Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1970: bad habits

When Feng Jun heard that it was a real person from Xin Feng, he knew what was going on. He lifted his chin and said, "I will do it myself."

"Master Feng Shan, you are asking ..." Xin Feng's face became more and more ugly, "I already cooperate with you!"

Feng Jun sneered, and showed Fu Bao, "I will give you three breathing time options."

"I am willing to compensate," Xin Feng said quickly. "For some ants, it is not worth it, and it has not caused substantial harm."

"Breath," Feng Jun said coldly.

"To be honest, I thought people would just hit your banner," Xin Fengzheng still explained quickly. "It wasn't intentional provocation."

"Three Breaths!" Feng Jun did not shout two Breaths, he shouted Three Breaths directly, and then the white light flashed directly to fix people.

This kind of behavior takes place in the world of the earth, and may be regarded as wit, but in the Kunhao plane, it is a truly despicable act.

It's not surprising that such a cognitive gap appears. Kun Hao is serious about being upright and giving what conditions he wants to achieve.

And this kind of skipping two and calling three directly, appeared in the movie in the earliest world, is to describe the villain, and later did not know why, actually became a stalk representing "wit".

The onlookers couldn't help but whispered quietly, and felt that Feng Shan's big name was a bit disgusting.

Feng Jun disregarded their feelings and stepped forward to impose a ban on Xin Feng.

If it is put in the past, he really can't put a ban on Jin Dan's real person, that is, now, when the dusting period is completed, he will wait for the impact to hold Dan, and he can barely restrain Jin Dan's first stage.

Then he glanced at the people present and sneered, "The perverted ones die, don't say I haven't warned you."

Now, he has become a recognized villain from everyone's eyes because he shouted from "one breath" to "three breaths", so no one would dare not listen to him-a gentleman can deceive him, but the villain must never provoke of.

He flew out, grabbed the first half of the dust-throwing first-stage duster, and then hooked his finger at the high-level gas-refining high-orderer who initially caused trouble, "You ... come here!"

The man fell to his knees and kowtowed, "Master Feng, I know I'm wrong. Please give me a chance!"

"I asked you to come here, but I was disobedient?" Feng Jun hummed softly, and turned a big hand behind his head. He shot the other party directly, picked up the other's storage bag, and threw it to the war that was thrown out. repair.

That Xiu Xiu was overjoyed, thanking him incessantly, and Feng Jun didn't respond. He just waved his hand, and then hooked his finger at a middle level of gas refining, "You, come!"

The middle class of Qi-refining usually knelt down to the ground, then walked forward kneeling, walked directly to the place about three feet in front of Feng Jun, and continued to kowtow, "The Master is forgiving, forgiving ... The small is no longer afraid . "

"It's smart," Feng Jun snorted. "Speak, what's wrong?"

"We shouldn't ... shouldn't buy or sell," the man wept bitterly, "shouldn't bully strangers."

Feng Jun dragged his phone and spoke lightly, "Li Yuqian, right, you talk nonsense, I will destroy you!"

The man raised his head and said in amazement, "Master, what I said is true ..."

Feng Jun raised his hand a little and directly burst his forehead, and then raised his hand again, "Come here!"

This is also a mid-level gas refiner. After he came over, he fell to his knees and fell to the ground, "Master, we are wrong, we should not look around for the furnace ... I am doing this for the first time. Destroy me. "

"Humph," Feng Jun snorted coldly, raised his hand to break his Dantian, and said indifferently, "Death is exempt, living sin is hard to spare!"

Then he glanced around and said coldly, "Xin Fengwang is called a real person, and the boys and girls with superb physiques are everywhere to make furnaces. Do you really think you can hide me?"

This is the reason for his "despicable" action against Xin Feng-this kind of scum is not worthy of fair treatment.

Among the onlookers, many people were surprised, and apparently did not expect that the real people were doing such a thing.

But there are also people with a calm face, which may not be that they have known for a long time, or maybe they ... have nothing to do with themselves.

After Feng Yun collected Yunbuyao, he heard people mention that some people specialize in taking captive children of the top physique, and they are also connected with the people in Fang City. Unfortunately, he was not qualified to care about this matter.

Later, he accidentally talked to Yan Yuxi. I had a named disciple who came here. Yan Yuxi replied casually, saying that behind these industrial chains, there were real people backing her, and she read a few names casually. Among them is Xin Feng.

As soon as Feng Jun heard that Xin Feng was a real person, he guessed the reason, so he showed no mercy.

So why are some people indifferent? Because this kind of tragedy has nothing to do with the residents of Xiuxianjie.

In the past, some people did not believe in evil, and they chose the children of the fairy world to start-there are certainly more good-looking seedlings here than in the secular world.

But it can't stand, and there are many masters in Xiuxian Realm? If someone really wants to be investigated by a master, they will often be able to bring out a large piece, and then these people will scream and beat the rats, and they will often be destroyed by angry monks.

There have been many similar incidents, and no one dared to fix the idea of ​​the residents of Xianjie, but aimed at the ordinary world.

Of course, because immortals are not allowed to bully the terms of mortals at random, this kind of behavior cannot be done honestly and only secretly, and it is precisely because of this, Mi Yun dare not come to the "customs" to take luck, and Yun Buyao did not dare to be unwilling Claim your own physique.

But for the residents of Xiuxianjie, since it is not their business, vigilance against similar incidents has gradually decreased. Over time, there is basically no vigilance.

Up to now, people in Xiuxian Realm have been basically immune to this situation. Although even in Xiuxian Realm, occasionally a child will be missing, but generally speaking, most of the unauthorized furnaces are from the common world.

This is an objective phenomenon, and it is basically impossible to completely obliterate. That is, "There is no killing without trading". How many people are trapped in the embarrassment of being unable to break the mirror, so this need can be regarded as "just need" .

For example, Yan Yuxi can produce nine layers of dust at the age of sixty. She is a master who has a lot of practice and very little red dust. She can know a few guys who do this kind of thing. A certain size.

But then again, most of the needs are realized through "licensed furnace tripods"-those furnace tripods may not be completely voluntary, but at least there are various procedures and the roots are clear, and they are not forcibly taken.

In fact, because of the practice of some people, the furnace tripod may not necessarily be damaged, and it is possible to maintain or even improve the practice.

It does n’t matter how you say it, it is definitely not appropriate to forcefully plunder the furnace—this is not correct, but some practitioners ignore it.

Feng Jun lifted the lid, and everyone's reaction was only surprises and surprises. Even if someone felt that Xin Feng should be arrested for doing this kind of thing, it did not reach the level of righteous indignation.

However, Feng Jun did not care about their attitude, but lifted his chin slightly, "The accomplices come out automatically, I will only kill you, otherwise you will suffer the whole family."

Of course, no one took the initiative to come out. At the time of the trouble, the three people were at the front. The others just waved their flags and did not believe that the other party could really tell who was the accomplice.

Feng Jun smiled coldly, "Since no one is out, then I will be able to inform you, can not be counted as a punishment without teaching!"

A beginner of refining gas trembled and stood up, "I ... I just got together and usually drink some wine with them."

Feng Jun also really knows that this guy is indeed not the gang. They are all stalling in the market, knowing each other, and occasionally jointly suppressing goodness.

He raised his finger and broke the opponent's Dantian, "Deng Linjuan, bullying the city, and abandoning the cultivation base!"

Although he shot fiercely, another one stood up, "I ... I also join in the fun, and the man is forgiven!"

Feng Jun slapped this person again, "She Zai said ... Dare to deceive me, Zu Zhu!"

His brutal means did not scare people-this kind of killing is not uncommon in Xiu Xian Realm, but accurate judgment and unhesitating shots really shocked everyone: this person is so decisive?

Even after killing a few people ~ ~ after abandoning a few people, the people hiding in the crowd have no fluke, most people still take the initiative to come out and seek death.

Feng Jun didn't spend much time dealing with these people. After cleaning up, he put away the other's flying boat, turned his head to look at Zhang Caixin and others, and said expressionlessly, "Go, go and kill me."

The first one they went to was She Zai Taoism. He didn't need anyone to lead the way. He rose into the air, and the others followed him in a flying weapon.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Liu from Nafang City hurriedly spoke out, "Master Feng Shan ... Fang City prohibits flying!"

"I have been patient with you for a long time!" Feng Jun waved his hand, struck the river, and smashed people directly into the ground.

Liu Shangren didn't originally activate the defensive symbol, but the high crown on his head was a mid-level defensive magic weapon. This high crown only lasted less than a second and was beaten by a rotten, but there is this Seconds, enough for Shang Liu to use defensive symbols.

Unfortunately, his defensive symbols are only mid-level, and Hehe once again broke the defensive symbols.

But at the end of the strong crossbow, after all, he was unable to wear Luyin. Shang Liu was beaten into the ground, and a large "human" shape was inlaid on the ground, but he himself was not seriously injured.

He looked up at Feng Jun and looked up at Feng Jun. His eyes were full of surprise. After even spurting two blood, he said in disbelief, "You ... how dare you hit me?"

"What's the matter with you?" Feng Jun dropped a bound immortal cable and bound the other party firmly, then reached out and put a ban on the other party. Then he sneered and said, "I dare to kill you, I don't know you Believe it or not? "

The behavior of the other party just now is not explained by the three words of "inaction", and it is light to say that "connivance" is almost "embarrassment".

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