Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1006: The rich woman wants to keep a man and also wants to take care of Long Muyan

He looked down and scanned the phone in the glass cabinet and saw a special 980 phone. He pointed his slender finger at the phone and said, "I want this."

The salesperson holds the phone in one hand and looks down at the man's finger. It is a phone that is placed in the most inconspicuous corner of the corner and is dealt with at special prices.

She looked up at the man again. Although she was not wearing a famous brand, her temperament was not like a poor person who could not even afford a mobile phone.

She explained: "Handsome guy, this phone is a special mobile phone, with poor configuration, mobile games can't be played, and the camera function is very poor, the picture quality is not clear, and it is completely inconsistent with your temperament."

The man ignored the sales and asked, "Can you call and send messages?"

The salesman froze for a moment, then nodded mechanically: "Yes, of course."

"Then I want this." After the man said, he said again: "The software update of the special mobile phone should not be synchronized. It is a bit inappropriate for you to sell 980. How about 880? Digital auspicious. No need to talk too much."

Looking at the handsome face of the man, the salesman nodded subconsciously, "Yes, no problem."

When I wanted to say that there was no problem, did the sales realize that he had been wiped out by the customer for a hundred dollars?

While the sales were still immersed in the one hundred yuan, the man had already taken out his wallet and drew out 880 yuan out of the small amount, "I will pay the bill when I open the order.

The words have been said, and the sales are not good, so I have to open an order. "

At this moment, someone standing in the crowd said: "Handsome man, this phone is not for you at all."

The man looked back and saw standing less than two meters away from him, a woman wearing a famous brand, about forty years old, very well maintained, looking not that old, with delicate makeup, He was looking at him with a smile on his face.

The overall feeling is that of a rich woman.

"Is it suitable or not? I know better than you." After the man said, he looked back, and the sales order was opened. He picked it up and prepared to pay the money.

The rich woman came here on high heels, looked at the phone on the counter, then smiled at the man, and said, "If you like this, I can give it to you and make friends."

When the onlookers heard this, most of them knew the overtones in this rich woman's words.

The man also heard the meaning of the rich woman's words, and didn't look at her directly. I have high requirements for making friends. As for you, you are not worthy. "

The man dropped these words and turned to the cashier to pay.

Many people think that men will accept mobile phones presented by rich women, because there are too many men eating soft meals.

After hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help laughing.

The rich woman was very angry, her face was extremely ugly, she glared at the person who was looking at the joke, "What is the laugh?"

Snorted and stepped out on high heels.

As soon as the rich woman left, the onlookers started to complain.

"Thinking that you have money is great, and it doesn't matter how old you are, and you want old cows to eat tender grass."

"Yes, because I have money, I think I can hook up with handsome guys."

After Long Muyan finished his haircut, Qin Shu asked him if he wanted to buy anything. He said no, so he took him to walk around the pedestrian street to let him adapt to the eyes of others, and no longer think of himself because of the eyes of others. Stay at home.

After walking for a long time, Long Muyan was still a little uncomfortable and didn't adapt to walking in the crowd.

When passing by the cell phone store, the rich woman came out from inside and walked very fast. By coincidence, he ran into Long Muyan. He quickly went to the side and stepped back and ran into his rich woman. Without support, she retreated. In two steps, he hit the glass door behind him, his arm was blue.

The rich woman was in a very bad mood, but she felt even worse when she was hit. She rubbed her sore arms and cursed, "You don't have eyes when you walk?"

In the past, Long Muyan would simply ignore it and leave. This time, he retorted: "You ran into it yourself."

Long Muyan's voice is very nice, with a crispness that is not suitable for his age.

When the rich woman heard such a nice voice, she stopped rubbing her arms and looked up at the person who bumped her. She didn't expect to see the handsome guy, a completely different type of beautiful man from before. The look in front of him was a little immature, and she knew everything. A simple man who has never experienced it.

This kind of man is best to start.

The rich woman immediately made a happy face, walked in front of Long Muyan, rubbed her fingers with big red nails on Long Muyan's shoulder, and smiled extremely charmingly: "If you accompany me to drink, I won't care if you hit me. ."

What Long Muyan hated most was that others touch him, so when the rich woman came across, he stepped aside two more steps until the rich woman couldn't touch him.

Long Muyan's reaction was in the eyes of the rich woman. It was embarrassing, and he seemed innocent. The rich woman laughed lowly: "What are you hiding? I won't eat you again."

Long Muyan didn't know what to say, so he ignored the strange woman.

Qin Shu saw the scene that happened just now. She took two steps forward, stood in front of Long Muyan, and glanced at the woman in front of her. Just seeing the behavior of the woman just now, she roughly guessed that this woman was Bubble Dragon Muyan.

She sneered: "A woman is doing something to a strange man. I would like to ask what you are going to do?"

The rich woman looked at the woman who suddenly appeared. She had a dark complexion and average appearance. She was dressed in a neutral dress and had no femininity. She tutted twice: "You won't be his girlfriend? You should leave as soon as possible. He, just your looks, you don’t deserve him. What I have is money, I can take care of myself, and when I get older, I look very young, which can make his life better."

Long Muyan was very angry when he heard it, and after thinking for a while, he said: "You have something wrong."

Qin Shu watched Long Muyan hold back for a long time before suffocating such a sentence, and smiled, letting Long Muyan stay behind him.

She looked up and down at the so-called rich woman in front of her. She looked at the stiff face of the rich woman. She didn't know how many knives she had moved. "I am very satisfied with my appearance, not like you. I opened my eyes and padded my nose. Grind the bones, beat the glass material sour, and think that you are young and beautiful. If your family lacks a mirror, I will give you a mirror to take a good look at your own face."

The rich woman's hand touched her face unconsciously. Before refuting, Qin Shu continued: "You have money, right? Then buy the entire development zone in Zone C behind me. Maybe he will consider accompany you. drink."

The entire development zone in Zone C occupies one-fifth of the Miao Capital, and it is still a prosperous area with an inch of gold. The key piece of land is an industry under the name of the Long Family.

Not to mention that the rich woman has no money to buy, even if she has the money, she dare not buy it. Who dares to pay attention to the land of the Long Family?

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