Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1966: Theft

Can see that Zhang Caixin is really happy, but Yang Yuxin snorted, "This is no big or small guy."

Of course, she also casually said that when she sent Zhong Lijing to Feng Jun, Xiao Zhong already understood the relationship between Director Yang and Feng Bo.

Zhong Lijing didn't care too much about it. As long as she can be with Feng Jun, she doesn't account as much. "Zhang Yunzhen is famous?"

Yang Yuxin smiled disdainfully, "If there is no Boss Feng, who knows who she is? I can really get rid of this potential stock of Boss Feng, I really admire her vision!"

"So what else does she have," Zhong Lijing said subconsciously, "purely blind ... but blind enough, if she is not blind, there is no chance for us."

Feng Jun and Yang Yuxin glanced at each other and laughed-they now know Zhong Lijing better, knowing that she is purely inattentive. Others say this, they may be deliberately flattering, if she wants to say that, she really thinks so.

This evening, Feng Jun did not take a rest. After practicing yoga, he meditated silently to adjust his breath. He felt that his condition was almost perfect and he could try Baodan.

However, Hunyuan swallows Tiangong with a cooling time of about half a year, he can go to Kunhao plane and polish it for a while.

Would you like to bring Zhong Lijing this time? He was a bit hesitant. It is said that Zhong Lijing is not yet at the third floor, and it is impossible to take it, but he just thought about it this way-this is a typical Jiangnan beauty.

It can be seen that men are all big hoofs. When the adulterous relationship is hot, the apocalyptic aura will be automatically generated.

But after all, he was still a little sensible, and soon realized that it was not appropriate: you do n’t know Haozhou dialect, you ca n’t bring it.

The next moment, his brow was slightly wrinkled, his figure flashed again, and he disappeared into the air.

By the time he appeared, he was already outside the Qingcheng Taoist Temple in Gaul, at the moment Gaul was in the middle of the night.

His mind was swept away, as it was, the yin and yang fish hanging on the corner of the hall were gone.

That yin and yang fish is the charm of his stay in Qingcheng, can be excited three times, has been used once, only Zhang Dongyuan can drive.

Now that Fu Bao is gone, Feng Jun throws out his consciousness and quickly locks a motorcycle more than 20 kilometers away.

There is only one rider, and the yin and yang fish are packed in a box and tied to the back seat.

Interestingly, the material of the box is a little weird, the yin and yang fish's breath is looming, and it has a strong shielding function.

What Feng Jun wants to do most now is not to take back the Yin Yang fish, but to take away the box-Lin beauty will love it very much.

But it is imperative that he still check to see who stole the Yin Yang fish.

The time the thief stole the Yin Yang fish was probably ten minutes ago. Feng Jun ’s reaction was a bit slow, but this is also something that could not be helped. He could not pay attention to it all the time. It was only when the Yin Yang fish began to move quickly that he discovered It's wrong.

It is a pity that the people in the Taoist Temple of Qingcheng have not found the Yin and Yang fish stolen, but this is not a dereliction of duty.

In other words, all the masters knew that there were secrets hidden beside the martial arts field, but no one knew the importance of Yin Yang fish.

For ten minutes, it ’s really not too easy to go back in time. Feng Jun found the picture at the time. Although the other party showed a pair of eyes, he still locked the suspect—Eric, even the one who sold the watch had to go on. Fragrant Eric.

Feng Jun always believed that although Gauls were lazy and lazy, they should have faith. They were the ones who went to the Bastille. Later, there were red books, barricades, yellow vests, etc., which proved that they were invincible .

But you have become a loyal believer of Daomen, stealing Yin and Yang fish?

This thing really ruined people's views, and Feng Jun's evaluation of Gauls has changed again.

But this is not a major thing. Eric has complete information, so do n’t worry about it.

The key is that the one who is riding a motorcycle is not Eric, that is to say, that suitcase is not available to Eric.

Feng Jun flew and flew to the top of the motorcycle.

At this time, it was supposed that he should take down the person, and then search the soul to find the culprit level by level.

But on Gaul ’s side, it ’s not that Feng Jun did n’t play hard. The last time Daniel was organized by the “Tower”, he was killed directly, and he did n’t go to search for souls one by one. Trouble.

Anyway, there are only a few black hands behind the scenes. What if they are locked? As long as he cannot kill all of them, this kind of thing cannot be avoided completely.

So he quietly imprinted on the motorcycle rider and did not rush.

The rider drove more than fifty kilometers, put the box on the side of the small bush, and drove away again.

Feng Jun originally wanted to go down and think about the box. After searching on the phone, he found that there were cameras in the surrounding area, so he was too lazy to find a cigarette to ignite and silently smoke.

He found some changes in his mentality. For dealing with the opposite of the plane of the earth, he is no longer like before. He must find out the culprit, but he is more inclined to come to a wave of killing.

Anyway, those people are intimidated. Even if it is possible to give in temporarily, it is impossible to give up the covetment. It is better to kill one at a time.

So his mentality changed, he saw his opponent as ants more and more, and killed if he wanted to kill, and he had so many things, could he commit so much effort?

That is, just after a cigarette, a car came in the distance. The co-pilot came down a man with a headscarf, walked straight towards the grove, picked up the box, and put it in the trunk to gallop And go.

From parking to continue to start, the time before and after does not exceed ten seconds.

But this is enough for Feng Jun to find out the identity of the two-two North Africans.

Then he stamped two more times before saying that he wanted to go back to Luohua. The man in the turban took a call and instructed the vehicle to turn.

Feng Jun was curious for a while, and stopped his movements-it was only one o'clock in the morning anyway. It was very early before dawn, so it is better to sleep first.

Going round and round, the two drove to a football club and stopped to sleep.

After dawn, someone took the box from the car and sent it to a church.

Are you still a Holy See person? Feng Jun thought about it, or returned to Luohua, he was not in a hurry for this kind of thing, to see where the other party would continue to send the box-he is too lazy to search for souls at the first level, but also hopes to find more senior characters .

But to his surprise, that night, the box was sent to Mai Guo embassy again.

Feng Jun didn't understand it. Isn't the Holy See's relationship with Mai Guo very general? Now what kind of **** operation is this?

So he did not have to rush to shoot, and wanted to see what the other party would do.

The box was put in the embassy of Maiguo for three days. It is estimated that many people are studying. Feng Jun would like to give the other party a cruel thing, just like Belgrade many years ago, but in the end it was still restrained. It depends on the other party. How will it develop.

After that, things became more and more bizarre, and the box was taken to a destroyer of Maiguo. To be honest, Feng Jun was really itchy when he found this situation, but obviously, the destroyer did not have too much Strong research conditions.

Ten days later, the box arrived in Maiguo and was transported by air to an institute located in the middle of the desert.

There is strong security around the research institute. Obviously, this is a military forbidden area.

Yin and Yang fish, as objects with "weak energy fluctuations", were accidentally discovered by them, and through a series of operations, they found Eric, who was familiar with Taoism, and asked him to steal this "decoration".

Eric did n’t want to do it. He knew very well that Taoism was not easy to provoke, but the other party explained that we wanted to buy, but Taoism was not for sale, so he could only “take it for himself”.

Of course, the last thing that impressed Eric was still a generous reward. 30,000 euros was enough to make him betray his faith.

In order to prevent the mysterious power of Taoism, the transportation of this yin and yang fish is also procrastinating. In fact, whether it is a church or an embassy, ​​it is testing the power of Taoism tracking until the thing is on the warship.

The Chinese people in the country are still very confident in their warships. Although the navy is not quite peaceful in the past two years, the missing submarine is definitely caused by Ivan. Only the disappearance of the Lexington is still unknown.

The Yin Yang fish was transported to the research institute, and the Mai people were less worried about safety, but for safety reasons, they were sent to the underground research room 200 meters deep. At the same time, the defense did not seem to change, but the security level Raised to the highest.

In the research room, various safety protections are also well done. Next to the yin and yang fish, there are only two research institutes wearing full protective clothing, most of them are viewed through a single-sided glass ~ ~ or even a camera .

The first day is the recording and testing of various contents, leaving a lot of information, and then the indicator research.

The next day was the ingredient test, but on the next morning, around ten o'clock local time, the piece of yin and yang began to glow, the brightness did not increase quickly, but it was quite determined.

Two researchers froze for two seconds, and for a while did not know how to do it, or the remote expert stated, "Oh, my God, don't explode, lower the shield ... prepare for evacuation."

The heavy and transparent isolation cover slowly fell, and the yin and yang fish was covered in it. After half a minute, the yin and yang fish had been lit like a neon lamp, and its brightness was still improving.

"There is an unknown huge energy generation," a crazy cry came from the headphones, "Evacuation, all evacuation ... Turn on all the walls, repeat it, turn on all the walls, this is not a drill, this is not a drill!"

Unfortunately, it is useless. Since the establishment of this institute, various defenses have been added, and even reinforced concrete with a thickness of tens of meters can resist the attack of Muhai weapons, but most of the defenses are aimed at Attacks from outside.

One minute later, the yin and yang fish finally burst, without much noise, but the violent shock wave and bizarre high temperature instantly penetrated various defenses.

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