Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1976: stay

Qi Yu thought about it and thought it was good to tell the truth, so he smiled bitterly, "This is to make money, it is to find the common world. I have a lot of cause and effect in the common world, can I turn it?"

Feng Jun heard it for a moment, Qi Yu said very tactfully, but behind the tact, there was a strong **** smell.

It is inevitable to do business in the common world, but it is inevitable that no one from the common world will make a decision, and the end will usually be very sad.

After a moment of silence, he nodded. "You are thinking for your own benefit. I can't say anything about you, just close it ... But this is just that I won't hold you accountable. Other people will trouble you, it doesn't matter to me. "

Qi Yu heard the words for a moment, "I've closed my hands, who can trouble me? Wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be ..."

He didn't finish it, but he only knew by looking at his eyes, what he wanted to say was-wouldn't you entrust others to find fault?

Feng Jun rolled his eyes helplessly, "You think too much, you left so many causes and effects in front of you, and the miserable Lord looks for the door, is that abnormal?"

Qi Yu thought this was indeed the reason, so he nodded and said indifferently, "Other mistresses, I still feel able to cope with it, I am not afraid, even if you do n’t understand Feng Shan."

He was really not afraid of other suffering masters, the suffering masters of the secular world, could he bring the accused in, or two words, even if he tried to get through the door, Xiu Xianjie would just stand up and let out a man, and he would basically calm down the scene, and He is a real person.

What he cares about is that someone in the Xiuxian Realm finds faults. It ’s like Feng Jun who makes him the most big head-do n’t look at the nine layers of the dust, but there is no existence that real people can't afford. Fortunately, Feng Jun has already said that he has turned the film. .

However, it is very regrettable that Feng Jun said seriously, "I certainly don't understand, the furnace of the common world ... Can five of the ten survive?"

"Five ... almost," Qi Yuzhen still has certainty in this, but he still tells the truth, "But even if he survives, people are useless, basically there is no future."

But the next moment, he was stunned, "Master Feng Shan, others will find a post, you won't answer this matter?"

"Find me, I will definitely pick it up," Feng Jun lit a cigarette and spoke slowly, "Why not pick it up? You're so angry, if I don't pick it up, I'm afraid I'm afraid of praying for real people."

"Why did you pick it up?" Qi Yu was really trembling. He was really afraid of Feng Jun. "We have already said it, we have turned it ... you agreed."

Feng Jun shook his head helplessly, "You said you wouldn't do it in the future, so I won't stare at you anymore. This is called a remake, right? What you did before, hasn't ended yet ... I've turned the film with you, do you go back and bully them? "

"Where is this possible?" Qi Yu shook his head incessantly, "I'm going to wash my hands with a golden basin."

Feng Jun only smokes, and does not answer his words.

But when Qiyu saw him, he couldn't help asking another question, "I found you in the past, do you really want to take it?"

"Of course," Feng Jun answered without hesitation, "maybe it will destroy your door."

"You ..." Qiyu real person was almost choked, if he dared to talk to him in another time of dust, no matter what the background, he would have to accompany him to play, but against Feng Jun, he really didn't feel confident. ——This self is the background and can capture a real person.

The key is that this guy will really kill people, and the absolute murder will not blink.

After thinking for a long time, he said, "Master Feng Shan, I took the initiative to ask for understanding, sincerity ... full of."

"If the sincerity works, what should the police do?" Feng Jun replied casually, and then explained again, "Don't you save the cause and effect you accumulated? I can guarantee that I won't worry about it in the future, but I can't guarantee the previous ... or say you Did you know how to be a man before? "

Qiyu real person thought about it, and simply asked, "What do you say about me, can you let me go?"

You can come to apologize, I did n’t want to embarrass you, Feng Jun is also a little speechless, but I ca n’t ignore it if someone finds me to call me.

After all, you still have to fight for your character. If you have a black face, you ca n’t blame me for your black hand, right?

After thinking for a while, he simply said, "Then you can watch for me at Bailitan, I can let you go."

He really said casually, and didn't think that the other party could really agree-even more likely to be angry and angry.

But what if you get angry? He is not afraid. Rather than letting you linger crookedly, it is better to do it directly and simply kill you without any worries. If you can find out more Yanshou Dan, It's better.

So he was prepared to turn his face. This Qiyu is the third floor of Jindan, which is a little stronger than the second floor of Xinfeng's Jindan, but that's how it is. Now, how many Jindan are around Bailitan?

Of course, Feng Jun ca n’t just use someone else ’s Jindan, which is to owe human feelings-even if the other person does n’t say anything.

If you can borrow Jin Dan casually, he will not be a real person in Qiufengfang City, and even used a magical charm of the body-setting technique-the borrowed power is ultimately fake, and you are strong, In order to gain respect from others.

So he can invite Guyue real person to finish-because he does not have the corresponding influence, but if fighting, he would rather come by himself.

In short, he does not mind borrowing some momentum, but he believes that the other party does not dare to turn upside down because of the environment, and can only leave with grievances-when he is ready, he will come back to revenge.

But he still does not care, as long as you dare to go, I dare to bury! Just gave me an excuse to kill you.

In the final analysis, or the other party's actions do not meet his cognition, just leave it obediently, you have to make yourself conditional, is it really up to me?

However, to his surprise, Qi Yu was really not angry. He raised his eyebrows and actually began to ponder, as if he was seriously considering this matter.

After a while, he asked in a deep voice, "If I take shelter under the door of Bailitan, can I continue to do business in the furnace?"

"Thor?" Feng Jun was also quite surprised, but he quickly grabbed the point, "If it is a proper business, then it is no problem, but why do you have to do this kind of partial business?"

Qi Yu replied with a wry smile, "If you can do a serious business, who would do this crooked way? And I am familiar with this business. In fact, if the business is serious, this business is not evil."

"Just do what you want," Feng Jun is also a little helpless about this, "but if you really want to do serious business, I don't have a lot of hands."

"There is a decent business, of course the best," Qi Yu's face was a little smile, but after a pause, he said carefully, "Then my furnace business can continue to do ... ... mainly to maintain some relationships. "

Feng Jun couldn't help but roll his eyes—how much do you want to be a trafficker?

Qi Yu saw his disapproval and had to argue again, "Master Feng Shan, I don't do this kind of business. Someone still does it. If I do it, at least I can be more disciplined, what do you say?"

Feng Jun waved his hand and said weakly, "Then you can do it, but since you still have to do that business, don't be stationed in Bailitan. You can find a land in the adjacent place."

Qi Yu nodded and left, and within a few days, his manpower arrived. There were actually five dusting periods and more than 200 gas refining periods. They were bought more than 300 miles away from Baili Beach. A piece of wasteland with a radius of more than tens of thousands of miles also began to build a manor.

On this day, Guan Hongxiu felt that he was in perfect condition. He wanted to go back to Chifeng to attack Baodan. He specially entered the manor and invited Feng Jun to visit the ceremony—because she knew he was about to shock Baodan and feel the breath of her process of holding Dan. He helps.

Feng Jun shook his head and refused. He smiled and said, "It's because I want to hold the pill. I'm afraid to affect my heart. I dare not go forward ... If you succeed, I will have pressure; if you fail, you will be given I'm scared. "

But where is the tube red sleeve so fool? She turned her head to think about it and smiled and asked, "Dare not go?"

Chifeng has never broken his mind to bring Feng Jun back to the headquarters. In the past, there may be a plan to force a request, but now it is impossible to force a request, but he entered Chifeng, can he be put under house arrest?

Okay, house arrest is a bit too much, but Chifeng is a Kunxiu school, and there are not many other factions in the school, that is, the beautiful Kunxiu, you know, gentle township is a hero mound, I really have to meet the right person, Chifeng Feng Jun may stay obediently without doing anything.

Feng Jun laughed when she heard this, "It's really a bit of a worry ~ ~ The key is that when you hold the Dan, there will be Rongxun drums beside me. . "

"Hey," Guan Hongxiu sighed depressively, "You are not nearby, I really don't have much confidence in holding Dan, so I would like to invite you to watch ..."

At the next moment, her eyes lit up, "Otherwise, shall I hold Dan here with you? Just get your advice."

Feng Jun nodded, to be honest, his current deduction level is much better than before. "Of course I welcome, but there are two problems. First, is the Chifeng faction allowed? Second, can I invite you again? A trip to Rongxun Drum? "

In fact, he thinks the first question is the most critical. The magnificent Chifeng Rongxun now has the opportunity to hold the Dan. He actually chose a place outside the faction. Does Chifeng not have a face?

"Both conditions can be discussed," Guan Hongxiu turned and walked out, "I will say hello to Perry now."

The reaction of the Chifeng faction was also very fast. Early in the morning, Xia Nishang came to see Feng Jun, wondering how much he could increase the probability of success if Guan Hongxiu hits Jindan in Bailitan.

This question, Feng Jun is really not easy to answer. He thought about it and said that by three percentage points, he is still confident.

"That line, Guan Hongxiu is here to hold the Dan!" Xia Nishang expressed very simply, "Must have to trouble Master Feng Shan."

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