Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1977: The same

In fact, the Chifeng faction means: as long as the probability can be increased, no matter how much it is, let Guan Hongxiu attack Baodan at Bailitan.

If it is a different place, Chi Feng will really consider the problem of his face, but Feng Jun here ... Does Chi Feng still have to consider face? How many disciples take turns to deduct.

And Feng Jun's deduction is indeed reliable, so, since it can improve the probability of Bao Dan, do you need to think again?

Five days later, Bai Luan accompanied Master and Chi Luan. They not only brought Rong Xun Drums, but also brought a portable Jindan Cave House-this was specially prepared for those who attacked Jindan.

Jindan Cave House is placed in the Chifeng School's other courtyard. This is actually an alternative agglomeration and defensive formation, which can directly lock the ground veins and better attract the aura by extracting the air.

Putting Dongfu in the Beyond House may cause damage to the Beyond House. However, this is also impossible. If you place the Dongfu House outside the Beyond House, you will not be able to find a suitable location for a while. The success rate of Baodan.

Anyway, as long as Guan Xiu sleeve can successfully cross the robbery, even if the entire other courtyard is destroyed, how big is it?

The Chifeng faction began to prepare, and this movement immediately alarmed the two factions of Taiqing and Qinggang-Chifeng had originally had three Jindans of Qu Jianlei, Xiaomeng and Xia Nishang, and now there is another Jindan Say, there are two luan among Chifeng nine luan?

The red luan among them is the reserve helm of the Chifeng faction.

And the aura over Chifeng Beyond is disturbed, but it also can't hide the intentions.

Qing Gang's Yue Qing didn't care, but Tai Qing's Gu Yue took the initiative to find it, wondering what happened.

Xia Nishang did not hide from him, saying that I sent Rongxun to control the red sleeves and already had the feeling of holding Dan. Urgently asked for help from Perry. Perry decided to let her hit Jindan on the spot to avoid accidents on her way.

Guyueren really knows Guan Hongxiu at least. She knew that she used to be Feng Jun ’s bodyguard. When Ma Zhenren ambushed Feng Jun, she also saved her life. She was seriously injured and she almost gave up her idea of ​​survival.

However, Feng Jun shot, cured her injury and said that she also performed a conditioning method for her, saying that it is expected to impact Baodan-this is really not casually spread, otherwise she is more than 460 years old People, what do you buy so much poison?

Later, she was in frequent contact with Yue Qing's apprentices, and everyone knows that Dong Qianjun's cultivation practice was stagnant because of her body poisoning.

Therefore, the real person of Guyue believes that Guan Hongxiu's choice to attack Jindan in Bailitan must be related to Feng Jun.

So he said that since he was trying to hold the Dan, then the Jindan Cave House was placed in the Chifeng Bieyuan, and the destructive power would be a little bigger. It is better to choose another suitable place-it is just too clear and cultivated in Bailitan A vein.

The technique of Taiqing ’s geography really ranks among the top four schools. Bailitan is Feng Jun ’s territory. However, the geography of Feng Jun ’s manor and Taiqing ’s other courts were all promoted by Taiqing. Geography, just say hello to Feng Jun.

This place is not in the other courtyard, but it is actually the practice of Taiqing disciples, but it is enough to connect to Jindan Cave House.

However, Xia Nishang rejected this suggestion. She believed that Guan Hongxiu, as Chifeng Rongxun, should of course be protected and cared for by the strictest factions in the pie. As for the damage to the other courts, how big is that?

This attitude of her, Guyue has no way but to return.

Jindan Cave House is connected to the ground, but it takes seven or eight days to get the most suitable level.

The red sleeves also began the final adjustment period.

Nie Chifeng saw this scene, the mood was quite complicated, a little envious, a little jealous, and a little anxious. She couldn't help but whisper to Feng Jun, "Aren't we close?"

Feng Jun has finally begun to face this problem. His cooling time is almost half a month away. It is really time to consider the cooperation of both sides and the deduction of exercises, so he asked in a low voice, "I need to do some deductions, you Can it be kept secret? "

"Of course," Nie Chifeng replied without hesitation. She always acted decisively. "As long as it does not cause Chifeng harm, I can vow to guarantee that I will never leak it."

She felt that she had said it sincerely, and Feng Jun nodded with a smile, "Then make an oath."

Really swear? Nie Chifeng was a little stunned, but she was a happy person after all, and he took an oath without hesitation.

"Very good," Feng Jun nodded, "You come to me tonight."

"Night?" Nie Chifeng blinked her eyes, not knowing what she thought of, and flushed a little blush across her face.

But then, she nodded casually, "Okay."

After she left, the big brother who had not responded released a sense of consciousness, "Are you going to take her to you?"

"Yes," Feng Jun nodded, "I need to deduce some things."

After pondering for a while, he asked, "Can't it be performed in Kunhao?"

"No," Feng Jun shook his head and answered very simply.

In fact, he is lying, almost everything, he can be deduced in any plane, but he wants to use the time difference to completely consume his cooling period, and at the same time deduce, once Baodan, can he still tolerate In that world.

He feels that he has a high probability of staying on the earth, just look at the earth spirit to know-it can work, I can't?

But in general, this is still a guess and very necessary to verify.

Anyway, he must use that puppet to deduce himself. Feng Jun has only two opportunities to use it, and he must cherish it, so he will consider taking Nie Chifeng with him.

That night, Nie Chifeng arrived quietly and Feng Jun released the bag of spirit beasts, "I have to put you in."

Nie Chifeng felt that he had been insulted, and his face could not help changing, "Master Feng Shan, I have already vowed."

Feng Jun's face sank, and he said impatiently, "Is there another soul puppet? Anything else, you don't need to enter the spirit beast bag."

He means, if you still have a doll for me to perform, then you can go without it.

But Nie Chifeng directly misunderstood what he meant: you mean that if I do n’t enter the Spirit Beast Bag, there is a danger to my life?

Was originally used for death.

However, she understands that there is nothing wrong with it. If you do n’t enter the Spirit Beast bag, you will really die. It ’s just that it ’s not good for the soul doll.

Nie Chifeng just thought that entering the Spirit Beast Bag is an insult. Now that she knows that entering the Spirit Beast Bag is to protect herself, she nods simply, "Well, I really don't have a second soul doll."

Feng Jun put her in the bag of spirit beasts, and other people were also taken into the tower of the soul of the soul by the good scenery-even Yuguang Bamboo is no exception.

The next moment, he returned to the earth with a good landscape, and the man who released the manor, carrying the bag of spirit beasts, moved directly to the Alps.

He released a small row in the mountain, while gathering aura, while making a final deduction for "Hundred Yuan Swallowing Heavenly Power Method". This deduction has passed ten days.

In the end, he pushed out a total of 71,642 versions. The difference is not very big, but there are so many versions.

After screening so many versions, there is only one suitable for him to practice, but before that, he has to go back to Luohua again to see if there are any things to deal with there.

There are really things to be dealt with, and crude oil, iron ore, etc. should be supplied again, and at the same time, countless communication equipment and second-hand industrial equipment were pulled into the cultural town.

It is worth mentioning that the state-owned enterprise finally bowed its head to Liu Menglong, and wanted to sell the backlog equipment cheaply—because all the factories with similar equipment, the relevant equipment was all sealed by superiors.

There is only one requirement for superiors: if you want to sell these things as waste, you must and can only find Liu Menglong!

This requirement is too domineering, giving people a strong sense of being both behind-the-scenes transactions.

But in fact ... there is already behind-the-scenes trading, OK? Luo Hua donated the electric version of the Lingling array and the loyalty test array. Feng Jun did not mention any requirements, but did he still need to raise such things?

There are also people who do not believe in evil and do not want to sell at the price of selling waste products. As a result, within a few days of saying this, an audit department came to check the account, and then the tax department came again ...

After Liu Menglong got the news, the first reaction was to tell Luohua that they were all cheap and became scrap iron.

Luohua is currently responsible for this piece of Zhong Lijing, she did not pamper and arrogant, but honestly went to ask Zhang Caixin, Luohua second person said that the boss is a little busy now, wait for him to come back and talk about it.

Zhang Caixin actually has no interest in gaining power. For her, cultivation is more important than anything ~ ~ So Xiaozhong knows to ask her first, she can be satisfied and make a decision. That is a small problem.

After Feng Jun came back, he dealt with these things. When it comes to Liu Menglong, he can understand the logic at random, knowing that this is an official offer, so he told Liu Menglong that you increase the price of scrap by a percentage. Twenty.

The 20% increase in price is not to be treated as an injustice, but to thank the seller for at least protecting the equipment-people who have spent their thoughts should get more.

Of course, only 20%, no more, this love Feng Jun does not get white or not, who has hatred for money?

As for those poorly protected equipment, they are directly purchased as waste products.

In dealing with these matters, Feng Jun spent another two days, during which he returned to the Kunhao plane many times to move crude oil and iron ore, but no one asked, Nie Chifeng and Zhang Caixin and others went there.

Fixed Luohua these things, Feng Jun returned to the Alps again, this time he released Nie Chifeng.

Nie Chifeng was in the bag of spirit beasts, she didn't perceive the passage of time, but she could still feel vaguely that she had been in the bag of spirit beasts for a short time. Hey, is this a place of spirits? "

As expected, she felt the first time that the aura here was different.

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