Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1273: You don't need your sincerity!

"What do you think."

   Chen Zheng said lightly, breaking the short silence.

"The torture device can be given to you, I will take my descendants, I can guarantee that they will not provoke you again in the future. I know who you are reincarnated, and I know you need to recover the lost power, I can give you some Very important news, and you just have to let go of my descendants. It's that simple, how can you make money."

   The figure replied slightly.


  Chen returned a word without any fluctuation.

  Although the dialogue between the two was an understatement, for the disciples of Shinto Star Territory and the Great Raksha Gate, the atmosphere is becoming more and more depressed. At the moment, they are holding their breath and dare not make any movements and sounds!

   The Great Raksha also sensed something, so he has secretly urged the law, covering the Raksha female on the high platform. If the first generation of the ancestors of the punishment family really want to start, he will keep the Raksha female for the first time!

   "What else do you want, are you still not satisfied, the ancestors of the Heavenly Punishment family have peace talks with you in this gesture, why are you so proud! One more thing is worse than one less, and one enemy is good for everyone!"

   The old man in black robe could not bear the more and more repressed atmosphere, and opened his mouth violently, but this time not shouting at Chen Zheng, but shouting at Chen Zheng!

   "It is also because you know who you are that you are reincarnated, so I will talk to you in such a low profile, how can I also be an era overlord, and it is already enough to talk to the creatures in the world in this posture."

  The figure at the top also spoke at the moment, but the voice was obviously deeper than before, not as lightly written as before.

   Era Overlord!

  Zhong Xiu heard these four words showing surprise!

None of the ninety-nine monks present had ever heard of this title, or this situation, but they could all feel that these four words carry an indomitable hegemony. There is no doubt that this situation should be the one above the Taoist ancestor. One place!

   Top creatures!

   is definitely the top creature in heaven and earth!

   "It really is this situation, but unfortunately the ontology can't come out of the Taixu at all, and it can't come to the Thousand Worlds, so it can't help the God."

  Da Luosha's thoughts moved, he had already guessed this, so he was not surprised. He glanced at Chen Zheng and saw that Chen Zheng did not fluctuate, and he smiled in his heart. Brother Qinglian deserved to be Brother Qinglian. Even if he was reincarnated and rebuilt, it would be a heavenly level, but his invincible mentality was no different from that of that year.

  If you have this kind of mentality one day, you can go one step further, and rely on the foreign demon bone to meet the deity of these era overlords, and you can also have the power to fight!

   "Since you know who I am, it should be clear that I don't need your sincerity."

  Chen Zheng responded with a light smile.


   a word!

   Everyone opened his mouth instantly!



   Good domineering!

  Chen Gongzi obviously didn't take this so-called ancestor of the first generation of the Heavenly Punishment family into his eyes!

Fan Yunxing monks such as Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo, Sister Du, Fu Shan, Xiao Dingyi and others, at this moment, they were either glaring with two eyes, or worshiping Chen Zheng with their eyes full of worship. As for the other monks in the Shinto Star Realm, more are Surprised, surprised that Chen Zheng did not give the Tianpu family the first generation of ancestors a little face!

   "You... do you really think you are invincible!"

  Black robe old man's blood is boiling again!

"Haha! Haha hafnium!" And the figure above, after a moment of silence, suddenly burst into laughter: "I only talked to you in such a low attitude because of the master, but you didn't give face at all Me, it seems that you really think you are still invincible! It is a pity that you are no longer the one who was invincible and invincible in the first place. Your life is only a heavenly god, and a special heavenly **** of the flesh and soul! I want to take me away Your descendants, can you stop me again!"


   After laughing!

   The figure raised a hand and grabbed it downward!

   This catch!

   Not facing Chen Zheng!

   is not facing the Great Rakshasa!

   It is to the old man in black robe, the young man on the scaffold and the children of the Lu family!

"It is still that sentence, for the sake of the master, I will give you face, so I will not deal with your people! If you dare to stop me, don’t blame me! You can’t kill you, I Isn’t it easy to kill your people!"


   The figure at that moment completely removed the disguise!

   "Lu Jie... The name is far less than the Supreme Demon Ji Ji, or the Lord of Heaven, it seems that you belong to the bottom of her slaves."

   Seeing that figure would take away the old man in black robe and others, Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Huh! I am not as good as the Supreme Demon Ji Ji, I can't compare with the Lord of Heaven, but I became the overlord of the era in this era, and you are just a special heavenly immortal, and you can help me Ho! Do you really think that we immortals must make you three points!"

   The figure sneered, the face that was not clear at this moment was real at this moment, but it was still blocked by the gray and greasy mask. The only thing that could be seen was the eyes under the gray mask, and the eyes were full of mockery!

   Supreme Demon!

   Dang Tianzhu Lord!

   Lying trough!

   What a big man this is!

   Everyone was surprised and stunned!

   "I haven't said you have to make me three points."

  Chen Zheng spoke lightly.

   "Since that is the case, then you will manage your acres and three points in the world, don't **** think you are the invincible you!"

   The figure sneered again!


   A flash of gray light!

   The figure is about to break away with the old man in black robe!


   It was at this moment that a ghost in Chen Zheng's pocket flew out. The ghost turned into a stone egg, and the stone egg rushed over the figure's head!

  What is this?

   Everyone was shocked!

   "This is... congenital five...!"

The figure suddenly raised his At the first sight of the stone egg, his double pupils froze, and he subconsciously blurted out a few words. In a flash, the figure was devoured in the blink of an eye!


   Everyone was surprised, a milky milky voice sounded, I saw the stone egg turned into a ghost, and flew back into Chen Zheng's pocket!

   "The first generation of ancestors... the avatar was swallowed..."

   Old man in black robe, young man of God Armor, and disciples of the Heavenly Punishment family, all froze at the moment!

   "Brother Qinglian, let the younger brother help you kill these guys, these guys are not qualified to let you do it yourself!"

Da Luosha God's eyes flashed with shock, and his thoughts moved. A man raised his hand to the old man in the black robe and waited for the children of the Heavenly Punishment. He only heard a wailing sound, and the old man in black robe and other people burst into blood mist !

   "Cruel! What a hate! The Heavenly Punishment family will not let you go! The first-generation ancestors won't let you go! You won't let you go!"

   Black robe elder spirit roared, completely destroyed in the next moment!

   "Hmph! Brother Qinglian's immortal character, you still want to take revenge, it is impossible for eternal life!"

   Da Luosha God snorted softly, sucked in his mouth, and swallowed the whole soul of Blood Mist!

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