Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1978: Doll 2 times

When Feng Jun heard Nie Chifeng's words, he couldn't help rolling his eyes. "What a land of spirits, is there no aura in it?"

But Nie Chifeng has not seen the world, she replied disapprovingly, "That's just walking inside, you see what walking outside looks like, this is already a place of spiritualism, okay?"

"Just say it," Feng Jun was too lazy to be more honest with her. "Something to eat, adjust it, I'm going to deduce it."

Nie Chifeng really likes food, although she can basically cut off her diet based on her cultivation.

She grabbed a large number of snacks, tasted it, and gave in to Feng Jun, but Feng Jun refused.

She ate for almost two hours before she patted her stomach, "Well, comfortable ... There are many people here, but there is no cultivation, do you still say that it is not a place of spirits?"

She was not idle when she ate with her, and she released her consciousness to look around. There are really a lot of explorers in the Alps. She observed a lot.

"Here, I have two spirit stone mines," Feng Jun also explained much lazily, "Come out for the soul puppet."

Nie Chifeng blinked his eyes, but instead took out the doll for the soul, but she was really curious, how could there be a spirit stone mine in the land of the soulless? She blinked her eyes, "You mean, this is the end of the world?"

Feng Jun laid the soul puppet on the table and found out his mobile phone. "Okay, no need to ask any more, I will deduce."

Nie Chifeng said nothing more, staring at Feng Jun to see how he performed.

His deduction was really simple. Swipe the phone twice, then put it away, then take out another phone, continue to draw twice, put it away again, and ... take out another phone.

In fact, Feng Jun doesn't want to do this, but there is no way. He has to match more than 70,000 exercises. The number is too large. He is not tired himself, but he especially consumes electricity.

I used it once for the soul puppet, and the time was about half an hour. Most of this time, Feng Jun used it to change his mobile phone and changed more than one hundred mobile phones to match the most suitable one for him. Exercises.

Then he simulated the situation after his golden pill, as expected, he would not be repelled by the plane of the earth.

Finally, the success rate of him and Nie Chifeng Baodan, and then he was surprised to find that the probability of Nie Chifeng Baodan increased again, actually increased to 79%.

He hadn't had time to analyze it carefully. The time for the use of soul dolls was up, and he only had one opportunity to use it.

Feng Jun couldn't help but secretly said a "lucky luck", and finally did all the matching within the time limit.

If there are more than tens of thousands of permutations and combinations of Hunyuan Tengtiangong, he will have to use his last chance.

The situation is perfect now. He looked up and said with a smile, "Congratulations, seventy-nine opportunities to hold the Dan."

"Seven percent?" Nie Chifeng blinked and couldn't help but yelled, "That's not to say, I will hold Dan?"

"Cough," Feng Jun couldn't help but cough twice, "Well, I don't want to hit you ... But the risk of failure exists objectively."

"This is not very accurate," Nie Chifeng replied indifferently, smiled at Feng Jun Yan, "This world is a little weird, and when we return to Kunhao, we can deduct it again, I think the success rate will be higher ... Anyway There is another chance, right? "

Feng Jun suddenly froze, and sighed for a long time, "I finally saved a chance, and said that it can be used elsewhere, you just arranged it for me?"

"Master Feng Shan, this doll for the soul is mine," Nie Chifeng blinked his eyes, and said seriously, "I have given you the deduction cost ... How many broken symbols."

"Please, the account is not what you counted," Feng Jun was also anxious. "I still accompany you to practice the Kanli secret method."

Nie Chifeng's eyes rolled back, and he said with certainty, "That's because you took advantage of me. I'm not good at ignoring it!"

"You can pull it down," Feng Jun laughed angrily. "Just like you," I'm sorry for A ", say I take advantage of you? Obviously you are greedy for my body?"

Nie Chifeng blinked his eyes and asked curiously, "What is 'I'm sorry for A'?"

"Too lazy to care about you," Feng Jun waved his hand, without explaining. "How many people want me to accompany them to practice, did I agree?"

"Okay, you are handsome," Nie Chifeng casually said, and was not true to him. She was entangled with another question, "What is 'A, I'm sorry'?"

"Then ... I don't want your soul-empowered puppets to succeed?" Feng Jun was also embarrassed to say more, this kind of stalk, if you understand, you can be seen as a joke, but if he explains, There is a suspicion of playing rogues, "Okay, ready to enter the spirit beast bag."

"This is about to go?" Nie Chifeng was a little surprised. "I haven't played in this world. Take me to see your Lingshi mine?"

Anyway, she can recognize that this is a different world, which is still a bit of a vision.

"Your heart is big," Feng Jun glanced at her, and said coldly, "Guan is about to hold Dan, you just want to hang around ... She held Dan earlier than you, and it seems really not an accident."

Nie Chifeng's face suddenly changed, and the thing she couldn't hear most was this kind of words—when she was a few decades younger than her, she also wanted to be face-saving, "She just hit Jin Dan, not already holding Dan ... well, What about the Spirit Beast Bag? "

Feng Jun put her up, then put away her travels, then returned to Luohua, and took everyone back to the Kunhao plane.

This time when I returned to Kunhao, the convention was not in Bailitan, but in Tianxingfang City, and it took two days before I went back-in the final analysis to kill the time difference, similar situations will not be specifically explained later.

After Feng Jun went back, Nie Chifeng was released, and Nie Chifeng really didn't feel any change-in the bag of spirit beasts, the perception of time was really much worse.

The day after they came back, Guan found it, saying that Jindan Cave House has stabilized, and I am also stable. When will it start to strike Jindan?

Feng Jun deduced a bit and told her very seriously, "Let's enter Dongfu in ten days."

In fact, Baodan is involved. Entering Dongfu a few days early and entering Dongfu a few days later does not matter. Someone can retreat for 10 years in order to attack Baodan. What is a few days?

But having said that, it's basically been closed for so long ... There are not many options.

Some people have no way ahead, do not know how to go, they want to rush out a way through retreat.

Some people are in front of a cliff, so they can only close their lives and take a fight.

Generally speaking, shocking Jindan can be regarded as very sensible behavior within half a year-I think it's time to shock Jindan, shock it, and then it will happen.

Of course, the record that hit Jindan the fastest was one day. That was the Supreme Master of the Qing Dynasty nine hundred years ago. He was really riding the Ultimate Chen, chatting and chatting, and he said, "You talk first, I'll hug a Dan. "

The robbery began on that day, and five days later, Master Jue became a real person.

But half a year later, the real person was killed by the elder Qing Gang in the burning desert-the hatred of Qing Gang and Taiqing was really big.

Anyway, Feng Jun believes that if he is taken into Jindan Cave House after ten days, he will impact Baodan relatively quickly.

Guan really believed him, and on the head of the tenth day, he entered Jindan Cave House directly.

There is one thing about Bailitan now. Basically everyone knows that Chifeng has an honor to attack Jindan here. Although he does n’t know when the other party will succeed in holding Dandan, but ... always pay attention to it Right?

Of course, Guyue Zhenren is also one of the enthusiastic onlookers, and he wants to get closer. But at the moment, there are four golden pill in the Chifeng Bieyuan. Apart from Xia Nishang, Master Bai Luan is also very good, right?

Qu Jianlei and Xiaomeng, needless to say, it is a couple of dogs and men.

Therefore, it is impossible for the real person of Guyue to observe too many things, what he can notice is Feng Jun-as expected, Feng Jun really entered Chifeng's other court.

In fact, to be honest, Feng Jun really didn't want to enter this other courtyard. He was staying at his home honestly, and he could observe it, but he couldn't help struggling with each other. He was really a bit difficult to refuse.

Baodan is indeed a long process ~ ~ Feng Jun has to go to the Chifeng Bieyuan every day for an hour, and then go back to the manor to practice, to do the final polishing of his own Dandan, but also to help Nie Chifeng conditioning status.

Every seven or eight days, he has to help people focus on it, from time to time to provide some communication equipment for the Tiantong Business League, not to mention how fulfilling the life is.

In a blink of an eye, more than two months passed. On this day, the Jindandong Mansion of Chifeng Bieyuan suddenly fluctuated in breath.

Is it the last step? Feng Jun was adjusting his mind in the manor. When he saw it, he stood up immediately. He flicked out of the manor and came to the door of Chifeng Bieyuan.

The practice of the Chifeng disciples has stopped, and then they all withdrew from the other courtyard and lived in the front yard of Feng Jun Manor. Only three Jin Dan sat in the three corners to protect the law, and the only one could be in the middle. Jin Dan is Xia Nishang.

The breath fluctuated for a day and night, becoming more and more intense, Feng Jun felt it, and deduced it again, Shen Sheng said, "You can start!"

In fact, at the moment, he couldn't hear what he was saying-if he couldn't isolate such harassment, what would he say? That was purely desperate!

But in the midst, she felt that affirmation, so she decisively began to increase the speed of absorbing Qi, although it was slow, but it was extremely determined and unstoppable!

The momentum in Jindan Cave House increased gradually little by little, and after three days, it rose to a quite amazing level.

However, in the next two days, the momentum no longer improved, but gradually stabilized, which is to launch the final impact.

However, after three days, there was still no change. Xia Nishang was a little anxious and found Feng Jun. "Maybe you have encountered a bottleneck. Do you have any good suggestions?"

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