Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1007: The difference between a man and him

The rich woman's face looked like pig liver at this time, very ugly, and the ugly woman in front of her clearly embarrassed her.

Long Muyan heard this and said, "My second uncle will not sell it."

Qin Shu rarely heard Long Muyan say so much today, and asked him with a smile: "You know your second uncle so well?"

Long Muyan said, "The land was given to my sister by grandpa."

This is what Long Muyan accidentally heard about Long Size and Long Qingyue chatting, and he had never told anyone else.

Qin Shu paused, and looked at Long Muyan sideways. He was more than half a head taller than her. He was bending over and could easily see his face, "Your grandfather treats your sister very well."

Long Muyan undeniable: "Yes."

The rich woman frowned as she listened to the conversation between the two, second uncle? grandfather? younger sister?

The more the rich woman listened, the more she felt that the identity of the man in front of her was unusual. It was passed from the upper class that the granddaughter of Longshouren came back, but it has not been made public, and she does not know whether it is true or false.

The rich woman took another look at the two people in front of her. She felt unlucky today. When she met two men, she was stunned. Thinking of the man in front of her, she was not staying, and walked away on high heels.

"People are gone." Qin Shu looked at the rich woman's back, and turned his head to Long Muyan again. Although he was 27 years old and his age was similar to a man, his eyes were obviously much younger than a man, unlike a man. Is a veteran.

She suddenly asked him: "Do you know what the rich lady wanted to do just now?"

Long Muyan asked suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

Seeing that Long Muyan didn't know anything about his expression, Qin Shu smiled and said, "She has a crush on you and wants to support you."

After speaking, she smiled and stepped forward, suddenly thinking that he was like a transparent person in Long's house, not paying attention, and she couldn't laugh.

Long Muyan lives in Shenmuyuan all the year round. It is normal not to understand this, but he doesn't know whether he also understands it.

Long Muyan probably understood what Qin Shu said, and stepped forward to follow.

The man paid the money smoothly, bought a phone card, and then took the invoice and walked out with the handbag.

After going out, he took the cell phone, although the style is a bit old, at least he can make calls and send messages.

The only pity is that there is no woman's phone number in the phone, otherwise you can call her and talk.

The man searches the map on the Internet with his mobile phone and starts looking for a job.

What the man didn't know was that as long as he turned his head to the street on the right, he could see the figure of the woman he was looking for, Qin Shu.

Because I don't know anything, I can only do some physical work first.

The interviewer was a leader. Seeing that a man is so handsome, his skin is no worse than a woman, and his self-contained and noble temperament, he knew that he was a pampered noble boy.

The leader waved his hand at him and motioned him to leave, "This is for manual work, not a place for entertainment. Don't hinder others."

Standing at 1.88 meters tall, standing there like a mountain, he said seriously: "I'm here to apply for a job."

"Don't tease, can you? Look at your pale face, where is the sun's tea poison? Get out, don't get me in the way."

The leader stood up and pushed him away impatiently. The man's eyes became cold, his hand quickly grabbed the leader's wrist, pulled, and then pressed his hand against the leader's back, pressing him on the table in front of him.

The whole set of movements was done in one go, fast and ruthless.

Although the leader is doing heavy work, he can't stand the man's hand, so he yells, "Oh, oh, lighten it, it hurts."

The man ignored the leader's call and repeated coldly: "I'm here to apply for a job."

The leader agreed with two words, "Okay, I agree, how can it be done, let go of me."

The man then let go of him and stood straight on the spot.

The leader rubbed his sprained arm, glanced at the man in front of him, and called in his assistant Xiao Lu, "Give him his overalls."

Xiao Lu replied, and soon handed it to the man with his own work clothes.

The leader asked him: "What's your name?"

"A Yu." The man took over the work clothes, which were army green, very thick, and the material was a bit rough, but very strong.

"Ayu, right, did you see that side?" The leader pointed to the large truck not far away. There were already three men carrying goods.

The man followed his sight, and the leader continued: "Just like them, moving goods is not paid on a daily basis, but on a piece basis. As many as you move, you will have as much money."

"It's all on the price." The leader said.

"Then I will try." The man [书趣阁] took his work clothes and went to change clothes first. There is no place to change clothes here, so I can only change in the toilet.

He took off his Miao Xin costume and put on his work clothes. The skin was originally very fair, and it looked whiter in military green.

He came to the big truck, looked at the piles of goods, and then at the men who were moving the goods. Moving goods depended on not only strength but also skill.

After watching for a while, the man also moved his hands and began to carry the goods.

A bag of rice weighs one hundred kilograms, which is nothing to a man. It is easy to carry it, and the pace is brisk, it feels like walking with bare hands.

Looking at the leader from a distance, Ah Yu's movements were very fast, once and again, much faster than the others, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Obviously he looked like a rich man, and he was unambiguous in doing heavy lifting.

After the man moved twice, he carried two bags at a time, which is two hundred catties, and still carried them easily.

The leader was stunned, and this person could do the work of two.

"Head, that A Yu is too awesome, he can run so fast with two bags." Xiao Lu stared at him, is this still a human?

The leader said with emotion: "You can't look good."

Everyone was shocked when the salary was settled for five hours in the afternoon.

A Yu's salary in an afternoon is more than theirs in a day.

The leader counted twenty pieces of soft sister coins and handed them to Ah Yu, and said with a smile: "I didn't see it, you are pretty good, two thousand dollars, you can count them."

After the man wiped the sweat on his cheeks with a towel, he took the money and made so much money for the first time. He was a little happy. He put the money in his pocket and turned around to leave.

The leader called him to stop, "A Yu, leave a phone number so that you can come to work tomorrow.

The man then remembered that he would continue to work tomorrow and had a phone number to contact, so he left the phone number to the leader.

Among the empty contacts, I thought I could be the first to save the number of a woman, but I didn't expect it to be a man.

The man chuckled, put his phone away, and strode out.

At first, I didn't feel anything.

This will relax. The man only feels a hot pain in his shoulders. Even if he doesn't take off his clothes, he knows that his shoulders are worn out.

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