Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1669: do you have any opinion?

For most immortal practitioners, it is forbidden to do anything in Fangshi. This is an iron rule, and Feng Jun has also followed it before.

But then ... he didn't do it once or twice in Fangshi, and the bad Fangshi was not a family of two.

Like Mingshafang City next to Baili Beach, when I meet the people in Baili Beach, no one dares to provoke them, let alone Feng Jun or Du Wentian. The Wu family just went to a gas refining period. There must be a special person staring at the side, fearing that there will be a person who does not open his eyes.

Feng Jun really hasn't done anything in Qiuchenfang City, but he thinks Qiuchenfang City should know how bad he is.

However, it turns out that he takes himself too seriously, yes, many people know that he is difficult to provoke, but the whole cultivation of immortal world, is it more than him?

Moreover, where is Qiuchenfang? It was the Customs and Excise City, guarding the passageway with Donghua.

Donghua Kingdom is a secular world, but I do n’t know how many immortals are cultivated. The descendants are all in Donghua Kingdom, and there are still many people who are related to the Jindan family.

Feng Jun released his consciousness and found that Gazi they were in the free market where he had missed Acacia, and at the moment, they were surrounded by more than ten gas-refining practitioners and a dust-raising period. people.

The two sides were arguing fiercely. At this moment, the first-timer who looked up at the sky glanced at the sky and said lightly, "Distances from Fangshi are not allowed to be far-sighted, please do it yourself. Ancestor! "

"Gazi, take them to the suburbs," Feng Jun's consciousness informed Gazi and recovered most of his consciousness.

He only left a trace of divine thoughts for surveillance, and even the junior elementary man could not continue to blame.

"Let's go," Gazi got the opportunity to speak, raising his voice, "Everyone follow me."

"No one is allowed to go!" A senior gas refiner shouted, "I asked the price not to buy, where is there such a cheap thing?"

Yun Buyao didn't know that Gazi got the notice, so he said, "Almost, I am also a local!"

"What about the locals?" The high-level gas sneers sneered. "My rule is to ask and you have to buy it."

Ga Zi glanced at the monks in the dusty period next to him, and asked lightly, "Do you care if this man?"

The master gave him a bunch of hands, "What do you want me to do? People's rules are written there."

At this moment, the two came over and smiled and said, "Yo, isn't this Xiaoyun? What happened?"

These two are not high cultivation level, one elementary level of gas refining and one elementary level of gas refining, but no one dare to underestimate the two, because they are fighting cultivation!

They both knew that Yun Buyao had something to do with Master Feng Shan. Although it was hard to tell from far and near, but since they met, they must definitely come forward to protect them.

The one who was in trouble was not afraid of war repairs, but did not want to provoke them, so he stopped them from leaving, but followed.

The two soldiers were very enthusiastic and wanted to **** Yun Buyao and her friends home, but Ga Zi got Feng Jun's advice and Shen Sheng said, "No need to go back, go outside Fang City ... it depends on what they want to do . "

Zhang Caixin glanced at him and asked in Mandarin, "What does the boss mean?"

Putonghua is basically a foreign language for people here.

Ga Zi nodded and Zhang Caixin discussed with Yun Buyao-go to the suburbs.

Gu Jiahui even released two all-terrain vehicles, "Go, get on."

Watching them sway to the outskirts, the people who followed followed a little scratching their heads-did they really meet their heads?

After hesitating, they decided to follow along, and behind them, watching more and more lively.

Both war repairs were a little nervous, "Xiaoyun, are you sure you want to leave the city? Persuade your friends to chant, or just wait a little bit ... We will help you call people."

The war repair is not afraid of fighting, but now the strength is a bit insufficient, it must be shaken?

"No," Yun Buyao shook his head. "It wasn't really your business, it was good to bring us out."

The two war repairers looked at each other and smiled bitterly, "We know that you have a dusting period, but it is not easy to mess there, unless you have the kind of dusting period of Lord Feng Shan, you may be able to overwhelm the other ... why fight This moment of leisure? "

"It's okay," Yun Buyao laughed. "I'm curious now, who is behind them."

The all-terrain vehicle is not too slow. It took more than an hour and basically drove out of Fangshi. At the moment, the people who followed were already hundreds of people, most of them were watching the lively, and there were two dusting periods.

Gazi drove the car directly to a small soil slope, where the bumps and bumps were uneven, and the vegetation was scattered. Obviously, not long ago, there had been a fierce battle.

Gu Jiahui put away two all-terrain vehicles, and the good scenery had already deployed a defensive position, activating the lowest defense.

Red Sister set up a phantom array, Ga Zi and Gao Qiang suspended in the air, looking at each other coldly.

Their unhurried response made the followers a bit big-this time, it was really a tough battle.

So someone shook hands and fired a firework, obviously calling for support.

In the blink of an eye, a flying boat appeared on the horizon in the distance, and the wind and the electricity rushed in.

The scenery changed, "Fast forward defense!"

In a few breaths, the flying boat flew close, and then stopped abruptly, slowly landing.

This is a small flying boat, and it looks like a group of ten people. There are two people who came out of the dust, one primary and one intermediate.

Looking at the defensive array that was shining brightly, the first-stage duster unintentionally smiled, and Shen Sheng said, "Close the defensive array! Otherwise ... let you know the consequences of disrespecting the superior."

The good scenery ignored him and directly raised the level of the defensive formation to the highest level.

The middle class out of the dust sneered contemptuously, "It's really your own death ... Everyone has seen that the responsibility is not on our side, Liu Daoyou, don't you come to teach these guys who don't know the good or bad?"

Liu Daoyou was the first person in Qiuchenfang City. He hesitated and shook his head. "Here is not the scope of Fang City. It is not my responsibility."

He did n’t know what Yunbuyao was called, but he knew that this person with scars on his face was indeed a resident of Fang City.

The two outgoing masters glanced at each other and smiled slightly, "Then it will be time for water milling."

The opponent's defensive position is mid-level, and it is impossible for the two to break through the defense.

At this moment, a mid-level cultivator of gas refining stepped forward. It was one of the two war repairs. He raised his hand and arched in a respectful speech, "I have seen two masters, these people and Bai Li Lord Tan Fengshan is somewhat connected. "

The first stage of Chuchen was stunned, but the middle stage of Chuchen raised his hand, turned into a big hand, and directly grabbed the other party, throwing it a dozen feet away, and spoke impatiently.

"The most annoying thing is that you guys do n’t move, Feng Shan Lord ...... Really think I dare not do it?"

This is what he said, however, even if he dared to do it, he just threw the other party out, indicating that he was still afraid.

At this moment, a voice sounded, "Why ... do you have an opinion on me?"

When I heard the middle class, I suddenly changed my face, my body burst into a flash, and I panned out for more than a hundred feet. Then I turned my head and looked at it, and then I was horrified, "You are ..."

His voice had not fallen, his body had turned into a white light, and he was thrown into the folding fan in Feng Jun's hand.

Seeing the dust at the first stage, he was horrified, "Feng ... Lord Feng Shan?"

He didn't know Feng Jun, but many people had heard of Feng Sheng's folding fan in his hand.

Feng Jun looked at him and asked slowly, "Do you want to bind your hands or wait for me to shoot?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding," cried at the beginning of the dust, "Master Feng Shan, I really don't know, they are related to you!"

"Isn't it?" Feng Jun Da Ladi said, "You have already been explained by war repairs, you don't believe it ... It seems that you are going to resist the corner?"

"I, I ..." Chuchen spit out two words at the beginning, suddenly flickered across the body, and directly shot away.

"Stay!" A mirror appeared in Feng Jun's hand, flicking towards the distant servant, a white light flashed over, and the rabbit, like an arrow hit, fell directly from the air.

This is the Yin Yang mirror that he got from Kunlun, which was already broken and unusable, and he used the Chifeng faction to help repair half of it a while ago. The rank is still rich.

Feng Jun glanced at the people present and said nothing, then turned his head to look at Feizhou, and Shen Sheng said, "This real person, are you coming out yourself, or am I asking you to come out?"

An old voice came from the flying boat, "Master Feng Shan really deserves a reputation, but ... do you know the sin of disrespecting the superior?"

"I know," Feng Jun nodded, and Da Ladi answered, "I'm standing here, and troubled real people come out to cure sin!"

There was silence in the flying boat, and then there was a heavy sigh, "Ah, I just talked casually ... Well, I just passed by accident, can I leave now?"

Feng Jun laughed, and then nodded, "Yes, then your family is waiting for my reward."

The old man sighed quietly, "You are forcing me to shoot."

"If you don't resist, I'll let your family and young people go," Feng Jun still said so much, "Of course, you can also not believe in evil."

The figure shook, and there was already an old man in front of everyone, his eyes were all white, and he looked like a fairy.

"It's a real Xinfeng!" Some people recognized his identity, and even more people turned pale and their legs and feet were soft.

Xin Feng, a real person, is a golden golden man with years of old mood, and he is very unruly and hearty. He often intentionally hurts innocent people when he starts his hands. Later, he was hit hard by the Miao family of Jian Jianfeng. area.

But even so, he is still very tyrannical in his work, and his reputation in the surrounding squares is very bad. Under normal circumstances, strong buying and selling cannot be achieved, and he must retaliate in the wild.

But now, everyone thinks: Why is Xin Feng's face unsightly?

(Updated to summon the monthly ticket.)

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