Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1975: Terrified

In the end, the people who stayed in Bailitan reached 21 people, and six more people. After they notified their relationship, the relationship instead fled to come-to be able to confuse with Master Feng Shan, and leave to do what ?

So Feng Jun's empty manor, the number of people began to increase, many things do not have to be personal.

The fifteen ordinary people can't start cultivation for the time being. Zhang Caixin told them that you have a three-month probation period. Once the probation period has passed, those with the exercises can work in the day and practice at night.

As for those who do n’t have the exercises, or want to get the right way exercises from the manor, they need to work for free for another three months.

One year later, Bailitan will apply for naturalization for them.

After Zhang Caixin arranged these people, she began to practice hard. In fact, she did n’t even want to take the lead. It was Yu Qingzhu who had to take over this matter. She had to come forward.

But Yu Qingzhu was curious about the many operations of this plane. After practicing, he would also contact the front yard for one or two.

Everyone practiced step by step. Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, three months had passed. No one had a decent breakthrough. The ordinary people who had reached the trial period all chose not to practice temporarily and continue to work.

A few days later, Mi Yunshan finally broke through and became the second floor of gas refining. Within a few days, Yunbu Yao Jin Refining fourth floor.

This time, Zhang Caixin was a little nervous. She was a proper Luohua No. 2 character, but in Kunhao, she didn't want to lose.

But then, more powerful competitors appeared, and Yan Yuxi finally built the island of Shijie in seven, seven, eight, and came to Feng Jun to discuss how the island should operate.

Sister Hong once again said that she wanted to go to the island to operate, but this time, Zhang Caixin stopped her and said that if you went to Shijie Island, when we returned to Luohua, it would be inconvenient to take you back.

To this, Hong Jie behaved quite bastardly, saying that you will go back to yourself. When I started a business, I encountered a lot of troubles, but did they all break through?

Zhang Caixin thought for a while, and finally whispered, "Yan Yuxi in front, Yu Yu in the back, and Kong Ziyi in the middle ... You dare to go to Shijie Island alone during the gas refining period, that's because you have the guts , But you really do n’t care about what happened here? "

Sister Hong thought for a long time and finally sighed, "Hey, what is this all about!"

Half a month later, someone came to Bailitan to see him, but it was the person Feng Jun had heard in Qiuchenfang City-Qi Yuzhen.

Qi Yu, a real person, is also in business, and the news of Xin Feng ’s real killing reached his ears. He was shocked, especially when Feng Jun was killed in Qiuchenfang City, and he was killed. Blood flowed into a river.

There is news that his name is also in the ears of Feng Jun, but he hasn't been on the reward list yet.

Qiyu real man was scared to shrink the business quickly, only hoping to get through this while, and the result was unexpected, he received the news that the Xinfeng real family was destroyed.

To say that, Qi Yu and Xin Feng are in a competitive relationship. Both of them have influence in Qiuchenfang City, but there are so many commonplaces in the world, and they can coexist without competing for competition.

Qi Yu's business scope was shifted a while ago, Qiuchenfang was gradually controlled by Xin Feng.

In fact, Qi Yu is also very familiar with Qiu Chen, especially he is very clear that the actual owner of a yard is Feng Jun of Bailitan. The lame girl with a scar on her face is absolutely not to be provoked.

Is just this kind of news, he knows it himself, it is impossible to tell Xin Feng.

So this time Feng Jun's actions in the suburbs, he also heard the details, knowing that Feng Jun's shot was a bit mean, but he also promised to let Xin Feng's family.

But now someone actually told him that Feng Jun actually slaughtered Xin Feng's family?

Qi Yu didn't believe this news a little, because even Xin Feng's family was not even known to him-of course, Xin Feng didn't know where Qi Yu's family was.

In other words, do n’t look at their excuses, they always emphasize their innocence, but in fact, they also know that they are doing things that are angry and complaining, and of course it is impossible to disclose the family address.

But I have to inquire again. He couldn't believe the news, because the news came from Xin Feng's grandson. On the day of the incident, he took the caravan to trade outside and was lucky to escape the disaster.

This person is also very slippery, worried about being caught and given to Feng Jun, he slipped after the news came out, but left the village's address, everyone is welcome to check.

This news made Qi Yu into a huge panic, because he was very sure that Feng Jun was not a person who liked to kill indiscriminately, and he was generally more particular about things.

What made Feng Jun change his behavior style? Obviously, such a thing as "selling the furnace" is not an indispensable crime in Feng Jun's eyes. It can even be said that he hates it!

In fact, Qi Yu is not surprised that Feng Jun would have such an attitude. There is definitely more than one Feng Jun who hates Luding trading in Xiu Xian Realm, especially some people who are deeply hurt by it. Not to mention chasing hard.

Qiyu is not interested in understanding, for what reason Feng Jun hated the people who sold Luding so much, what he has to consider is-his name has been passed into Feng Jun's ears.

Although Feng Jun did not start a reward, but when the reward is offered by others ... is it too late?

Therefore, he decisively suspended all furnace trips and asked people to understand at Bailitan how the rescued tripods were handled.

Feng Jun's handling method is beyond most people's cognition-Mei Jiushan's cognition is the mainstream, and those "betrayal" furnaces have gone away and left some, but no one has been Force to fulfill the original obligations.

Mei Jiushan didn't quite understand the logic of Feng Jun's doing this, but Qi Yu did it, he read out Feng Jun's original intention very clearly: this is a "moral person" who is dissatisfied with the furnace industry!

Well, there is no such thing as a moral person in the Kunhao plane, but that is what it means.

Especially terrifying is that in order to support the morality in his heart, Feng Jun does not even mind "very immoral".

Qi Yu observed for more than a month, and found that Feng Jun was indeed not doing it, and he was not sure whether he would be rewarded by Bailitan on a certain day in the future, so he made an important decision: Actively apologize!

Anyway, there is a posture, admitting punishment and punishment. In this case, if Feng Jun still wants to kill, then it really violates the greater morality of the plane-after all, he is not Xin Feng, and he did not offend Feng Shan. .

Moreover, there are more than Feng Jun's forces on the White Gravel Beach, not to mention the three major factions, there are Tianxintai, Tiantong, Songbaifeng and the like. Among these forces, more than three or five people have used the furnace.

Feng Jun really remembers this Qi Yu, but as Qi Yu thought, the other party did not offend him, and he had no intention of looking for trouble for the time being, it is the right way to honestly hold the Dan first.

After he succeeded in holding the Dan, he had a lot of time to find Qi Yu, or ... if one day he accidentally hit Qi Yu's people for evil, it wouldn't be too late to kill him again.

Hearing that the other party had come to the door, he couldn't help but ask curiously, "Who is this to spread the word?"

Feng Jun is now the key protection target of several factions. Most people want to see him, so it is not easy to pass in.

Mi Yunshan replied weakly, "It's Hongtong from Tiantong."

Mr. Hong is a guest secretary at the headquarters of Tiantong. He made mid-level repairs and made friends with Huangfu ’s family. He is currently the highest person in Tiantong from Baitong Beach. Although he is not the principal, Feng Jun admits that he.

"Humph," Feng Jun snorted, remembering something that made him uncomfortable, "I think he has a big face ... Forget it, let him bring someone over."

The sales of Qiyu real person is much stronger than that of Xinfeng real person, Xin Feng is the old-fashioned appearance of the fairy bones, but Qi Yu looks like a talented person, like a handsome boy in the world. Feeling like spring breeze.

After meeting, Qiyu real person gave a Yanshou Dan, the kind of Yanshou sixty years, if you buy it with spirit stones, it is worth at least three or four hundred thousand spirits-of course, you must first be qualified to buy.

Quan Lei said, there is no shortage of such things for people who do business in the furnace, but it is quite sincere to be able to come up with such a gift for the meeting.

However, Feng Jun did not rush to collect, just glanced sideways, and then said slowly, "This heavy meeting ... Why?"

Qiyu real person really knows how to advance and retreat. He did n’t have a real person at all. He raised his hand and said with a smile, "I heard that Master Feng Shan is offering a reward for selling furnaces. I did this before, and now I plan to stop doing it or not. After that, I also hope that the Lord of the Mountain will raise your hand high. "

"Just don't do it," Feng Jun nodded. He already knows the attitude of local cultivators towards Luding ~ ~ Although it is forbidden, many people are relatively numb, and now the other party finds an apology. Sincerity is also there, he has no reason to hold on.

Is almost a weakened version of abducted children. Thinking of this, Feng Jun is also a little helpless-I have a small abduction courtyard in the world of the earth. I came here to continue the abduction, should I be so coincident?

Anyway, the other party's attitude is correct, and he is willing to forgive-regardless of personal preferences, he must respect the local moral standards, "I always believe that people in the world have the right to survive, should not be regarded as ants."

He emphasized one point, "If you only do the business of repairing the fairy world, and do not embarrass mortals, I have no intention of interfering with you."

Cultivation of the Immortal Realm uses the furnace to practice, and it has its own rules. It usually does not do too terrible, or it will not be good to pass it out-it is more unpleasant to say, Feng Jun and many women have cultivated again. His goal is to help each other. , But it has improved itself.

Like him picking Zhong Lijing's picking, not only benefited from the small bell, but is it not a "furnace" in a broad sense?

But if the cultivators make up the furnaces of the ordinary world, there really is no lower limit. "As long as you don't have too many causes and consequences in the ordinary world, I really don't count. You can take it back to Yan Shoudan, and don't do it again in the future. "

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