Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1967: Back again

After shaking the ground twice, a large flame burst out of the surface and quickly took off, forming a cloud of mushrooms.

The energy of Feng Jun ’s seal in the Yin and Yang fish is actually not very large. The fire that can be excited explodes, and the equivalent of a hundred tons of equivalent. It is no problem to sink the warship, but I want to completely destroy this institute It is almost impossible-even if it comes from a fire inside.

However, he sealed a trace of red flame in it, this thing can continue to produce high temperatures of nearly hundreds of thousands of degrees.

Compared with the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees produced by nuclear firestorms, this temperature is still a little bit lower, but the point is that this real fire can last for about ten minutes before it will be assimilated and lost.

What's worse is that there are ammunition depots in the underground of this institute. Some of the ammunition is still very powerful. The high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees is enough to cause them to explode, so that the self-destruction process is also triggered.

Of course, the most important thing is that the institute is mainly built underground. Except for a small number of vents, it is almost equivalent to being closed, and the fire explosion caused by the enclosed space is not as powerful as the open space.

After the mushroom cloud vacated, the ground shook rapidly again, and seven or eight small mushrooms appeared gradually, which looked shocking, and this violent vibration made people a hundred kilometers away have a strong sense of shock.

Feng Jun believes that this time the losses of the Mai Guo people are absolutely not small. The cost of this research institute will be much higher than that of the destroyer, not to mention that there are still a lot of equipment, materials and research results, and the peripheral defense force has also been lost. Mostly.

But the most important thing is those researchers. These are the real wealth. The average person says that sailors are a difficult military service, but how long does it take a qualified researcher to train? Not to mention the elites among the elites.

It is for this reason that some scientists have been evaluated as "capable of five teachers".

Anyway, Feng Jun believes that blowing up this research institute is at least five times more cost-effective than blowing up the destroyer!

However, the response from Maiguo was a painless announcement: a research institute had a fire and the biogas exploded.

In fact, what everyone did not know was that the Mai people quickly reversed the search and found that two North Africans, motorcycle riders and Eric died at the same time with a weird smile on their faces.

After the North Africans, no one died in these links before going to the institute, that is to say, the other party's revenge targets refer to the messenger and the researcher, and the intermediate links that don't matter are skipped.

The people of Mai Guo wanted to find the trouble of the Qingcheng Beyond House, but it is a pity that it is the site of Gaul.

It is not easy to let the Gauls deal with Taoism. First of all, the Gauls are very arrogant. The Gauls are not screaming. Secondly, Zhang Dongyuan has also been active in the local area for a short time. The average person is really bad. Embarrassed this place called.

What's more, there was a violent explosion in the front foot Maiguo, and another piece of yin and yang fish was hung up in the Qingcheng other courtyard.

The two points of yin and yang fish are like black and white and two eyes, releasing a strong sneer: there is a species to steal again!

In fact, Zhang Dongyuan was still quite distressed about the loss of the first Yin Yang fish. Fortunately, Feng Jun told him: You do n’t need to worry about this matter. I will go back and deal with it.

As for the big explosion in Maiguo, Feng Jun did not tell Zhang Dongyuan that he was really afraid to scare him.

Anyway, another piece of yin and yang fish came over to make up for the loss.

On the third day of the yin and yang fish hang, a police officer came to the door-Eric died strangely, and they came to find some clues.

Taoist said that we are only responsible for receiving believers, not paying attention to their daily lives.

A policeman pointed a finger at Yin and Yang fish, "what is this, take a look at it."

"This is a Taoist magic weapon," the little Taoist did not know how to translate the "Magic weapon", so it was translated as "has the power of the gods", and said, "I dare not touch it, I hope you do n’t touch it, otherwise you have to be careful God's punishment. "

The policeman hesitated for a long time, and finally did not insist on touching it-he collected money from people, looking for opportunities for embarrassment, especially this yin and yang fish, but in the current Gaul, the sect called freedom of faith is the correct rule.

In fact, who might be a little singular, who wants to provoke more?

Feng Jun believes that this yin and yang fish will make Mai people's eyes and beads red, but how about that? You have the ability to send a few guide bows to blow up Gaul! Anyway, as long as you dare to start, I dare to retaliate.

Of course, this kind of behavior puts Qingcheng ’s other courts at risk for a long time, but what is not dangerous? Qingcheng has gained a lot of benefits. When it comes time to carry it, can't it shrink?

After dealing with this matter, Feng Jun informed Luohua ’s core members and asked everyone to clean up and prepare to leave.

This time, the person who went to the Kunhao plane has one more high-strength-he is congenital, and he is also eligible to go to Xiuxianjie.

Everyone was concentrated in the small board room of Feng Jun's cultivation ground before they set off, and a person was not far away, it was Yu Qingzhu.

She looked at Feng Jun faintly and whispered, "Is this time still without me?"

Feng Jun actually knew that she was listening to practice, so it's not surprising that she got the news. Faced with her gloomy eyes, he raised his hand and touched his forehead. "How have you learned Haozhou dialect?"

Yu Qingzhu's Haozhou dialect opened his mouth, "After a year of practice, how do you listen?"

Feng Jun pouted and finally sighed, "It's a chaotic place, it's dangerous ... have you thought about it?"

Yu Qingzhu nodded without hesitation, "Think of it, I will listen to you."

She doesn't think Feng Jun is cheating herself, but since he can come back safely with others every time, as long as he obey the arrangement, the danger should not be great.

Gu Jiahui had a good relationship with her and said with a smile, "When the boss took me for the first time, he didn't say there was danger there."

She was joking, but Feng Jun coughed a little, "I said, her physique ... forget it, Teacher Mei, take out the Soul Tower."

In the past, it was more appropriate to bring one or two people with a spirit beast bag, but this time there are so many men and women, let's use the Soul Tower.

The Soul Tower is also a magic weapon for imprisoning people in battle. It has eight positions, not next to each other.

The people who went to Kunhao this time, in addition to Feng Jun and the good scenery, were also the mother and daughter of Yang Yuxin Gu Jiahui, sister Zhang Caixin Zhang Weihong, monks from the two martial arts of Gazi Gaoqiang, plus Xiao Tianshi and Yu Light Bamboo, There are ten people in total.

However, there were seven people in the Soul Soul Tower. The good scenery didn't put away Yu Qingzhu, but just ordered her to say, "Come and hug my arm and hold tight."

Yu Qingzhu saw Zhang Caixin and others being admitted into the Soul Gathering Tower without resistance, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, but he didn't say much. Hearing Teacher Mei said so, he stretched out his arms and slinged her arm.

Immediately after, her eyes were dark, and when she could see things again, she was already at the foot of a big mountain.

Yu Qingzhu did not rush to speak, but first felt the aura around him, and he was a little surprised in his heart: the density of this aura ... Is it really not on the earth?

Zhang Caixin and others were released. The first to speak was Master Tian. She spoke fluent Haozhou dialect, "Boss, why did you come to stop Geshan?"

"Let's inspect the industry first," Feng Jun answered with a smile, "Anyway, there are gatherings here."

Without talking a word, a person flew in the distance, shouting in his mouth, "Bold, who dares ... Hey, it turns out to be Master Feng Shan."

Yu Qingzhu saw that the score was clear, and the other party was actually a cultivator in the dust-making period, flying entirely on flesh.

Feng Jun recognized the person, nodded with a smile, "It turned out to be Taiqing Ma Daoyou ...... The inspection is so strict, is something happening?"

Ma Daoyou was a first-time student and a disciple of Taiqing guarding the Tianji Mountain of Zhige Mountain. He smiled when he heard, "No one has such a courage. I just feel that the atmosphere fluctuates here. I want the owner to go home. "

"I'm coming to the secular world to do some business," Feng Jun answered him casually, and then took everyone to visit the Zhige Mountain, and at the same time let out his breath and save others from bothering.

Although the guards of Taiqing and Chifeng are here, Feng Jun is the solemn master, and others cannot naturally say anything.

After visiting for a while ~ ~ Seeing that it was getting dark, Feng Jun took everyone to fly over the river and came to the small courtyard.

Of the ten people, only Yang Yuxin was in the mortal period, but Feng Jun took care of her and specially obtained for her a flying implement that could be used in the mortal period, a six-petal flower seat, the price of this implement Even comparable to magic weapon.

Seeing them coming, Liu Feifei was nervous to cook, but Feng Jun told her that she couldn't do it in a hurry, and we had to go to the town for a visit-Zhige Town is now very large.

He was thinking about inspecting the industry, but Gao Qiang and Yu Qingzhu, who had just arrived, were quite surprised: why there are no people around, but there are so many temporary buildings here?

Gao Qiang was a little better. How many listened to Gazi's mouth, Yu Qingzhu was completely unclear about the situation. She found an opportunity and asked Gu Jiahui quietly in private, "Jia Hui, there are a lot of cultivators in the dusty period?"

Taiqing ’s dust-off period still scared her somewhat. On the earth, she knew that there were only three dust-off periods. Boss, Yu Kun ’s palm, and Ma Sanniang, how could there be a random one out here? Dust period?

"Zhige Mountain is a vulgar world, basically there are no immortals," Gu Jiahui replied casually, "but Zhige Mountain is the boss's industry, and there are treasures in it, so there are monks from Taiqing and Chifeng. "

Yu Qingzhu felt the aura, and asked uncertainly, "Here is only the mundane world? Then the corresponding is ... spirit land?"

"No, it's the Immortal Realm," Gu Jiahui replied in a low voice. "The spirit there is even stronger. There is also a Gathering Array that can be practiced in the Jindan period ... I think he intends to hold the Dan there. "

"Cultivation Fairy Realm ..." Yu Qingzhu murmured softly, her eyes slightly shining, but the next moment, her eyes were brighter, "Is that a train?"

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