Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1968: came back

Yu Qingzhu's definition of Zhige Mountain is a very backward mountain area. Looking at people's costumes, it can be said that it was the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

There is electricity here, but as soon as she looked at the blasting generator, she knew that it was brought by Feng Jun.

But when she saw the train, she was taken aback. She said that Feng Jun's large-scale purchases were all shipped here.

Her judgment here is the same as Feng Jun's-it is a product dumping place.

As for the source of Feng Jun's wealth, of course she understood that jade is everywhere on Zhige Mountain-no wonder she can cover Bai Yujing. She has picked up a few pieces of good jade herself and intends to take it back to earth.

Anyway, looking at the difference between the two planes, she knew in her heart that it would be difficult for Feng Jun to make such cross-border trades without making a fortune.

However, she did not ignore the risk that Feng Jun took. The secular world may still develop a little better. If you cultivate the immortal world ... it is estimated that it is difficult. So many Jindan periods are dusty, and a small gas refining period can develop. Is it so easy to get to the 9th floor?

As for what Gu Jiahui said, Feng Jun and Jin Dan killed more than a dozen. She thinks it is an exaggerated statement, but in any case, he must have killed more than one Jin Dan.

They walked until the sky was completely dark before they began to go back. At this time, they could see the difference between Feng Jun's territory and the town.

The territory is brightly lit, similar to the night view of the city in China, and the towns outside the territory have only three or two lights. Except for the railway station, there are basically no street lights. Most of the lights are shops with a lamp outside. Is to solicit guests.

What's more, the oil lamp is lit directly.

Looking at the dim LED bulb, Yu Qingzhu became more and more affirmed that this piece of prosperity should have been brought by Feng Jun in one hand.

Not to mention the situation that night, Feng Jun's small courtyard is not big, but the people who come here can still do it in one room.

Early in the morning of the next day, the heads of the Tian, ​​Mi, and Yu families asked for advice and inquired about the situation of their children in Xiuxianjie. The Mu family came from an old family and wanted to apply for some children to live in Feng Jun's territory.

Living in the territory is not actually an end. The Mu family is a larger family than the Tian family, the Mi family, and the Yu family. Their goal is obviously to hope that more children will follow Feng Jun.

Feng Jun promised them to re-enter a thousand people, and emphasized that Tian Yangyi, the head of the Tian family, was mainly responsible for the territory. You helped me take care of this place, and it will be convenient for me to come back in the future.

Mujia's family also brought a pair of twins. They were quite beautiful. They all looked about one meter seven and sixteen or seventeen.

He wanted Feng Jun to accept them as maids-as can be seen, the Mu family also thought about it. At least this height must have referenced Zhang Caixin, Good Scenery and Little Heavenly Master, the female height of the Kunhao plane, generally It is about one meter six or five.

"No need," Feng Jun waved his hand and said lightly, "I have someone to take care of myself."

At this moment, Zhang Caixin made a noise, "Boss, accept it, just warm the bed."

Feng Jun gave her a white glance, drew a cell phone and swiped twice, then shook his head, "Qualification is not good, go back to practice martial arts,"

The twins burst into tears. They finally knew they were fairies in front of them, so they dared not cry.

The four family members retreated, and Feng Jun glanced sideways at Zhang Caixin, and said blankly, "What do you mean?"

"Let you have a solid foundation," Zhang Caixin replied straightforwardly, "At least these two are perfect!"

"Aren't you this nonsense?" Feng Jun said unhappily, "Here, during the dust-making period, you are not qualified to oppose the gas refining period. Don't make people think we don't understand the rules!"

"What's the relationship with the mundane world?" Zhang Caixin replied indifferently. "It's serious that you want to stabilize the foundation. It's much safer to find the girl here. There is no monogamy system."

Feng Jun snorted and lit a cigarette. "Do you know how many people there are in the Mu Family? With almost 100,000 people in the periphery, you can take them in to say ... Are you responsible for the 100,000 people?"

"Oh," Zhang Caixin drew a long tone and spoke jokingly, "It turns out that I didn't want to, but I was unwilling to be responsible?"

Feng Jun glanced at her and rolled his eyes helplessly, "Are you venturing today?"

"That's what I said," Zhang Caixin shook his head in tears, "I'm doing it for you."

According to her conscience, she should be less jealous of the people here. In the final analysis, her rank is strict, and the status of the maid is not very high. It is not difficult to turn over to be the master and the master.

But in China in the world of the earth, the idea of ​​equality between men and women is deeply ingrained, and there are countless top three.

"Go out and wander around," Feng Jun waved his hand. "I'll take a look at Yong Yi Gong to see if he has any new minerals."

Your mine and oil really came from here! Yu Qingzhu's eyes lit up, "Can I go with me?"

"Women just go shopping, men work hard," Feng Jun replied pretentiously, then glanced at her, and then told him, "You go shopping with Zhang Caixin, don't be alone."

There was little news from Yongyi Gong. The main thing is that the proprietor of the East China Kingdom knew that he had entered Beijing and sent someone to invite him.

Feng Jun is too lazy to take care of it. If you are a small sovereign and come to see you, maybe I will give you a face, and now I will send someone to invite you-who do you think you are?

Looking at the sky, he returned to Zhige Mountain, no one in the small courtyard, Liu Feifei saw him come back, stepped forward and asked timidly, "Lord Master, can I go with you to the Immortal Realm?"

Liu Feifei is now eleven years old and has reached 1.60 meters in length. He looks like a young girl.

Feng Jun's deepest memory is a girl who was very self-reliant when she was carrying a jade stone with her younger brother at the age of seven or eight.

The self-helper helped him, so he smiled, "You are still young, when you are fifteen years old, I will pick you up, and you are now helping me take care of my family and bring my brother."

Seeing that he agreed, Liu Feifei turned happily and ran away, "I will cook for you."

Not long after, Zhang Caixin and others came back and purchased some things. They even took a train to Zhige County.

When everyone laughed, Yu Qingzhu approached Feng Jun and asked softly, "Boss ... Am I Xuanyin?"

"Huh?" Feng Jun turned his head and looked at her solemnly, "Who told you this?"

This physique is really a little trouble, so he didn't tell her, so she didn't think she knew it.

Everyone heard the movement on their side and looked sideways together.

Yu Qingzhu's face turned slightly red, and he whispered, "I heard the disciples of the Chifeng School when I was approaching the town."

She had practiced the technique of earth listening, and her hearing was extremely sharp. She heard a hundred meters away, and someone whispered, "The girl in yellow dress in front of me seems like a body of Xuanyin?"

Among the pedestrians in the world of earth, only Yu Qingzhu is dressed in yellow clothes, and Kun Hao's plane, yellow clothes are not something ordinary people can wear, except that the royal purple is supreme, so yellow is noble.

Yu Qingzhu was always wondering what his physique was, so that the boss was always a little nervous. After hearing this, she took a moment to squint unobtrusively, only to find out that they were two Qi-kuns. .

She wrote down the colors of the two men and asked about the good scenery that often came to Kunhao, only to realize that they were the cultivators of the Chifeng school.

"Huh," Feng Jun blew his teeth and shook his head helplessly. "You can do this by yourself. Don't tell anyone."

After dinner that night, Feng Jun took everyone to Qiuchenfang directly.

There was only Yun Buyao in the small courtyard. She had already made three layers of gas. After seeing Feng Jun, she was very happy. "Master, you finally came. When will you take me to Baili Beach?"

"Waiting for you to make six layers of gas," Feng Jun replied casually, "Juling array is enough to practice, what are you in a hurry?"

Gu Jiahui couldn't help whispering, "Boss ... There are still female disciples everywhere."

She also saw that the female disciple was ordinary in appearance and had scars on her face, but she couldn't help but ridicule.

Feng Jun felt that he was wronged, Liu Feifei was a chef girl picked up by hand, and he was worried that she was bullied by the people of Xiaoqin Village before accepting it, and Yun Buyao was a monk waiting for an opportunity. It's the same with North Drift, but she is just "Xian Drift".

What's this all about, he can't laugh or cry ~ ~ and he can't explain it, he can only say, "Let's practice less."

The next day, he took everyone to go shopping, mainly to familiarize everyone with what is happening in the city of Fang Xiujie.

He didn't have to go back to Bailitan in a hurry, because Yang Yuxin moved to the 7th floor, and Gu Jiahui was the first floor of the Qi Refining Process. The mother and daughter's advancement required a process, so it was slower when going back.

So they went on shopping the next day, and Feng Jun stopped escorting and was lying in the yard, pondering what tasks to make, so that everyone could earn contributions.

That's right, he brought a set of contribution point management systems. There is also a set of Luohua Manor on the Earth's plane. The databases of the two systems can be shared.

But if you want to share it in real time ... it is estimated that the dead mahogany will not agree ... without such a small amount of power.

However, Feng Jun thinks that this is not a problem. Anyway, the time on both sides is not synchronized. On the side where he goes, the other side does not move the word and takes the database to synchronize, that is, it does not cost much.

Considering that most of the tasks will appear in Bailitan, and he is not clear about the status of Bailitan at the moment, he cannot design too detailed tasks, but can only outline the lead and consider the direction of possible future task releases.

He is very good at planning-although he did a failed life plan after graduating from college.

This plan was two days. On the afternoon of the third day, when his plan was at the end, the walkie-talkie on his hand rang violently, and Ga Zi's voice came, "Boss, somebody is looking for trouble, Qiuchenfang ... Can we Do it? "

Feng Jun has sorted out the final program, and he replied without hesitation, "As long as you don't lose money, go ahead ... Qiuchenfang City, I have the final say!"

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