Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1015: Take revenge on the gangster

When fighting, I didn't notice the pain.

She looked back at her back again, patronizing the uneven rockery walls, and the ground with stones. There was a bruise on her back, because the skin was too white and the bruise was particularly conspicuous.

After watching for a while, she retracted her gaze, opened the shower and started taking a bath.

What she thought was that it was the first time she had met a well-matched opponent in Long's house.

She thought that the Long Family would not easily let such a powerful warrior come forward.

Miao Xin advocated the technique of making Gu, but did not admire Gu Wu, because Gu can also make people scared.

But he will still spend money to raise powerful warriors.

Platinum level warriors can be said to be a national treasure level existence in Miaoxin.

Not to mention warriors above platinum, that is, there are fewer than rare national treasures.

Tomorrow, she plans to meet the gangster.

After the shower, she lay on the bed and was about to go to bed, but the phone ringing suddenly rang.

She glanced at the caller ID of her mobile phone, and it was Ye Luo calling.

I remembered the phone call at dinner and asked him to go to Kuoyi Village.

When she answered the phone, she heard Ye Luo say: "Madam, Si Ye has left Kuanyi Village."

Qin Shu sat up abruptly when he heard the words, "Leave? Why did he leave suddenly? When did he leave?"

Didn't she say to let him wait for her in the village?

Why did he leave?

Ye Luo replied: "I asked the people in the village and said that the fourth master left the village of Yuyi three days ago and went to Miaodu."

When a man comes to Miaodu, can't wait for her to go back, so come here to find her?

It's been three days. It may be the first time a man has left the village. He has amnesia. It has been three days since Miaodu. Where does he live?

Miao Du said that it is big or small, and it is not so easy to find someone?

She asked again: "Then when he left, did he say anything else?"

"No, people in the village kept silent about Fourth Master's sudden departure."

Ye Luo thought of the village woman not far from Si Ye’s house, and he said again: “I heard from Si Ye’s neighbor that Si Ye went to Miaodu.”

In fact, there is another sentence. The village woman said that the fourth master was taken away by a fox.

He guessed that the vixen in the village woman's mouth was talking about the young lady.

"You come back first."


Qin Shu hung up the phone, and there was no sleep at all.

The man came to Miaodu alone, if it was the old him, she would not worry at all.

Now that men have amnesia, let alone another.

Early the next morning, Ye Luo returned to Miaodu and started looking for the Fourth Master. He took Mr. Ba with him, because Mr. Ba was very familiar with the smell of the Fourth Master, which was much better than looking for him aimlessly.

Qin Shu also got up early in the morning.

The banquet did not start until 7 o'clock in the evening, so she planned to find Fu Tingyu first.

On the way out, after passing the crossroads, she stopped, looked sideways in the direction of the concrete road on the right, and walked for another ten minutes to find the yard that she passed by last night.

Thinking of the embarrassment that was suppressed under him by that man last night, and the bruise of his back being smashed by stones.

This hatred must be avenged.

She turned around and walked to the courtyard without a plaque.

The sun is rising, letting the cold winter warm together.

After walking for less than ten minutes, I came to the yard last night.

She stepped in, went straight to the door, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Before knocking on the door, she made an excuse.

After waiting for a while, no one opened the door.

She knocked twice again, and nobody came to open the door.

Did people go out early in the morning?

Qin Shu curled up the corners of his mouth and nodded thoughtfully, then turned and walked towards the south window.

After a while, he came to the window.

She looked into the window. The curtains were still open and the glass windows were tightly closed.

She took out the broken moon, and a cold light flashed when the blade was unsheathed. She didn't rush to knock on the window, but played with it for a while.

If there was a chance to take out Poyue last night, he might be dead.

Looking at the closed glass windows, the windows of Long's house are generally the same in design, so once they are cooked and cooked, they can easily knock the glass windows open.

Just hearing a "click", she put away the broken moon, pushed open the glass window, and put one hand on the table as a support point, turning over and leaping in neatly without a trace of effort.

After going in, she found that the furnishings in this room were very good in all aspects, rather simple.

It feels very comfortable.

It's just that it doesn't match the rogue person set last night.

She looked at the big bed behind her. The bed that she loved seemed to be a bit bigger, still a carved pear wood bed.

She took out a handful of hat nails from her body. The hat nails are silver because the pointed ends are short and small, which only hurt the skin but not the bones.

Just take back all the injuries on her back.

Then open the sheets, put the hat nails in the palms on them, and then spread the sheets.

Then he clapped his hands and turned to leave.

At this time, Longzhuang front hall.

The man got dressed and left the yard early in the morning.

He is wearing a black suit, a white shirt and a striped tie, which is very formal.

He walked over the cement road from the side and met Long Xiao. She walked over and saw him put on a suit, and she felt a big change.

It means that he has found a good job.

She smiled quickly and walked over: "Are you going to work?"

The man also stopped and nodded towards Qing her: "Yeah."

Long Xiao approached, looking at his handsome face, his left cheek was obviously a little swollen, and fingerprints could be seen. Is this being beaten?

She stretched out her hand heartily, "What's wrong with your face? Why is it swollen?"

Before the hand touched the man's face, he avoided him, "It's okay, I accidentally touched the wall last night and it was swollen."

Long Xiao's hand paused in the air, a little embarrassed, looking at the man's cheek, it was obviously not like being touched, but a bit like being beaten.

"Is it really touched and not beaten?" She couldn't help asking.

The man's back was straight and he raised his eyebrows to look at Long Xiao: "Do you think I am so easily bullied?"

Of course a man would not admit that he was slapped last night because he was misunderstood as a hooligan.

It took an hour to apply ice cubes last night before it appeared as it is now.

If ice is not used, the swelling may be worse.

There is another reason he didn't say, that is, the woman sneaked into Longzhuang with purpose last night.

When Long Xiao heard the words, he felt right. He was not stupid, he was not foolish, he still had a force value, and he was a man with a particularly strong aura.

How could he allow others to easily manipulate him?

Even if there is not a long-eyed person who wants to do something to him, it may be difficult to even touch the corner of the other party's clothes.

At this time, Long Xiao believed that the man's face was touched, not being beaten. While he was relieved, he felt a little uncomfortable when he remembered the man's move to avoid her just now.

"I'm just worried that you will be wronged and hurt you hurt. I didn't expect you to mind so much."

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