Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1076: Why it came out like this? Beyond all expectations

Qin Shu said: "My mother was taken away by my master, but the matter here is resolved, I will go to my mother."

Yan Shuang reminded at this moment: "Aren't the eyes of the daughter of the Long Family azure blue? Why are you black?"

"I don't know why my eyes are black, but..." Qin Shu didn't emphasize whether her eyes were azure blue, she raised her eyes to Yan Shuang, "I know why your eyes are azure blue. Brother, you try to give it to her."

"Okay." Long Muyan, who stood behind her, took out the prepared black cosmetic contact lenses, put them on separately, and showed them to everyone.

Qin Shu said: "Look at the color of his eyes first. They are black cosmetic contacts. You can buy them anywhere, but this one is specially made."

Long Muyan took out the Long Family's potion again and cleaned his eyes. After washing, he wiped it with a clean paper towel. Then he looked up at the crowd.

The people present were stunned. They were wearing black cosmetic contact lenses just now. After being washed with the potion, they turned into azure blue.

Qin Shu said again: "Did you see clearly? At first, Yan Shuang wore this color-changing cosmetic contact lens. It chemically reacted with the syrup and turned into a blue color. I didn't emphasize the color of the eyes, that is, I disdain to use this. trick."

Everyone at the scene looked at Long Xiao again, and couldn't help wondering that she used this method to make her eyes blue.

Yan Shuang looked at Qin Shu, she was indeed smart, just like Qishan, she looked a little silly, she didn't know her words, just like Fu Tingyu's evaluation of her, she was just as foolish as she was.

This is why Fu Tingyu likes her?

She was not reconciled.

Even Yang Quan and Yang Jin looked at Qin Shu with shock. They didn't expect that the solution he thought of carefully would be solved by her.

Qin Shu said faintly: "Everyone wants to see what color my eyes are. I can also wash them to show them. However, I can't guarantee whether the eyes are blue. After all, my father's eyes are black. "

She turned her head to look at Long Muyan, "Brother, pass me the potion."

"Okay." Long Muyan handed her the potion, and then prepared a tissue.

Qin Shu took the potion and poured a little in the palm of his hand to cleanse his eyes.

Long Qing watched Qin Shu washing his eyes with the potion more and more, waiting for the result.

Not only was Long Qing staring at Qin Shu, almost everyone in the room was staring at her, even Long Muyan had been staring at her, looking forward to the effect of the potion after washing her eyes.

Qin Shu washed for a while and felt almost done. He took the paper towel from Long Muyan's hand and wiped her eyes. She didn't have any makeup or eye makeup, so it was very clean when wiped with a paper towel.

After wiping, she didn't even know whether her eyes had changed color, she calmly raised her eyes to look at everyone present, as if she didn't care whether her eyes would turn blue.

The moment Qin Shu raised his head, everyone present was stunned. For a while, even the sound of each other's breathing could be heard quietly in the conference room.

Yang Quan stared at Qin Shu's amber eyes and frowned. If it were Ziling's daughter, how could she not have azure blue eyes?

Long Qing became more afraid that she had made a mistake, rubbed her eyes, and then opened her eyes to look again.

Long Muyan stared blankly for a few seconds, then opened his mouth in confusion: "How could this be?"

After listening to Long Muyan's words, Qin Shu blinked his eyes in confusion, and thought to himself, didn't it turn blue?

It's normal if it hasn't changed. Qin Hai has black eyes and may have inherited Qin Hai's.

Hao Ze also walked over at this time and stared at her for a long time, "Why isn't it azure blue?"

Qin Shu said indifferently: "My dad has black eyes. It may have inherited the color of my dad's eyes, so they didn't become azure blue. Anyway, I never thought about staying in Miaoxin, so it doesn’t matter if they are azure blue. Right."

Hao Ze grabbed Qin Shu's arm and stared at those eyes for a while, "No, your eyes are amber."


Qin Shu took out the phone from his pocket suspiciously, turned on the mirror function, and took a photo in the mirror. He saw himself in the mirror. His eyes were indeed amber as Hao Ze said.

She stared at those amber eyes in disbelief. How could this be possible, even if they were not azure blue, they should be black, how could they be amber?

She raised her head and looked at the few people in front of her, with the same puzzled eyes: "I don't know why it is amber. My house does not have amber eyes."

Hao Ze said: "Although the daughters of the Long Family have inherited the mother's eye color, there are exceptions. Are you sure your father is black?"

Before Long Qing was sure that Qin Shu was his sister Long Zi Ling'er, he blurted out: "What Hao Ze said is correct. Think about it."

Qin Shu repeated: "I can't remember wrong, he has black eyes."

When it comes to Qin Hai, Han Xiao will unconsciously show frost, "She is right, her father's eyes are indeed black."

Long Qing stared at those nice amber eyes, full of doubts: "This is..."

Although Qin Shu was very puzzled, she didn't think about it. She looked at Long Qingyue and said, "No matter what color the eyes are, she is not the daughter of the Long family, and the crime committed by Yang Quan and Yang Jin. , Must be arrested and severely punished."

"But..." Long Qing looked at Yang Quan and Yang Jin more and more hesitated.

At this time, a group of nursing homes suddenly broke in outside the door, surrounding Yang Quan and Yang Jin Tuantuan.

Yan Shuang looked at Yang Jin and found that Yang Jin was also looking at her. She lifted her lips. Yang Jin was done with you this time.

I thought Yang Jin would be panicked, but he didn't expect that he would also smile at her, the smile was public and proud.

When Yan Shuang was puzzled, he suddenly felt as if his body was being controlled by something. He ran to the nursing homes that surrounded Yang Jin regardless, raised his foot to kick the nearest person away, and then shot another person into the air.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and people attending the meeting began to flee around.

Yang Quan looked at Long Size, took advantage of the chaos, took out the gun from his pocket, aimed at Long Size, and laughed wantonly, "Stop it all. Whoever moves, don't blame the bullet for not having eyes."

For a while, the conference hall suddenly became quiet, and his eyes were all looking at Yang Quan, fearing that he would shoot suddenly.

Qin Shu sneered: "Yang Quan, you are seeking your own death."

Yang Quan laughed more loudly: "His life is in my hands."

"If you have the ability to shoot, I count three times, one, two..." Qin Shu took two steps forward.

Yang Quan yelled: "Don't come here, I will really shoot..."

"Three." Qin Shu quickly ran over after speaking, brought a gust of wind, and kicked Yang Quan's hand. Yang Quan was so frightened that he clenched his hand unconsciously. A gunshot sounded. At the same time, Long Si, who was sitting in the first seat. Suddenly his figure flashed, and the bullet shot into the leather chair.

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