Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1271: Big Raksha: You will be wrong!


The celestial torture device blown to heaven by the old man in black robe was actually afraid. Didn’t the black robber blow the celestial torture device to suppress the Taoist ancestors? Why is he afraid of a **** at this moment? Frightened Hello!

   The disciples of the Great Raksha Gate!

  Children of the Tianpu family Lu!

   is now wide-eyed!

As for the monks in the Shinto star field, although they were shocked for the first time, when they saw Chen Zheng's face clearly, they woke up one by one instantly. This young man was not the one who slapped before, projecting the Juntian Holy Land to the ruling **** of the cloud Did the crossbow give the young man who went back!

   thought of this, these monks were relieved, since this mysterious young man has also come to the Great Raksha Gate, then he and others should be saved!

Fan Yunxing monk, Fu family elder Fu Shan, Xiao family elder Xiao Dingyi, etc., basically saw Chen Zheng's tyranny before Qi Tiangu, and now after the initial moment of surprise, they all thought it was reasonable in. After all, this young man Chen in front of him, took a machete and cut the old lady of Juntian Shengdi to the road.


  The Luosha **** the high platform looked at Chen Zheng with bright eyes, and at the moment her eyes were full of vigor. She really didn't expect such a scene to appear. Although she didn't have a cold for the Tianjian family, she had to admit that the criminal apparatus of the Tianjian family was really terrible. Can completely block the sky order torture device.

But the man in front of him, the man in front of him with an inexplicable sense of familiarity, went to the ancient altar to let the ancient weird torture device add up, and the ancient weird torture device even cracked and took the initiative to retreat Down, and trembling!

   This man!

   seems to be more and more fascinating!

   My father really woke up, even if he appeared at the moment, I am afraid that he could not suppress this man!

   "For... why..."

  The old man in black robe took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng with a whisper!

   "The celestial order torture device will be afraid of you... what kind of monster are you..."

   The young man of Shenjia shuddered, staring blankly at Chen Zheng!

"Why? I think this thing also has an upper limit. If it exceeds its upper limit, it will be repulsed. My physical strength exceeds its upper limit. This should be the reason why it is afraid of me." Chen Zhengshao He glanced at the trembling torture device and said casually.

   "Your flesh is stronger than the upper limit of torture!"

   The old man in black robe heard his eyes widened to the extreme!


   "What level of flesh should it be?"

   "So... is this why Chen Gongzi is so defiant..."

  The rest of them whispered.

   This time Chen Zheng didn't respond, only raised his right hand, and grabbed a piece of torture. That piece of torture shuddered. It seemed that he didn't want to have any contact with him at all, but he had to fly over honestly.

   Everyone looked puzzled in this scene. Could it be said that this torture device can be used like antiques, or is this one who has a special hobby and likes to play with these torture devices? Or is this also an expert in this field, who was also good at playing some creatures with torture!

   thought of this, and everyone felt shudder, even if it was a monk who turned Yunxing, his body was shaking, and then he quickly shook his head, and the underworld Chen Gongzi was definitely not such a person!

"Sure enough, these things killed you, but this is just a small part of the murderous creature. This so-called punishment family, the Lu people, can't use the most terrifying power of these violent creatures. As for the blood of the punishment, it should be that certain slave The bloodline descendants left."

   At this moment, Chen Zheng's eyes moved, and he looked at Fan Qi, who was pale, and then at the Tiance Taoist.


  What does this mean?

  Who killed these torture devices?

Everyone heard it with doubts, but Chen Huang and Baxia's two ancestors and sister Du, at this moment, the eyes quickly swept through the body of Fan Qi and Tian Ce Taoist, Du sister suddenly understood why Chen Gongzi Will bring Tiance Taoist, Tiance Taoist is very likely to be a kind of person with Brahma Palace Master!

"Slave... The Lu punishment of our heavenly punishment is extremely ancient. The first ancestor of our punishment ancestors is a creature that you simply cannot imagine. Unrestrained, only one foot away is a half-walking ancestor, this Dao heart, it is not that you can mess up with words! Huh! Young people advise you not to mess up, our first generation ancestors are still alive!"

  The look of the old man in black robe changed for a while, took a deep breath and snorted!

   "Mess your Dao heart? Do you think I need to use words to mess with your Dao heart?"

   Chen Zheng gave a light glance to the old man in black robe, holding the torture device and raised his hand slightly.

"Do you dare!" The old man in black robe screamed in an instant, then backed away, and then roared with a deep voice: "Da Luosha God, I have to be suppressed by Lu Fang, you should also wake up completely Come on! If you don’t wake up again, your Great Rakshasa Gate will be destroyed by this kid!"



   This roar!

   Another great shock in the Great Raksha Shrine!


   I saw You Mang flash!

   A hundred feet tall figure appeared now!

  Great Rakshasa!

   This is the Great Rakshasa!

   Although this figure has not opened his eyes!

   But the breath released was enough to make the ancestors tremble!

   This was the absolute ruler of Rakshasa who once absolutely ruled Shinto Stars!

"This seat is not nonsense anymore. You must have a way to suppress this kid, Da Luosha. You suppress this kid and recapture my punishment from the Heavenly Punishment family. I will give the Heavenly Punishment family a weapon that we cannot control. You!" The old man in black robe saw Baizhang's figure, he first drank Shen Sheng, then fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng, and then showed a grin: "My Lu clan's celestial torture device can't suppress the Great Luosha God. Although Luosha God is not a real Taoist ancestor, he is only a half-step Taoist ancestor, but the physical body of the Great Luosha God is even stronger than the ordinary Taoist ancestors! So young people, you are now willing to return the torture, surrender and beg for mercy! God's shot, Da Luosha God's shot will take human life!"


  In the silence, Da Luosha opened his eyes and stared at Chen Zheng at first glance!

   " likes him, please dad..."

  The female face of Raksha came down on the high platform and bowed her head slightly.

   "Don't like it, you are impossible!"

  It was just before the words of the Raksha girl had been finished that she was interrupted by the God of Raksha, and Raksha girl's face was even heavier!

   "Huh! God Ramasha, you really have a good daughter, don't help you, don't say, go help an outsider! Ramasha betrayed you, you should be locked up and educated!"

   Old man in black robe sneered!


   And the next moment!

  The big Luosha God grabbed the old man in black robe directly, and then smashed it to the ground. The old man in black robe was smashed into the ground!


  What does this mean!

   Old man in black robe stunned!

   The disciple of Da Luosha Shenmen was stunned!

   Raksha girl was stunned!

   Those monks in Shinto Star Territory are more shocked!

   lying trough!

  Why did Da Luosha God suddenly suppress the old black robe!

"Lv Fangwu, you will be wrong!" Da Luosha sneered: "I said my daughter can't like this guy, it's impossible with this guy, not because I hate this guy, but because of this guy, it was me The eldest brother who unilaterally worshipped in the wild times! So according to her seniority, my daughter should call this guy Uncle!"

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