Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1005: Poor men can’t even afford mobile phones

For so many years, he has eaten by himself, and he can eat by himself.

This is the second time Long Muyan has dinner at the same table with others.

It was a little uncomfortable and nervous at first.

This time, I was just a little nervous, uncomfortable but gone.

He picked up the chopsticks, looked at the ingredients on the shelf, and picked the ones he had eaten into the pot.

Hot pot is Qin Shu's favorite, so when you eat, you know when the ingredients are cooked, the meat will be delicious when it is cooked, and the meat will be tender.

Lamb is essential for eating hot pot.

After waiting, Qin Shu picked it up with his male chopsticks and put it in the empty bowl in front of Long Muyan, "Don't just focus on vegetarian dishes, taste lamb, it's delicious."

Long Muyan raised his head and looked at the empty bowl in front of him. There were a few pieces of mutton in it, steaming hot.

He clenched his chopsticks and stretched it in, took the lamb and gave it to his mouth to let it cool, and then ate it. It felt delicious.

Qin Shu put some mutton rolls in, and then asked and began to eat.

She looked up at Long Muyan from time to time, and found that he was drinking water constantly. The original lip color was very pale, but at this time, it was flushed like lipstick.

"Are you afraid of spicy?"

Long Muyan took a sip of cold water, "Yes."

Qin Shu asked him with some incomprehension, "You still eat if you are afraid of spicy food?"

Long Muyan returned two words: "I want to eat."

Qin Shu had nothing to refute. He wanted to eat, so he was afraid of spicy food.

It's like like a person, knowing that the other person doesn't like you, you still like him, and the reason for wanting to be close is the same.

After eating the hot pot, Qin Shudun glanced at the mineral water on the table, and Long Muyan emptied both bottles.

Looking at him again, his eyes were red, and his lips were red and a little swollen, as if he had been ravaged.

It's all like this, and he ate a lot.

After leaving the hot pot restaurant, there is a lively pedestrian street outside.

Qin Shu continued walking with Long Muyan and glanced at him sideways. Although he was withdrawn and did not speak, his image was still very good.

A taller than 1.85 meters tall, slender and well-proportioned, born in a big family, with noble temperament.

With a 100% return rate, the passing Mushroom and the women could not help but take a look at Long Muyan.

Although there are ink stains on his face, his face value is always high.

Long Muyan was originally nervous, but it would be uncomfortable to be stared at.

Long Muyan, who couldn't stand being stared at, asked Qin Shu for the first time: "Where are we going?"

Qin Shu smiled at him: "Barbershop."

While talking, Qin Shu took him to a cut love chain hair salon.

Long Muyan raised his head and glanced at the sign of the barber shop. There was a flashing banner on it and he was doing discounts.

Qin Shu said, "Go in."

Long Muyan retracted his gaze and followed Qin Shu in.

After washing his hair, Long Muyan sat in front of the mirror, staring at himself in the mirror, his hair was still dripping, and he was somewhat used to it.

Qin Shu is talking to the barber about the haircut request.

The barber has five years of experience in haircutting. After listening to the customer's request, he knows the customer's roughly desired hairstyle.

When he was ready, the barber took the comb and scissors and skillfully began to cut his hair.

In other words, someone asked Long Muyan to sit here to have a haircut, and he would certainly not sit here obediently.

But Qin Shu is different.

No matter how lonely or unwilling to talk a person, after getting along with others, he still knows in his heart.

The barber has rich experience in haircutting. After finishing the haircut, he asks the guests to see where they are unsatisfactory and can also trim.

Long Muyan kept staring at the mirror in front of him, except that the bangs were short, no other changes could be seen.

Without the long bangs, he was a little uncomfortable.

Qin Shu looked at Long Muyan, who had finished cutting his hair. After cutting his bangs short, all his delicate features were exposed, which looked much more refreshing and handsome.

There are also a lot of trimmings in other places, and the overall feel is pretty good.

Compared with the previous one, it is much better.

"That's good." Qin Shu paid, and she took Long Muyan out.

After going out, Long Muyan became even more uncomfortable. Facing other people's eyes, there were originally bangs blocking them, which would seem to be completely exposed to others.

Qin Shu realized that Long Muyan was uncomfortable, and said with a smile: "If you feel uncomfortable, just treat the street as your own back garden and just walk on your own."

Long Muyan turned his head to look at Qin Shu, pursed his lower lip, and withdrew his gaze, trying to ignore the sight of those pedestrians when he did not exist, as if he were walking in the courtyard of Shenmu.

After thinking about it this way, it got better.

After Ayu came out of Longzhuang, he took a bus to the pedestrian street, because he was not familiar with it, it would be much more convenient to take the bus.

Through several mobile phone stores, he doesn't even have a mobile phone on him. If he has a mobile phone to contact him, it is much easier to find her.

A Yu glanced inside, then turned and walked a few steps back, and walked in through the front door.

It is now the end of the year, there are many activities and the passenger flow is very good.

When Ah Yu walked in, he immediately attracted a lot of people's attention. Sales is a professional instinct that will stare at potential customers coming in from the door. For the first time he saw such a handsome man, he couldn't take his eyes off for a while.

Customers who come to buy mobile phones are attracted by Ah Yu's beauty.

The sales who reacted first, Chao Ayu greeted: "Handsome guy, do you want to buy a mobile phone?"

This salesperson is a woman who is less than thirty years old. Two female customers are standing in front of her. They are about twenty years old. Looking along the line of sales, they see a man with superb looks. Seeing him coming, consciously stepped aside.

The man glanced sideways at the sales, stepped to the counter, looked down at the phone style in the glass cabinet.

"Handsome guy, what kind of phone do you want?" The salesman introduced a new mobile phone that had just been released: "This phone has a super large memory, 326G, a running memory of 16G, and the highest configuration, which is very suitable for players. There is also this camera function, which is also the best one of the mobile phones now. The camera adopts LEICA certification, and the rear adopts four cameras. Among them, the main camera and movie camera of 5200 are very good, using IMX700, with optical image stabilization , Supports up to 100x digital zoom."

The sales finished in one breath. Looking at the handsome and attractive man in front of him, he not only expected him to buy this, but also was amazing. The first time I saw such a handsome customer, I was a little excited.

If it’s someone else, it’s a mess of sales, but I didn’t understand what it meant.

After listening, the man asked a very realistic question: "How much is it?"

No matter how good and complete the mobile phone functions, no matter how high the configuration is, and how cool the mobile game is, it still depends on whether the wallet is full.

The salesman wore a professional smile: "Fifteen thousand eighteen."

The man nodded: "It's too expensive, change to a cheaper one."

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