Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1016: Get him by extraordinary means

Long Xiao lowered his eyes slightly, and said casually, but with obvious grievances.

When the man heard this, he remembered the subconscious action just now. He smiled: "I don't like other people touching my face. This is my personal reason, not against you, so don't think about it."

"I know you have a habit of cleanliness and don't like others being too close. But, we are good friends, and the relationship was so good before. If you put me in the ranks of ordinary friends, you are breaking my heart. ."

Long Xiao has a considerate appearance, and still does not forget to draw the key points. We are good friends, so exceptions can be made.

"Long Xiao, I didn't mean it. I reacted instinctively. It's too difficult to change." The man said very tactfully, but it was also true.

He didn't remember the past, and he didn't know what kind of relationship they were getting along.

But now, he only knows that he doesn't like to let others get too close, even the best friends.

"Don't worry, we can take it slowly." Long Xiao smiled to relieve the a little embarrassing atmosphere, "You have to go to work, hurry up, and the banquet at 7 o'clock tonight, you must come back early, I will give You have prepared a dress for the banquet."

"Yeah." The man replied, and walked out the door with his swollen face on one side.

Long Xiao followed to the door, watching the slender figure of the man walk down the steps.

She swears in her heart that this man belongs to her, and no one wants to take it away.

She is willing no matter what the price is.

Until no man was visible, she walked into the garage and drove the newly bought Maserati to Yang's house.

Yang Jin's villa is not far from Longzhuang, and it only takes about 20 minutes to drive.

When Yang Jin learned that Long Xiao was coming, he came out to greet her personally and watched her get off the car. She was beautiful and fair, with good proportions.

The whole body is full of extravagance, which is completely different from those **** women.

He knew it from the first sight.

When people approached, Yang Jin smiled and said, "Miss Long came a little bit suddenly, and I was not ready to meet her."

Long Xiao carried the latest luxury brand bags, stepped on high heels, and walked elegant steps to Yang Jin. He knows everything, so he didn’t circumscribe: “I’m here, I want to tell Master Yang Gu, no So polite, Master Yang Gu."

Yang Jin didn't care about Long Xiao's deliberate estrangement, but made an inviting gesture: "Miss Long, go in and talk again."

Long Xiao glanced at Yang Jin, then stepped in with high heels.

Yang Jin looked at Long Xiao's back, curled up his mouth, and walked in with his slender legs.

After entering, Yang Jin said: "Bring Miss Long a cup of rose tea."

"Yes, Lord." The butler glanced at Long Xiao, then smiled and went to make tea.

Long Xiao walked to the leather sofa and sat down, with his legs close together, sitting gracefully and gracefully.

Yang Jin sat lazily on the sofa with his slender legs folded, leaning on the armrest of the sofa with one hand, raising his eyes to look at her, his eyes a bit presumptuous: "Miss Long came to me in person, what's the matter?"

Long Xiao was extremely disgusted with the look Yang Jin delivered, but on the surface, it didn't show it.

"Didn't you say that there is a kind of gu that makes heart-to-heart cherish?"

Yang Jin's slender fingers turned the golden ring on the middle finger, and looked at Long Xiao with a faint smile, "I mentioned it, Miss Long would want it again?"

Long Xiao nodded: "Well, I want it."

She regretted not accepting the Gu worm like heart-to-heart at first, she thought, he didn't remember anything, she could spend a lot of time to make this man fall in love with herself and fall in love with herself.

As a result, a Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway through.

If you use it at the beginning, it won't be the case.

He will like other women again.

Yang Jin smiled triumphantly, as expected, he said: "Miss Long Xiao wants it, of course I am willing to give it, but there are still conditions."

Long Xiao said: "What are the conditions? If you want money, you can ask for anything."

At this time, the butler brought two cups of tea, a cup of rose tea in front of Long Xiao, and wolfberry tea in front of Yang Jin.

Yang Jin did not rush to answer. He looked at the **** butler in front of him. From this angle, he could clearly see the scenery in the wide neckline.

And, a good figure under the A-line skirt.

The butler’s figure ratio is also very good, wearing **** clothes makes her figure hotter.

As soon as he stretched out his long arms, he hugged the supervisor's slender waist, and then he took her into his arms. The butler has become accustomed to Yang Jin's behavior, and he looks obediently like a cat in his arms.

Yang Jin’s slender fingers picked up the butler’s hair, leaned to the tip of his nose and sniffed it. He raised his eyes to look at Long Xiao, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I have money, and I don’t need that money. I am What kind of person, is Miss Long still unclear?"

The housekeeper pretended to be embarrassed and pushed Yang Jin: "Master, you are too bad, Miss Long is still there."

On the contrary, Yang Jin became more and more presumptuous, as if when the opposite Long Xiao was a transparent person, he chuckled softly: "I am giving Miss Long a chance to learn, otherwise how does she know what I want?"

Long Xiao looked at the scene in front of him. It was too shocking. At the same time, he knew that Yang Jin didn't want money, but she.

If you want a Gu worm that loves you, you have to trade yourself?

Long Xiao was born into a wealthy family and was trained as an heir. She has learned very well both in talent and etiquette.

She also has strong self-esteem. How could she trade her body?

"Yang Jin, you are too shameless."

Abandoning these words, Long Xiao stood up, stepped on high heels, and left quickly, afraid of getting dirty.

Yang Jin stared at the back of Long Xiao's departure and laughed out loud. He didn't get what he wanted.

But something happened to the Long Family, which alarmed all the nursing homes.

Long Qing stared at the corpse of the insect on the window sill. Someone sneaked into Long Size's room last night. It was unclear what he intended to do.

"Long Erye, I have asked all the nursing homes to find them. If they are people in the yard, they will find them out quickly, and even those outside will find them out quickly. Second master, don't get angry first." Tao.

What the steward said was not an exaggeration. There were gu worms in Long Size's room, not only poisonous gu, but also a kind of gu worm, that was trace.

As long as someone enters Long Size's room with bad intentions, the trace will follow behind him, leaving traces all the way, and the same kind can trace the trace and find the intruder.

Now, the butler has sent someone to take the trace to find the person who sneaked into Long Size's room.

At this time, an inky black track with its wings pierced through it, looking for it in the courtyard of Longzhuang while smelling.

Behind it, there are dozens of nursing homes, as long as the person is found, they will be arrested and interrogated immediately.

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