Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1075: Domineering back, I have what she has

"I think she just wants to impersonate the daughter of the Long Family, so she will risk plastic surgery."

Long Qing's expectation just rose, because the word plastic surgery was crushed, he almost thought that this woman might be his sister's daughter.

In order to keep the meeting in order, he shouted: "Come here, arrest all these people for me."

One second

Two seconds

Three seconds

A minute later, the door was quiet, no one came in.

Because of the separation outside the door, when Qin Shu came, it had already been resolved.

She looked at Long Qing and said, "Second Uncle, people are already resting outside, so they won't come in temporarily."

The more Long Qing froze, feeling that the other party had come prepared.

Qin Shu didn't expect that Yan Shuang would make excuses for herself, and couldn't help but laugh, and then she stopped the smile again: "Yan Shuang, we also went out of the same school as a teacher. Unexpectedly, it ended up like this."

Yan Shuang looked at Qin Shu coldly, and the hatred in his eyes became stronger and stronger, as if the resentment that had accumulated for a long time was gathered together and burst out in an instant.

When he was in Qishan, Fu Tingyu's eyes kept chasing Qin Shu. It was obvious that two people were easy to move their mouths when they met, but they could see him every time, standing in an inconspicuous place, staring at Qin Shu sometimes. I will see him smiling, and sometimes I will see him gritting his teeth, "just know to eat."

As long as Qin Shu is in the world, she can't really be with Fu Tingyu.

Her eyes suddenly turned dark, Qin Shu couldn't keep it.

"You said so much, do I know you? Who knew you there?"

Qin Shu said indifferently: "These are not important anymore. Who am I? It will come to light later. Fake is fake. What have you done to hurt people for the position of the daughter of the dragon family, and what you want to grab? My husband, I will ask you for all the despicable methods used today."

Yan Shuang sneered: "When did I **** your husband? What evidence do you have to prove that I snatched you?"

At this time, someone suddenly questioned: "Yang Quan, did you use your hands and feet in the election campaign last year?"

"It's no wonder that Master Yang Gu was able to enter the interior, it turned out that it was because Yang Quan bought the official hands and feet."

"As well as the right to develop the western region last year, Yang Quan also accepted huge bribes."

Yang Quan's gaze stayed on Qin Shu all the time, and when he heard someone questioning, he suddenly returned to his senses and looked at the colleague in front of him.

As the top executive, Mu Li threw a thick pile of evidence in front of Yang Quan, "Yang Quan, look at it for yourself, and give everyone an explanation."

Yang Quan looked at the pile of materials in front of him, picked up the top ones and flipped through them. The more he looked behind, the worse his face became.

He suddenly slapped the table and said angrily: "This must be someone framing me. How could I do these things?"

Mu Li said with a sullen face: "Fraud, take a look at it yourself, it contains your autograph, and evidence such as bribery chat records, do you still want to quibble?"

Yang Quan looked at the secrets and chat records, and didn't understand how they were found out, so they didn't reveal them.

Yang Quan would never think that Qin Shu's hacking skills had reached a superb level. There was no place she could not get in, and there was no private information she could not get.

It is actually very easy to want these evidences. Regardless of whether Yang Quan is an official or businessman with whom he is related, in order to ensure that his own interests are not infringed, there will be a guarantee in the future that some records and evidence will remain to protect himself.

Therefore, it would be easy for Qin Shu to steal these recorded evidence.

Hua Wuyan and Xiaojiu also drove to Longzhuang, not the main entrance, but over the wall.

The courtyard wall was a little high, and Xiao Jiu climbed up smoothly with the help of Hua Mute.

After they entered, the two of them stared with big eyes, Hua Wuyan didn't know where the conference hall was. Longzhuang was very big, and it might not be possible to find it within an hour.

He couldn't find him separately from Xiaojiu. He didn't worry about leaving Xiaojiu alone. In case something happened, it would be a big event.

"Uncle Hua, I have a way." Xiao Jiu took off his backpack, opened the zipper, and released President Ba. "President Ba, it's up to you."

Hua Wuyan saw a black cat running out of his backpack. When he came out, he was surprised that Xiaojiu was still carrying the bag, and now he understood that there was a cat hidden inside.

He couldn't help laughing twice: "Little Jiu, this is a cat or not a dog, and the nose is not as sensitive as a dog, so hurry up and pick it up. If you lose it, it will be hard to find."

As soon as Hua's speechless words fell, the tyrant barked his teeth at him, and stared at him fiercely, "Meow, meow..." You are a dog, and your whole family is a dog!

Then turned his head and ran forward.

Hua was speechless for a few seconds, why did he feel that the cat seemed to be angry?

"Uncle Hua, you compare Ba Sum with a dog. He is very angry. It is an insult to his IQ."

Xiao Jiuxun glanced speechlessly, and then trot to catch up with her short legs.

Hua silently watched the thief running one by one, was he wrong?

Can cat noses have dog nose sensitivity?

He followed with doubts.

At this time, the conference room was tense.

The more Long Qing looked at the evidence, she couldn't help but start to doubt, and only suspected that Yang Quan was the son-in-law of the Long family and had been loyal to an important position for so many years. It was impossible to risk doing such a thing.

Qin Shu looked at the huge conference room and divided it into two factions. One suspected that Yang Quan was using power for personal gain, and half believed that Yang Quan had done a lot in his position. Someone must have framed him.

That is, the people who echoed Yan Shuang who said she had plastic surgery, that is, Yang Quan was in the same group.

She looked at Long Qingyue, and the evidence was in front of her. She didn't believe the evidence, but believed that she still believed in Yang Quan. She didn't even make a clear investigation.

She suddenly discovered that Long Size had been insisting on waiting for Long Ziling to come back and inherit his position. The reason for not choosing him as the heir was because of his indecision and difficulty in distinguishing right from wrong.

Her mother, Long Ziling, was smart and tough, and was superior to men in governance. In ancient times, the Wu clan proclaimed the emperor, and her mother was also unbelievable.

Although Long Size is getting older, he sees it thoroughly.

"Speaking of my plastic surgery, the method of identification is very simple, plastic surgery experts can identify it, but these are not important. I heard that the reason why she was considered a daughter of the Dragon family is because of the paternity test. Then, I also have with my mother For the paternity test, can you consider me to be the daughter of the Long Family?"

While speaking, she took out a paternity test from her bag and raised her hand, "I think it's fake, you can do it again."

The more Long Qing saw the paternity testimonial, he was the first to walk to Qin Shu, took the testimonial from her, and looked carefully.

The more Long Qing finished reading, she was shocked. The similarity was 0.09 higher than that of Long Xiao. He raised his head and looked at Qin Shu, "What about your mother? Why didn't you let her come with you?"

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