As soon as Qin Shu came out of the man's yard, he saw a group of people walking here after not walking very far. Then, the group of people walked toward the man's yard.

A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, early in the morning, what did these people want to do?

At this moment, a maid just passed by.

Qin Shu stopped the maid and asked, "Beauty, has something happened in the garden? Why are there so many guards patrolling?"

The maid was a chatter, and she didn't dare to speak in front of the masters. At this time, Qin Shu was alone and couldn't help saying, "They are not patrolling, they are here to find someone."

Qin Shu asked again: "Who are you looking for? Need to be so laborious?"

"I heard that someone broke into the first person’s room last night, and stepped on the first person’s pet to death when he climbed the window. The second master would be angry now, so I sent someone to find that person with a trace. I see This is over." The maid said.

Qin Shu's mouth twitched. She climbed the window and trampled on Long Size's pet last night?

Is there such a coincidence?

That pet is too unlucky, is it so braid?

Although Qin Shu had some regrets about the pet who was trampled to death by mistake, she heard the most important thing. She asked, "What is the trace?"

"The chase is a Gu worm. It is very powerful. There is a chase in the first person's room. As long as someone breaks in, the chase will follow that person all the way, and then leave a trail all the way. In this way, the nursing home will chase the same kind. You can find the person by searching for the smell along the way."

Qin Shu listened and found that this Gu worm called Trace Tracking was not inferior to President Tyrant.

What is the difference with tracker?

At this time, the nursing homes turned around in the men's yard and then came out to continue walking.

Last night, she went halfway to the man’s window, so the nursing homes followed the trail to find them. The gu worm was too small, and the distance was too far to be invisible.

right now……

The maid has left because she has work to do.

Qin Shu looked at the group of nursing homes with his own eyes, and walked all the way into the moon cave gate in front, where was the garden.

The garden turns around, isn't it just to marry her yard later?

Last night, Long Muyan didn't mention that there was such a powerful gu worm as the chase. When this is over, these people will definitely go to her yard.

In this way, you will find that it is her who entered Long Size's room last night.

Is there any way to get rid of the smell left by the trace?

Long Muyan suddenly thought of Long Muyan in her mind, he knows how to make Gu, and he must also have something.

Thinking of this, she quickly ran to Shenmuyuan.

Shenmuyuan was a little far away, and Qin Shu rushed to Shenmuyuan as quickly as possible.

After entering, she went straight to the living room, because most of the time, Long Muyan stayed in the living room.

Only this time, she went in without seeing Long Muyan.

She went to the room and looked for it again, no.

Afterwards, she came out of the house again and looked around in the yard, but still did not see Long Muyan.

A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and a look of anxiety: "Where did Longmuyan go?"

Basically, Long Muyan will not leave the hospital unless someone tells him to go out.

Could it be that Long Qing told him to have something in the past?

Qin Shu didn't have time to think, turned and walked out.

When I met the housekeeper on the way, she stepped forward and asked: "Housekeeper, do you know where Yan Changsun has gone?"

The housekeeper was in a hurry. Hearing that, he asked in confusion, "Isn't Yan Changsun in Shenmuyuan?"

Qin Shu heard this and guessed that Long Muyan had not been called away by Long Qing.

"I went to see it just now and I didn't see anyone."

"Yan Changsun stays in Shenmu Yard all the year round and can't come out. In the past few days, Yan Changsun has changed a little, maybe he may go out. Miss Qin, I still have an urgent matter to deal with, Miss Qin will look for it elsewhere."

The steward finished speaking and left in a hurry.

Qin Shu didn't know where Long Muyan would go. In these days, apart from taking him out twice, Long Muyan stayed alone in Shenmuyuan at other times.

Unable to find Long Muyan, Qin Shu hurried back to his yard and had to figure out a solution by himself.

On the way back, Qin Shu saw the wave of guardian yard he had just seen and was walking in the opposite direction of his yard.

What's happening here?

Shouldn't it be to her yard?

Qin Shu stopped, watching the wave of nursing homes go further and further, thinking to himself, has the tracking failed?

"Qin Shu."

Just when Qin Shu was puzzled, he heard someone calling her behind him. Hearing the crisp voice, he knew it was Long Muyan.

She turned around and saw Long Muyan standing behind her. The matter was resolved. She smiled and asked him: "Where have you been? I went to Shenmuyuan to look for you just now, but I didn't see your figure."

Long Muyan said: "I'll go to your yard and look for traces."

Qin Shu said in surprise, "You knew it already?"

Long Muyan: "I just remembered that there was a trace in Grandpa's room in the morning, so I went to your yard and found that you were not there."

Qin Shu said, "I plan to go out to find someone, so I got up very early."

Long Muyan said again: "I just didn't expect you to trample grandpa's pet to death. Sister-in-law left it to grandpa."

"I just turned the window, and it turned out..." Qin Shu was a little embarrassed. Originally, he wanted to take photos secretly, but he didn't expect that if the photos were not taken, he would leave Long Ziling's favorite pet to be trampled to death.

Long Muyan explained: "That bug likes to stay on the window."

Qin Shu said that he didn't want such a thing to happen.

"I didn't find the photos. I looked through the drawer a few times and didn't see a single photo. Instead, I saw a lot of exquisite gift boxes with valuable jewellery inside."

Long Muyan: "That is the birthday present that grandpa prepares for sister-in-law every year."

Qin Shu found out that the delicate boxes in the drawer had one thing in common, that is, there was a word Ling.

"Your grandfather is really not so good to your sister-in-law. Although these jewelry are valuable and some materials are also very rare, they prepare birthday gifts for their daughter every year, which shows that they are very careful."

It might be because there is a scumbag like Qin Hai. Now I am really envious of a father who spoils his daughter so much.

Long Muyan did not speak, but agreed with what Qin Shu said.

Qin Shu suddenly remembered something. She smiled and looked at Long Muyan in front of him. From just now to now, he has said a lot, and every sentence is long and smooth.

"I found that you talk more and more, and smoother, keep it up."

Long Muyan was stunned for a moment, only to realize that what he had said in a short period of time was almost the amount he had spoken in a year.

"I'm going out to find someone, so I won't talk to you."

Qin Shu waved at him, turned around and left with a brisk pace.

In fact, she was very happy when a man came out of Dongyi Village and came to Miaodu.

This shows that he can't wait for her to go back, so he came here to find her.

At first, he was not willing to let him come to Miao with him.

Now come by myself.

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