Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1974: traditional mindset

Yu Qingzhu was really curious, knowing that before she came to Kunhao, she didn't know what her physique was.

As a result, it was good to come here. First, the disciples of the Red Phoenix School recognized the "Xuanyin physique". Later, because of their physique, they attracted outside covetment and even **** fighting.

For a while, she really believed Feng Jun's words-her physique was really not suitable for others to understand.

But at this time, someone once again pointed out her Xuanyin physique, and she could not bear it anymore-how do you know?

Nie Chifeng's expression is also a bit weird, "You are Kun Xiu, my Chi Feng school is also Kun Xiu, Chi Feng is Kun Xiu's masculine, you are Kun Xiu Xuan Yin ... This kind of breath conflict is not very easy to feel Is it? "

"It turned out to be the master of the Chifeng School," Yu Qingzhu nodded thoughtfully. "It's the Kunxiu School. I am in Zhige Mountain, and Chifeng's gas-refining Taoist friends can recognize my physique. See It really has a breath of sect. "

"How can there be a breath of life," Nie Chifeng smiled casually, "It's just the same way, but Xuanyin's physique is practiced in Chifeng, and you can do more with less. It's better. If you want to join Chifeng, I can be your guide. . "

Guiding people ... Yu Qingzhu was a little stunned. She came to Kunhao these days, not only went shopping, but also learned a lot of knowledge about the plane, such as four schools and five stations, of course, knowing the Red Phoenix School What kind of existence is one of the four major factions.

However, she really didn't know what was going on to guide people, nor did she know whether it was appropriate to rashly refuse, so she could only look at Feng Jun and reply with a smile, "This matter, Master, tell my boss."

Feng Jun directly shook his head and refused, "You can pull it down, Xuanyin constitution entered the Red Phoenix School, it is pure nine deaths."

He is very clear about the Chifeng school's exercises. Yu Qingzhu is not incapable of practicing, but it is really too extreme, and the danger is relatively great. If you think about it, the Kunxiu School has taken the masculine path, and then let Xuanyin's constitutional Kun Cultivate to practice, and you will die if you are not careful.

The key is that even if Yu Qingzhu has gone through those dangers, his achievements may not be so high. There will always be dangers in the way of cultivation. Mysterious physique will always be like a fuse, and there will always be hidden dangers of ignition.

In comparison, don't contact the Chifeng School in order to make better use of Xuanyin's physique.

Nie Chifeng blinked his eyes and said very seriously, "If it is not what you think, if Xuanyin's physique can solve the problem of both yin and yang, there is no limit to the future. Yuanying can be expected ... Once you enter Yuanying, you will There is a better choice of exercises. "

Feng Jun simply shook his head, "That's what you said from the perspective of Chifeng disciples. In my opinion, Yinsha's exercises are more suitable for Chifeng's physique than Chifeng. If she must enter the top four For the faction, I think the Taiqing faction is the most appropriate. "

Nie Chifeng sighed and stopped talking.

In fact, Chifeng has been trying to cultivate the Yin physique to break through the shackles of his school. He can even **** similar seedlings from Yinsha. There is a Xuanyin physique right now, which is really a little impulsive to abduct.

However, since he is Feng Jun's person, Nie Chifeng will stop here, and he is not happy because of this, it is too worthless.

"Oh, there is such a thing," Feng Jun said again about what Xin Feng did.

Then he said that he brought all the spare furnace tripods. "This matter, please also ask Chifeng to announce to the outside. There are still some good seedlings in it. You can also choose some of them."

However, Nie Chifeng ’s reaction was beyond his expectation, “Publicity is possible, but it is not necessary to include it. We accept the doormen, not just the qualification theory, the mind and the root are also very important. Since they have been in prison, just May affect the heart. "

In the final analysis, it is still the arrogance of the four major factions, what's wrong with good qualifications? We don't just look at qualifications.

This also shows from the side that Nie Chifeng also wants to guide Yu Qingzhu into the Chifeng school, which is also quite sincere.

However, this sincerity also depends on whom, because of the importance of Feng Jun to the Chifeng School, does he need to care about this?

Soon, thirty-two people were released, and Mi Yunshan placed them in the attendant room in the front yard.

The seventeen boys and girls from the mundane world are not very old, the oldest is only seventeen, and the youngest is not even more than thirteen.

They just came out of the cell, and they didn't know what was waiting for them. Although judging from the concentration of Reiki, they could be sure that they were still in Immortal Realm, but Immortal Realm was too unfriendly to ordinary people.

The other fifteen people with cultivation practices are somewhat better. They can intuitively feel that the masters here are not too malicious to them-not only do they not have closed cultivation practices, they can even move around at will.

Feng Jun found Mei Jiushan, hoping that he could help manage these people, and hoped that he would choose a few reliable and incorporated into his own system, the manor can cultivate them to grow.

Mei Jiushan's attitude is very clear. He recommends the 17 people who did not cultivate. These people come from the mundane world, eager to change their own destiny.

Leaving them and naturalizing for them, it is their own family.

As for talking about other people, it is not easy to say, especially those five who are already in the furnace, but want to resist and run away, Mei Jiushan believes that these five people cannot be trusted.

In his view, as a furnace ding, there should be the awakening of the furnace ---- or you do n’t agree to it, or do n’t borrow resources to practice it. ?

In Feng Jun's heart, he really wanted to accept these five people, because they all cultivated almost the same. Unlike the seventeen people, they had to down-to-earth cultivation from the mortal period, and he believed that a spirit of resistance was not What a bad thing.

In his view, cultivators should have their own ideas. Even if they recruit themselves, they should be able to think independently. If my mountain owner is not good to them, they can choose to leave.

So he smiled, "You are the typical thinking of the superior. As a furnace dinger, most of them are involuntarily. Do you really want to become a furnace dinger, did they have the final say? Now that you die, don't say Die later. "

"It may not necessarily die," Mei Jiushan replied casually, "Some furnaces will be blessed by misfortune."

Feng Jun knew that he was right, just like the traffickers of the earth, after the trafficking of children, some children's living conditions are much better than in the original poor homes, but because of this situation, should the traffickers not kill ?

So he shook his head, "You are only talking about individual phenomena. After many furnaces have been repaired, it is very miserable."

"I admit that you are right," Mei Jiushan nodded. "I also know that they are miserable. The reason why I do not recommend you to accept them is because these people have betrayed once ... once once, there will be a second time. , After all, there are hidden dangers. "

After a pause, he continued to speak, "Master Feng Shan, I noticed that most of your men are beautiful and beautiful. The safest and most reliable members are still born on their own. You have children, and those mortals basically also Can cultivate some cultivation ...

"Then let them grow with your children, and finally ... the family can be formed."

Feng Jun's mouth twitched, "Your suggestion is really ... old-fashioned!"

Mei Jiushan answered in a positive way, "My suggestion is not the best, but it is definitely the most secure. The foundation of building a Jindan family is very important. I hope that Master Feng Shan will carefully consider ... you are about to hold the Dan Now. "

Feng Jun touched his forehead and replied with tears and smiles, "You think of me too much ..."

This time, he deeply felt that there are also huge cultural differences between the earth circle and the Kunhao plane.

So he had to say, "Forget it, I will take the relevant plan, you can help me manage it."

Originally, he did not want to deal with such a small matter in person, but now it seems that he can't come out.

He still entered the manor, and discussed with his own people, and asked them who would do this management.

Mi Yunshan made her first statement. She is now the first level of Qi Refining, but she is not the same as the people from the earth world. Affairs.

This is because the Kunhao plane emphasizes the hierarchical system, UU reading www.uukanshu. As a person in the common world, com is able to practice because of Feng Jun's favor. She doesn't think that everything she deserves, that is to say, she has awe of cultivation.

If she can make an outstanding contribution, Feng Jun will give corresponding rewards, and then will hit the dust period. Once successful, she can take a higher position-this is her cultivation roadmap.

Compared with her, these people in the world of the earth have a relatively deep-rooted concept of equality, and they do not feel in the comparison how hard it is to practice.

After she applied for management, Yunbuyao also immediately applied for participation. Before that she was in Qiuchenfang City, which was really boring, and among these people, many spare furnaces came from the common world, which easily made her feel sympathetic. .

Do people still have to rely on Kunhao? In Feng Jun's heart, he felt a little inexplicable.

Finally, Yu Qingzhu said, "I also hope to participate in the management."

"Then count me," Zhang Caixin saw her voice, and immediately expressed his position.

Then everyone talked about it and made a general decision, which has two principles.

The first is that these thirty-two people have the right to leave freely, and the second is that they want to stay and accept the constraints of Lowe.

Zhang Caixin took the three girls out and announced the decision to those people.

Of the seventeen ordinary people, nine choose to stay, and the remaining eight have a little relationship in Xiuxianjie. They hope Luo Hua can help inform the relevant people. They are currently staying at Bailitan and earning accommodation through labor.

Two of the five "committed" furnaces hope to stay, and the other three thanked them and left.

All in all, fifteen of the thirty-two people are willing to stay.

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