’t get out of the Daqian world. The **** will destroy you now. What about God?"

   Da Luosha turned around and smiled at the old man in black robe.

"You! You! You!" The old man in black robe listened, angered and bloody, and took a deep breath and then said in a deep voice: "Da Luosha God, how is this seat to wake you up, but also my family It took a lot of strength to pull the Raksha City from a foreign land to the Shinto star field. My clan of the punishment is full of enthusiasm for you, but you will revenge on the punishment of the clan! The big Raksha, can still Do you want a face?"

"I want a face? I am a fierce god, why should I have a face? Besides, can I not wake up myself, I want to go back to the Shinto star field, do I really need to use external force? Lu Fang you looked up at your Lu family! Right One more point, don’t reason with my fierce god, because I only recognize this as the eldest brother, this is the reason!"

   Da Luosha responded indifferently, and smiled deeply when he said that Chen Zheng was justified.


  The blood and blood of the old man in the black robe boiled again. This time, he could not suppress it, and his mouth was blood spewing out! This is not beating bleeding, this is a living bleeding! I thought everything was going according to plan this time. As long as you wait a few more days, the plan of the Heavenly Punishment family can be completed. I didn't expect to be pitted by the Great Rakshasa!


  Isn’t being pitted by the Great Raksha!

   but was pitted by the kid in the fairyland!

   The culprit is the kid in the fairyland!

   "Heavenly Clan will not let you go!"

   Old man in black robe raised his head violently, wiped off the blood at the corner of his mouth, and stared at Chen Zheng!

   "I have heard too much of this, can I have something fresh."

   Chen Zheng said lightly.

   This sentence gave the old man in black robe suddenly nothing to say. After a moment of silence, the old man in black robe took another deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng for a few moments, then suddenly opened his mouth!

   It just didn't make any sound!

   Old man in black robe is silently reading the ancient spell!


   The Da Luosha God raised his eyebrows and instinctively used the Divine Thought to forcibly cut off the ancient mantra of the black robe old man, but he failed!


   is in the next moment!

   There was a moment of gray and white light that came to the top of the Great Raksha Shrine!

   Then a figure of gray light came out!

   Can't see the face clearly!

   can only feel the breath from this figure!

   That breath is like a punishment!

   Everyone was surprised!

   "The first generation of ancestors of the Heavenly Punishment family!"

   The young man on the torture rack was already dying. At the moment, when he saw the figure above, he instantly showed his joy!

"This guy......"

   Da Luosha glanced, his eyebrows raised again. Regarding his cultivation as a person who is not afraid of coming, because the person who comes is only a god-minded will, even if its body is above the Taoist ancestor, it can be suppressed in the power of the god-minded will in the world. Under Daozu!


   Except himself and his elder brother!

   The rest of them are afraid they can't hold it!

   "Ooo, the first ancestor of the first generation, Lu Fang, a descendant of the punishment of the punishment, begged the first ancestor!"

   The old man in black robe knelt and cried out at the figure with invisible face!

At this moment, the monks of Shinto Star Territories and the disciples of the Great Raksha Temple are silent. Horror in the usual sense, but an aura very similar to heavenly punishment!

   Heavenly Punishment!

   Heavenly punishment!

   This day, the ancestors of the clan family could not be transformed into heaven!

   For a time!

   various guesses!

   And just after counting the interest, the first generation of ancestors of the Tianjian family moved. Although they could not clearly see their faces, it was obvious that he was looking at Chen Zheng. After looking at Chen Zheng's eyes, he spoke!

   "I don't want to be against you, can I let my descendants pass."

first sentence!

   He turned out to be pleading!

   "The first generation of ancestors, why are you..."

  The old man in black robe was stupid, and the young man of Shenjia and the other children of the Heavenly Punishment family were also ignorant!


   The tone of the first-generation ancestors was pleading with the boy!

   How is this completely different from what I thought!

   What kind of creature was the first generation of ancestors? Even if the incarnation of the will came to the world of thousands and was suppressed by heaven, even if the boy could not be suppressed, he should never be pleading like that boy!

   (End of this chapter)

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