Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1077: Whenever and wherever they are protected

The leather chair was punctured, and strands of blue smoke emerged from the black hole, and at the same time it emitted an unpleasant burnt smell.

Before the sound of the gun fell, the gun in Yang Quan's hand was kicked out by Qin Shu forcefully, hitting a wall not far away, only hearing a "bang", the gun broke in half.

After entering, Qin Shu clenched his hand into a fist, slammed into Yang Quan’s chest with his elbow, knocked the person out, and hit the solid wood chair behind him. The impact was too great, and the solid wood chair was overwhelmed and hit in two. For a while, Yang Quan's upright body also fell to the ground, vomiting blood and pain in his chest, unable to get up for a while.

And all of this happened in a moment.

Everyone was shocked, watching the seriously ill Long Size sitting there, acting like wind, avoiding the bullet?

Even if Long Size was young, it was impossible to avoid bullets.

Seeing a weak woman from Qin Shu, she reacted so quickly, kicking a flying spear and knocking down Yang Quan.

Yang Jin looked at Long Size in disbelief, and said suspiciously: "Long Size is not seriously ill, why..."

Before he finished speaking, he took off his makeup in public at night supper.

Yang Jin and Yang Quan widened their eyes and couldn't believe that Long Size was actually pretended to be by someone else. What is the difference between this and the ancient disguise technique?

Long Qing Yue also showed incredulous eyes, "Who are you? Where's my father?"

Qin Shu said at this moment: "Grandpa he is okay, he was sent by me to replace grandpa. Grandpa was seriously ill because of improper treatment by the doctor, so he didn't heal for a long time. Moreover, since the fake daughter came back, he started to increase the dose. The purpose is to make Grandpa die immediately after announcing his abdication. Grandpa has been with me these days."

Hearing that Abba is okay, Long Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Qin Shu puzzledly, "This, what's going on?"

Qin Shu did not answer Long Qingyue's words, but instructed: "Come on, bring the doctor in."

After a while, Brother Yejia brought in Long Size's exclusive doctor and threw them directly in front of everyone.

Qin Shu looked down at the shivering doctor on the ground, "This doctor is my grandfather's exclusive doctor. Grandpa's illness has been treated by this doctor. The second uncle should know him."

The more of course Long Qing knew him. He had always treated Abba. Thinking of Abba's long-term sickness on the bed, he asked sternly: "What's the matter?"

The doctor squatted on the ground and said tremblingly: "I, I, Master Yang Gu asked me to do this. I was bought by him. No, I was poisoned by him. If you don't listen to him, I will die. Up."

"That's why you gave me Dad medicine? My Long Family treats you so high, and you hurt my Dad like this?" Long Qing became more angrily, kicked him over with his foot, and shouted, "Come on , Lock him up and investigate carefully."

Soon the doctor was taken away.

Now that matters have fallen into place, the more Long Qing asked people to take Yang Quan down first.

Now only Yang Jin and Yan Shuang remain.

At this moment, dozens of warriors suddenly broke in outside the door and surrounded Yan Shuang and Yang Jintuan, all of them above the platinum level.

Qin Shu frowned, and suddenly there were so many warriors. Except for Yan Shuang himself, Yang Jin couldn't possibly have so many warriors above the platinum rank.

If you want to catch Yang Jin and Yan Shuang, you must first defeat these platinum warriors.

Qin Shu looked back at Han Xiao and Long Muyan.

Han Xiao: "I have no problem."

Long Muyan said: "I have no problem."

All three of them are platinum mid-to-upper period, which is more than enough to deal with this group of people.

It's just severe frost, not easy to deal with.

At this time, Hua Wuyan walked in gracefully and looked at Qin Shu, "I am still there."

Qin Shu saw Hua Wushen coming, thinking that his son would also come? In front of so many people, she didn't ask, because now the most important thing is to catch these two people.

Yan Shuang saw Han Xiao and flowers speechless. When he was in Qishan, these two people had always had a very good relationship with Qin Shu, and they also protected Qin Shu everywhere. They were obviously a cumbersome little girl who was not only protected by him, Even the master treated her exceptionally well.

Qishan is just two girls, Qin Shu and she, but they only think that Qin Shu is a girl and ignore her.

Whether it's fun or delicious, give it to Qin Shu.

The master is also upright and partial, and every time he comes back, he only brings back one portion for eating or playing, and gives it to Qin Shu in front of them.

And Fu Tingyu, every time he changed his way to buy food for Qin Shu and give her fun.

She Yanshuang grew up spoiled by her family since she was a child, but when she arrived in Qishan, she became uninterested.

The more Yan Shuang thought about it, the more unbalanced her heart became. Her beautiful apricot eyes were full of jealousy, and her teeth were clenched tightly. She wanted to kill her.

At this time, Yan Shuang was surrounded by jealousy all over her heart and eyes. She commanded: "Listen to me and kill that woman."

These dozens of warriors were transferred from Beixing by Yan Shuang. As the heir of the Yan family, it was easy for her to summon these people.

A group of people walked towards Qin Shu.

Qin Shu looked at a group of martial artists who were approaching. She was still able to deal with platinum-level martial artists. She was about to do it. Three figures suddenly flashed in front of her, all tall and slender.

Suddenly she remembered when Qishan was studying martial arts, while the master was not on the mountain, she dragged them down the mountain and met a group of gangsters.

At that time, they only learned martial arts for a short time, and the value of martial arts was not high.

There are seven senior brothers. She is the youngest and the shortest, but her strength is not the lowest.

The six of them stood in front of her, guarding the youngest one behind them, fearing that the gangster would hurt her.

She still clearly remembered that Fu Tingyu was full of spirits, arrogant, and unruly.

When she turned to look at her, she took out a lollipop from her pocket and gave it to her, "Don't mess with us, just wait and eat candy."

It was good at the beginning. It could be regarded as a good memory, but it was ruined by a word of him.

Now, there are only three people in front of her, Han Xiao, Hua Silent, and Long Muyan.

Listening to Han Xiao, Qin Feng suddenly had no information and could not be contacted.

Fu Tingyu, he doesn't know where he is going, she has been busy without looking at the location.

As for the other one, Yan Shuang is already a hostile face.

A group of people fought and the scene was very chaotic

Qin Shu didn't have time to look at the positioning, now the most important thing is to solve the immediate problem.

Xiao Jiu has been hiding in the dark to peek, and President Ba also nestled beside him, looking around vigilantly.

"President Ba, do you want us to go in and help?" Xiaojiu hesitated, mainly because his force value was too low, for fear of going in and causing trouble to his mother.

It can be seen that they bullied too much and were anxious, fearing that their mother would be bullied.

He suddenly remembered that the slingshot in his backpack was a small toy Huamuzi gave him.

He neatly removed his schoolbag, unzipped the zipper, and took out the slingshot and marbles from it.

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